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?iAs;vf IM KIi tok v. Asx Arbob Commandkry, No. 13 meels flrst fuesday of eaoh mouth, C. K. Hlscock, E. C; John II. Miner, Recorder. WASIITE5TAW OHAPTRB, NO. 6, R. A. M.- Meets nrst Moaday each mouth. J. L. sume, H. P.: Z. Roath. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlau, M. D. DI8BASH OB TUK EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFiCE AND EESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET IIour.s : 1 to 1. and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. "VOGEL & KBB1T DEALER IN AI.Ij KINDS Of FRESH AND SALT MEATS PouUry, Lardt etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O E. Aii ii St., Ann Arbor. W. W. NICIIOL.S, DE1TTIST. Rooms Urer Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Oip. Court House Square. VZTALZZED AIR Adminletcred. It ie arucable and easy to take, and no prostrallng eilects follow, whlle teeth are eitractcd without pain. WILLIA1TI IIERZ, House, Sifm Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTERI Paperlng, GlazlDg, Gilding, and Calcimtnlng, and worlt oC evcry deecrlptlon done In the best style, and warramed to give eatiefaction. Shop, No, 4 W. Washinerfon St., Ann Arbor. 'D1ALEK IN CLOTH CASKETS, MITALIC VmiI Cotnmon Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or Night. Krabalmlng a Hpecialty. Htoreroom on E. Washington Street. Resldence Cor. Liberty and Flftn. i UI è Wfffliè W JiVilGilililC fiwlift CAPITAL $50,000. SÏÏBPLTTS $7,000. Aflflitional Liatillties of Stocfcholflers $5O,OOO. STATE OP MICHIGAN, ) BANKING DEI-AKTMKNT, Office of the Commissloners.J Whkreas, by satlsractory evldenco presented to the underxigned, lt luis been raade to appear tbat the Farmers' and Mechantes' l!ank,in theclty of A.nn Arbor, In theCounty of Washtenaw, 8tate ol Michigan, has comiiliid wlth all the provislonsof the Qeneral Banking Law of the siate of Michigan reijuired to be complled wlth before a corporatlon sim 11 be authorlzed tocontlune the Business of Bauking. Now therefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, (ommlssloner of the State Banking Department, do hereby certlfy that by that the Farmers' & Mechantes' Bauk, aforesald, Uauthorized to continue the business of banking u8 provlded In sectlon 00 of the Gen'l Banking law of the State of Michigan, fr,. S.] In wltncss whereof wltness my hand and seal of olllce at Lan.sing this i'2d day of June, 1889. T. C. SHERWOOD, (om. of the Banking Dept. UlG rallllülu (X iUöblldlllbb Diu.lL havlngflled thelr certincate wlth the State llMiiking Department are now authorlzed to do business as a Savlngs Bank, and In pursuance thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings department on all deposlts of $1 and upwards, Interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The savings department is open Saturday nlghts from 7 untll S o'clock. Mouey to loan In sumsof Í2-5 to f5,000 secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securltles. Rcnben Krmpf, ('Iim. direene, K Dufly AmbroHe Kcur"■} , Win. V. vi'i'in, W. F. Krrakey, J. K. II. u, Jolin Unrit, D. F. Scliairer. R. KKMPF, Pres. E. DUFFÏ, Vice-Pres. F. il. icii.siit casliler. Ia THE CREAT m Germán RemedyJ 1aTRUTHS FORTHESlCK.n "TTTTiïüiirTiêntinylTIÖÖÖTïïrTöTiiuill BlliousSpellsdcpend fora case II ausi'i.i-HCRBiri-EiiS mil'B Bitteks willlll It wlll cure you. not nsslst or cure. It 0 ■ -:,., „,!. er falla. Cl Dtlinttlredandallgonc cieansctheviti:itedl feellntc; tf so, use uio0d when jou scclll Sri. puur JhTTEBS; its ïmpurttlcs burst-lll it wlll cure you. ing through the Hklulll ■rTrT?!TTjrn!!rö In Pimples, BlotchesJII clseïv confine ï in n1 Ecl' OD the milis and SLV -uh wïil ftS'ö ■shops; clerks.who do "n(1 health wlu io1 Hl not procure Buffident J mm ■111 exerdse, and all who Sllpiii;k imttersI I areconflBedlndoorB, wlu cure LlyerCom-ll shoulil use Si:i.rniB .)1alnt. 1)on.t t)C (il8.l I BiriKKS. Thcywil Uiraged; itwlllcurelll Mglcltly. 1 Ito s Uerfrom KheWum ■'"" "P 4 IHatism, use a bottle of mnk(i L'ou strongandltl IIISüLrHUB Hittkrw : healthy. III llltr-cvpr fallstocure. sili-ihk BittersM SS DoTt be without a will make your bloodn 1 "bottle. Try it: you iure,richndstrong,W henlth, who are all reus to-nlght, and III run down, should nse you will sleep welllll - i I i . i ■ I ■■ I ■ ■ ■ i i i . ■ ■ ' f- ■ - -r 11 U Do you want the beet Medical Work published? end 3 2--ent stampa to A. P. Ordwat ét Co, Boston, Mass., and lecelve a copy, freo. wTuülz IS OFFERISG BARGAINS mm AND JWIIl LOOK AT THEM S Iba. GI)OD JAPAN TEA Sl.OO 7 Bare L4DNDBY SOAP & BEST HICH. TEST OIL, per gal. 07 BEST WATEB WHITE, ' " O8 3 Cani CHOICE TO.VATOE8 25 3 Cana CHOICE OK. 25 ÏELLOW PEACIIES, wortlt 25o. per Can, lor 18 PIE FEACHE8, per Can 15 I 1M., til V i:i KOASTED CUFFKK, per 1b 25 " Ol It BEAUTY " s vl(. TOBACCO, per lb 20 BF.ST IIAKIM; POWDKR, In 1 lb. )ans per lb 25 MIXED OANVYi per lb 10 ALL G00D2 FRESH AND WARRANTED ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH -4 ■W. F. LODBOLZ, 4 ói O BBOADW1Y, AX.V ARBOB. 1530 HU f kil I lOCIf 9 thia piper, ar obuin itimatei on advortising pace when In Chicago, will find it on fila at 45 to49 Randoiph S. ., QR L,TUA1C


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Ann Arbor Courier