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Clienp Hardware. The Eberbach Hardware Co. are now closlng out the stock lately owned by John W. Hant, at the HiiDt store, at coat. Everythlng goes, tnust go, and (o be sold at once. Come early. 3w Dyspepsia Makes the livcs of many pcople miserable, and often leads to selí-destructlon. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick lieadaclie, heartburn, loss of appetite, a íalnt, " all gone" icellng, bad taste, coated tongue, and lrreguDi5trAöa larity ot tlie hovrcls aro iiaucss somo 0( tj,e more common AftOr Bymptoms. Dyspepsia does pa:ncy not 6et well oí ltself. It taung reqülrcs Careful, persistent attention, and a. remedy like Hood's paiilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efflclently. It iones the stomach and othcr organs, regulates tho digestión, creates a good appetite, and by thus erU overooming tho local , OICK toms removes the HeadaChG tlietio ettect9 ol tho discase, baaishes tho hcadache, and reireshes tho tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsla. I had Irat littlo appetitc, nnd what I did eat Heart' distressed me, or did me hiY X litUo eood In aa hour DUrn afcr cating i would experlenco a falntness, or tired, all-gono ieeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trouble, I thlnk, was aggravated by my business, which Is that of a palnter, and irom bclng more or less shut up In a Cnu roomwithfreshpalht. Last _ oour spring I took Ilood's StOITiaCn rilla- took tliree bottles. It did mo an immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food rellshed and satlsfled tho craving I had previously experlenced." Geobge A. Paue, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldbyulldrugglats. Sl;sbcforg5. Pf cpared oüly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothegarios, towcll, Jlass. IOO Doses One Dollar


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Ann Arbor Courier