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Card of Tlianks. I lieieby dosire to extcnd to ill of ray friends my thanks for the mnny kindnesses extended to me dnring my past illness of over tliree months from rbimmatism, and I cspecially desire to teil theni that bilt for Sulphur Bitters I shouUt have boen suffering still. May you never suffer what I have, ia the wisïi of jour friend, B. H. Tayleur. A little Portland boy wbo bad commltted some misdcmeanor for whlch tic was about to rcceive puuishmcnt ut the hands of liis motber, begged to be first allowed to go to hts room. Permission was granted, and the cblld went up stalrs to bis own room and closed the door bebind bim. Tlie niother followed and I ís- tened outside, after telling him he must hurry and come down agatn to receive his punishmeut. The boy went to the side of the bed, knelt down, and this was his prayer: "Dear Lord, if you love little boys and want to help one out, now is your time.1' The prayer was answered. - Lew Is ton Journal. Bucklen's Árnica Sal re. The Best Salve In the world for Guts, Bruises, 8ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever 8ores,Te'ter, Cliapped Hand?, Chilblains, Corns, all Skin Kriiptions, and positlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. lt is guarantecd to K've perfect eatisfaction, or inoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale bv Eberbach & Son.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier