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JIASOAIC DIltKlTORI. Abbob Commandeky, No. IS meets hrst Cuesday of eacb month, C. E. Hlscock, K. J.; Joon R. Miner, Recorder. Washtesaw Cuai'Tkr, No. 6, K. A. M.- Maets ftrsl Mouiluv eaota month. J. L. Slone, H. P.: Z. Roatli. Kecretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan,M. D. DISSABEfl of rm; EYE, EAE, NOSE AND THEOAT. OFFICE AHD RESIDENCE, 26 SCÖTfl D1VISI0H STREET Hours: 1 to4, and :30 to 7:80 P. M. VOGEL & ZKHEZRUST DEAI.KH IN ALT. KINDS ot" FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poule ry, Ijirdy etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O K. Aun SI., Aun Arlior. W. W. ICIIOI, jd zettest. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, ü). Court líense Square. VZTALZZED .XX. Adralnlatered. It in agrueable and eaiy to tako, and do prostrallng cllect! iollow, while teeth are ezlrticieil without uain. uimj n iierz, House, Sifrn Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! 1'apcrÍDíí, Glazlnp, Gilding, and Calciminlncr, and work of every description dono in the beat etyle, and warrantcd to give satlsfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washinecton St., Ann Arbor. O. ndl. MABTIIT, 'DEALKK IN CLOTI CASKETS, METALIC And Coramon CofSns. Calis attented to Day or Nlglit. Krabalmlng a speclalty. Stoieroom on E. Washington Street. Resldence Cor. Liberty and Flftta. UI y íifíUSiS w iYiïCllftlllbS iilá CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLU3 $7,000. Aiöitional Liatilities of Stockholflers $5O,OOO. STATE OP MICHIGAN, 1 BANKINO DEPARTMENT, Offlce of tbe Coramlssioners. J Whkreas, by 8atl8raotory evidence preBented to tbe undersigned, it has been made to appear tliat the Farmers' and Mechanica' 1 mk, in thecity of nn Arbor, in theCouuty of Washtenaw, Stato of Michigan, has complied with all the provlslons of the General Banking Law of the Stnte of Michigan requlred to be complled with before a Corporation Bhall beauthorlzed tocontinne the dubItit'Ns of Banking. Now therefore, I, Theodore C. Bherwood, Commlssloner of the State Banking Department, do hereby certlfy that by that the Farmers' & Mechanica' Bank, aforesaid, lsauthorized to continue the business of banking as provlded In üection IH) of the Oen'l Banking law of the State of Michigan. [L. S.] In witness wberaof witness my hand and seal of oilice at l.ansliig tbls 22d day of June, T. C. SHERWOOD, ('om. of the Banking Dept. The Farmers' & MeclaÊs' Bank havlngdled their certlflcate with ttie Stat BaDking Department are now authorizcd to di business as a Savlngs Bank, aud in purbuauce thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings departraent on all depoalts of SI and upwards, Interest pald June lat and Dec. lst, of eacii year. Ihe savings ilepartment Is open Saturday nlglits from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Moneyto loan In sumsof $25 to $5 000secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securlties. DIRECTO RS-Renlien Kempr, Ohas. ";ene '. ufly, AmbroHC Keari ï.' ii1": C "tevens, W. F. Hr.-uk.-y, ' J. - ll.-ul, John Bare, D. F. Sclialrer.-i B. KKJII'K, Pr,8. K. MfFFÏ, Vlce-Pres. V. H. IIF.I.SHH, Casliler. ' IThe Grealest Blood Purificr KNOWN. f I Thls Grcat Germán Medicino is the# III chcipcBt and bost. 128 doses of SU LM II Pin UlSlTTEKSfor$1.00,les3than# L III one cent a dose. It will cure ihcW Ui □ worst enses of skin dlsease, tromW m .1 comnion pimple on . the farxiM f W Ito tliat awful lUseaae Scrofiila. S SULPHDB BITTEKS is thcW S best medicine to use in all# "" ■ case3 of such stubbnrn anl#yollr jj,i II deep seated diseases. lo#neyS aroom I not evur take #of order, r III BLUE PILLS Mg&gVfM Hl or mereury, they are dead#." " ','.,: J ' 111 II the purest and bcst#yu uae Ij medldne ever rnade. JBp,nr Bltter3 1 I to with a yellowstlckyDon't walt nntll yon til Imbstance? Isyour#aro unablo to walk, or Ifl breatb fonl and#areflat on your back.l I offensive? Your#butget somc at onre, it I I Btomach is out#will cure you. Sulphurlll of order. Use#l}itters is a SJk Invalid's Frlend. g EflimmediatelyThoyoung", theaprerl and m III Ik your l'r-#teringare soon nuulewell by 1 1 III ine lhfk,Wt$ usc Kemember what you 1 1 ropy, clo-jread here, it may save your III jluüy, orWHte, it has savcd hundreds. III &■ #Dou'twaituntilto-morrow, f ïry a Bottle To-day! □ Io" M Are you low-spirited and wcak,( 3 Mor siifferlnir from the expssea of III S#youth? If 80, SULPUüB JUTTERS II 'Wv.M cure you. Send 8 2-cent stamps to A. P. Onlway & Co., Boston. Mass., for best medical wurk publisheU? W. F, LODHOLZ IS OFFERIJfG BARGAINS mm AND JWIII LOOK AT THEM 5 lbH. Gl)OD JIPAN TEA Sl.OO 7 Bara L1CNDRV SOAP L3 BEST KUCH. TEST OIL, pergal. O7 BEST WATER WHITE, " " 08 :t iiuH hok -i-: : Tm vioks 23 3 Eam CHOICE COKSI 25 ïK.l.l.ll1 l'i: A ims, wort li 'Zóc per Can, lor 18 PIE PEACHE8, per Can 15 IIK, MIX Kit KOANTE COFi i;i:, per 1b 85 " O1IR lli:l IA HinUKING TOItACCU, per lb 20 BEST ltKIV(. POWOER, In 1 lb. Cans, per lb 25 3IIXED ('AMIV, per lb 10 ALL GOODS FRSSH AND WARRANTED ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH -er W. F. X.ODIXOX.Z. 4 A O ItltO IIIWA Y. A AKBOR. IfiM Bil Cll I IwCIld thu papei, or ottein ej'.in-.ite on advertising space whtn In Chicago, will find it on filo at 45 10 49 Randolph St., AQH ftTUflllftC thAi)vltitineAgoncyi,f LUnll 01 1 IIUHlRWi


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