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Death Of Wm. Cousins

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Death lias been reaping a lively harvest in tbis city for the past two weeks or more, and among tliose whose presence wHl be seriously misseil in our city, ia Win. Coufin?, of the flrm of Cousins & Hall, florists. His death occurred on Wedncsday last, Jan. 22d, of pneumonía, superinduced by la grippe. He was 43 years, 1 montli of age. Funeral services were held on Saturday p. ra., f rom St. Andrew's cliurcli. The K. O. T. M's, of wliich he was au active member, and a Past Comuiander, turned out about 50 strong. The pallbearers were Past Commanders N. J. Kyer, E. E. Be;il and C. li. Davi?on, and Lieut. Comtnandcrs J. 15. Williams, öeo Dengler and J. M. Cook. Kev Henry Talloek conducted the Episcopal service at thechureh and at the grave. Mr.Cousins leaves a wif'e and one child In faiily good clrcumstances. He was a man very nnieh reapected In business circle?, and one of tlie class who can be illy spared. The following action wiis takon by the vestry of Andrew'a Episcopal fiburcl), of wbicb he was a member: At a meeting of the vestry of St. Andrew's church, held yesterday, the followiiif; resolutions were adopted: Be It resolved, Tliu't in tho death of our lato brother In Christ. Win. OotulDS, st. Andrew's is doubly altlicted by ilie loss, not only of one of 1U most falthful vestryinen and parishloners, bul, also of one wliose early man bood gave promise of many Ioiik years of Cliristian usefulness arnon: us, and it is witli feclings of mlngled aadneu and satisfuction tliat wliile mouruing hls unlimely death we can recall ns ainong the most s'riklugof hls many cstimublu traits of private oliaracter, hls over manly and honorable perseverauee In business jillairs, hls unswervlna intesrlty, hls Eental and cpntledemeanor toward all. and Irs manifest Cliristian purity of purpose In every wet of hls lire. Hurely suuh liave their reward in Heaven. Resolved, That we wlsli offlcially to testify our blgh regard for one who for several years been associaied wllh us as a veetryman and has ever been prompt and falthful In the discharge of bis duUesnnd In hls devolion to the welfare of the church, and to thls end the secretary Is dirpeted to spread the resolutions upon our mimi'es, and to seud a certitied copy of same to the bereaved family. At the regula f meeting of Arbor Tei.t 296, K. O.T.M., held Frlday eyening, Jan. 24, tiie followlng rcsolntions were unlmourly adopted: Whekkas, Our Heavely Father In the dlspensatlon of His wlse provldenoe, bas permltted death to enter Arbor Tent io. JS) i iiinl remove therefrom our brother, sir (Cnlght Past Commander Win. Cousins, therelore be lt Resolved, That our Tent bas lost one ol lts most zealous and trustwortby nu mbers and the bereaved laraily a loving husbaud and B kind Iiither, and be lt lurtber Resolved, That the Sir Knights of Arbor Tentextend to his beren v.'d family our heartlelt sympathy In thelr dire afllicllon, and thatour charter bedraped iu luuurnlng for a perlod of thirly ilays. Resolved, That these resolutlona be S])read upou the records of our Tent, a capy t them sent to the family of the deceased, and that they benublished in tho Anu Arborpaperg, and in the Michigan Maccabee, our ofttcial orean ÏOSRPH B. WILLIAMS, HUDSON T. .MORTON, FKANK. G. OÖ(3OOD, Committee.


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