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Of the pía}' of "David Garrick," which 3 to be brought out at the grand opera house on the evenings of Jan. 30 and 31, the Chicago llerald has this to s;iy: ïhe role Is one of the mostexacttng. It demands from theaclress the abllity to deplct every gamut of human passion. Miss Bt. John, howtjver, leaves nothlng to be desired. Her cm! Imrsis of passion are kept witliln the bounds of nature, and j'et possesses the ring of true feellng. Theie are no tagey poses or arliüciul attitudes. In all her scènes, she n -i's i o the perrectlonof artlstic excellence. Every movemcnt was graccful, and the whc li performance merlls the highest pntise we can accord. Indeed, we can concetve no better representación of the character on the EngligU stage. Go and hear tlic renowned tiaveler, Kennan, at Univcrsity hall, Snturday evening, Feb. lst. Of the play of "David Gu-rick,'' at the pera house, Thursdaj' and Frlday evenings, Jan. ,30 and 01, the Cleveland 'laindealer remarks: A large audience assembied at this new )layhouec yesterday alternoon. The old comedy "David Garrlek" was renlly well put n. Mr. Oeo. M. Wood, In the title role, presented the "actor and the gentleman" vitli tht) griteo and diguity which the part iemands, whlle in the second act the alterdinner boisterousnesa was a true portrayal of a bacchanalian orgy. Allss 8t. John as May tonstone proved herself a thorough arlist, and the representation was a llni.-hvd plece of actlng, whlcli was tlioroughly appreclated. i'he leading artists were calied before the curlaln ut the close of the second andthlrd acts. The evening performance was a repeillon of the success of the afternaon. On Saturday evening, Feb. lst, at University, hall, tho public will be Interested olearn from the Ups of Kenoan himself', he true story oí Siberia, and Russlan opres8ion. Miss St. John pofitively held her audience spellbound in the death scène, and no liner piece of powerful actinr has leen vvitnessed here. It was vortl13' of Jernhardt. A pin miirht literallv have been heard to fal), so great was the uwvoua tensión on tlie feelings of ;he audiencc, uhi "-_llijcurtain ell the reaction cair.e wiili ein.- astic plaudits, whicli re-called tlie artlst efore the curtain. Evldently exhausted vith the mental strain wliicli had proluced eo thrilling an effect upon the pectators. - Detroit Journal. Miss St. John was truly au ideal May vhose wltchery and pathos werc inimitale. The close of the second act wrought he audience up to tlie liilKst pltch of xcitement and Mr. Wood and Miss St. ohn were obliged to nppear before the urtain to acknowledgo tlie calis. The ostuming of the pnrts in rich old E:iish toilettes of the days of the Georgcs was alone wortli the prlce of admission o ee.- Ottawa Journal, Scpt. 11, 1889.


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