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For His District

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Oiir representative in Oongress had a lilt with Breckenbridge, the famous Kentucky leader of the democracy, last week on the disctiss'on of tlie McKtnley tariff revisión bilí, wherein lie takes a strong stand for the great interest of tlii.s district, the protectlon of our sheep. We quote from his remark?: " Mr. Chairmao, I do not promise to make a speech on this bilí, but to cali ate tention to thccxtraordlnary circumstancthatn bilí reported by a committee with no mlnority report given to the House, yet on the floor of the House ia attacked In all lts essential features by members of the committee that reported it. It is, I say, an extraordinary scène to see the mlnority members of a committee undertake, in the face of the mnjority, to radically cliange In :ts essential features a bilí they are supposed to have concurred in. They In thelr amendments override not only the opinión of Secretary Manning, who whiie he lived was the chief of the Treasury Department luider the late democratie administration, but they gave no intimatlon uutil the questions eame up here that they were goinsr to attack their own bil!, thus leaving the law to stand confessedly wenk as it is. Now, the country is interested not only In this bill, but In the one that is to coine next from that committee, and it is especially interested Jn sieing to it tliat frauds at the custem-houses shall cease. Undervaluations, false invoice?, :ind making false entrie3 as to quality. especially in wool, have been potent factors in breaking down the prosperlty of Amerienn farmers. My own district, which is a farming district, has thou.sands and hundreds of thousands of sheep, and is hundreds of thousands of dollars poorer to-day because of the fact that under legislation asit now exists men are stealInj; the markets of our poor peoile by bringlng into this country ander falsc pretenses wool whiclt, after it isimportcd and put upon the market, Is uscd for purposes different from tliat for which it pald duty, thus lowering the prlce of eyery poudd of fine wool in the country, and I can BOTlire my friends upon the otlier side, in the minority of this committee, that the American farmers propose to have these leaks stopped, and they are not going to wait for a traverse jury to stop them, but wlll insist that fraud and false sweariug shall be summarily dealt with by the courts, and if they eau not get their lights in that wiiy they vi!l try some other. ïhis bill, if t was to lm altacked at all by the members of the Ways and Means Committee, ought to have been attacked in the committee. It ought not to have been brought belore the House, leaving us to suppose it was an unanimous re port, especially when sucli attaeks, could they be successful, would destroy for the most part the efficiency of the" proposed relief."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier