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Next week Friday la Sr. Valentine's Day. Zachariah Iloath is now a uiembcr of the firm of Bach & Abel. The saine oíd mud aiul rain, a eold wave is promised, however. Tralns of ice are being hauled to Toledo over the T. & A. A. Ii. R. Jo=cph Scott, disorderly, given five days In jail by Justice Pond, last Monday. Rev. Dr. Ilaskell will speak next Sunday at the temperance meeting in Cropsey's hall. Will F. Stimson has bought tlio east lot of the Enoch James homestead, on E. Liberty st. lias not the old saylng "a green Christmas makes a fat graveynrd" been verified tbis year. There are fewer cases of grippe by hundreiis, peiliaps, but Ihere are some yery serious ones yet. The Lidies' Cliaritable Union meets i ii Ilobait hall parlors to-morrow, Tliursdny p. m., at 3 o'clock. A little tea-purty was Jfiven at Prof. Rogers Monday, In honor oi Dr. Buckley, who was entertnined over Sundayby A. L. Noble. Gentlemen Diiving Clubs are being formed n many places, and everywhere the result is a better looking lot of turnout9. Ann Arbor miht well fonn in line. "The Hlstory of a Notable Text, wbich ■was quoted by St. Paul." This will be Dr. Studley's subject of discourse next Sunilay eveiiing at the Methodist church. Welcome for all. Next Monday night at 7}L o'clock, n the chapel of St. Andrew's clmrch, Rev. Tutlock is to commence a seríes of confirmation lecture?, preparatory to the visit of Bisbop Davies on March 231. Ilenry Masten feil througli a hatchway at the Anti Arbor Agricultural works, yesterday, breaking h3 right leg in two places. Ie was a serious accident, and Mr. Masten has niuch sympathy in his nlllictlon. Last Sunday was candlemass day "half the wheat and half the hay.1' As the ground nog carne out tliat day also, and liii not see his shailow, it ij to be presuinetl that we shall have a fine spell of weather the rest of the winter. Dnring the late high wlnds, au evergreen 30 feet high on the burlal lot of Eber White In Forest llill ceinetery, was blown over, roots and all, and some damage was done to the famlly monument. The life policy of $2,000, held by Win. Cousins In the supreme tent of Miiccabees was paid last Friday, the proof of death having been forwarded the Tucsday previous. If that is not prompt action we never heard of any. The Miccabees are king bees truly. We understand that the Attorney General has decided that the new election law does not apply to local electious so far as the printing of tickets are concerned. But so far as the fitting up of polllng places with booths are concerned it will have to be done. Hev. Mr. Sunderland's subject at the Unitarian church next Sunday evening will be: "How to Study and how not to Study the Bible. Fictitious dates, misleading chapter readings, wrong translations, etc, of out common Englisii Ver. sion." Everyone is particularly requested to bring a Biblc. The editor of der Hausfreund evidently feels bad. He is not troubled with the grippe, but with dyspepsia, undoubtedly. He devotes a column or ao to denouncing in elegant, refined, scholarly and bigh polished language the Courier and its editor. The article, however, is lts own answer and needs none from us. The large auditorium of the M. E. cliurch was unable last Sunday evening tiholdthe throng which came to hear Rev. J. M. Buckley, D. D., the editor of the N. Y. Ctiristlan Advocate. He spokc under the auspices of the Wesleyan Guild, upon the rarlous classes of doubters, well malntaining bis reputation as a brilllant extemporaneous lecturer. On Monday last Judge Kinnc rendered a decisión in the case of Cornwell Manufacturing Co. ys. J. M. Swift & Co. The decisión flnds for Swift, givlng bim the privilege of putting on four feet flush boards on the dam. He also flnds that Swift & Co. were damaged, but how muchwas not shown. And so the Judge will, on the 24th of February, hear arguments and take evidence upon that question. One of the pleasant cvcnts of the season was the marrlage on Wednesday last, of Mr. Kobert Thompson, of the Auditor's office of the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R., Toledo, Oliio, with Miss Matie, daughter of Chauncey Orcutt, of AV. Miller Ave., of tuis city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. T. Sunderland at the home of the bride's parents. There were about fifty immediate f riends ef the family from tiiis city and Toledo present, and the gtfts were both nuraerous and valuable. On Tliursday, Feb. 13tt, the Cliequamegon orchcstra go to Detroit to play for a fashionable wedding. Xïancy FUher, disorderly, wa9 given five days in jail on the 30:h, aud greed to get out of towi). It is ?aid that the ncw postagc stamp to be Usued $0011 will be about one-clglith smaller than the present ones. The Univer.-Hy Glee Club, accoinpanied by the B:injo Club, will give an entertainment at Dexter S.iturday evenlng. Francés C. Monroe, of Webster, died on Jlonday, Feb. 2d, aged 54 years. He was an oíd soldier, and a man very much respected in hls neighboihood. President M. A. Wilcox, D. D., of Kalamazoo College, will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday inorning and address studenta especially in the evening. Nlx or seven cases of la grlppe bave re" sulted fatally at Arm Arbor.- Saline Otserver. Right glad would Aun Arbor be if ttaat wero all. Wm. Stanton and Ed. Rogers werc sent up 20 and 15 days respcctively for being disorderly by Jnstice Butts. Wm. Miller was also given 20 days. All tramps. John A. Cushing, township treasurer of Webster was the first town treasurer to settle vvith county treasurer Brehin for state and county taxes, which lie diil last Saturday. Frank E. Place applies for a diyorce from Anna II. Place. Ypsilanti parties. John C. Huebner also seeks to have the niarriagc relation exlsting between hiintelfand Anna Hcubner annihilateti. Orinan J. Negus died with pneumonía, superinduced by la grlppe, on Sunday last. He was a cooper in the shops of 8wift & Co. He lost hls wife by deatli abmit a year ago. His remaiua were placed in a vault and will Ui taken to Adrián. Several citizens are going to Detroit Friday evcning to attend the Methodist Rally at the Detroit Rink. Among other adclresses Prof. Henry Wade Rogers speaks on "The Devoted Methodist in Society." Dr. Biickley of N. Y. has "Methodism Present and Propective." Emil Baur, secretary, announces that at the next meeting of the Washtenaw Pomologlcal Society on the flrst of March the first topic to be discussed will be the the improvement of our roads. Mr. Juniiis K. Beal will open the discussion by an address. Farmers and citizens are cordially invited to attend. Among the naraes of people for government positions who have pissed civil service cxaminations we find the following: CE. Stevens, Ypsllantl; Miss A. C. Childs, Whittaker; "Win. Emmert, Chelsea; Q. S. Snyder, P. C. Wueeler, A. N. Morton and L. D. Austin, the lattcr flve for the railway mail service. Malcolm McDougal, of Bridgewater wlio died last week at bU home, was for 25 years a justice of tlie peace of tliat townsliip. Iu 1S50 lic was a member of the legislature. It is toldofhim that he voted for the prohibltory law passed at the time, and before nlglit of the same day broke the law. A quintette, known as the II. & S. Club, consisting of the füllowing young gentlemen: J. A. C. Hildner, Leonard Hildner, Nathan Stanger, Sicnon Dieterle and Henii&n Gundert, went to Saline last eveiiinii to furni&h music for the Farmers' Institute, held under tlie auspices of tho Saline Farmers' Club. Mrs. Caroline M. Street, died ou Siturday of pneunionia and lieart failure, aftcr an illness of several weeks, aged 73 years. Funeral services were held Alonday afternoon. Mrs. Street was the raother of Miss Ida M. Street, teacher of English Literature in the high school, and carne here frotn Omaha, Nebraska, a year or so ugo. Ilenry A. Hatch, of this city, died yestenlay forenoon, at the home of his mother on E. William st., after a lingcring illness, of consumptlon. Ilenry was u typo, and had learned his trade in this city, being for some time a compositor in the CouniKR office. His deatli, though not unexpected, willbe learned with regret by hls frlends. Funeral services at tlie house Friday at 2 o'clock p. m. The second of the series of addresses to be given before the Toung People's Society of tho Congregational church wil] be delivered Sunday evening, Feb. 9, by Rev. I). M. Fisrk, of Jackson. His theme will be, "Each in the Hour of Hi3 Power." Rev. Fisk is a talented man, having been a professor in HInsdale College for a number of years. He is known to be au interesting and entertaining speaker. The last Argus announces the dissolution of partnership of the firm of Beakes & Morton, lts publtahers, and the purchase of the entlre paper by the seni or member S. V. Beakes. Mr. Morton has proven himself to be an energetic, hustling newspaper man, and the craft will be very sorry to have him withdraw. Mr. Beakes will probably step back into It is olü place with the same grace that has alwayg characterizcd his work in the newspaper field. An appeal f rom the decisión of the probate court in the admission of the last will and testament of James Gauntlett, deceased, has been made by Joseph Gauntlett; claiming that the will was not properly ;executed; that it was "never lawful and duly publlshed as the law requires;" because said deceased "was competent muntally to make a valid last will and testament;" and tiiat the deceased was unduly Influenced aaiust him and all other heira save Annie liis vife and Arctiie onc of nis sons. Here is some knowledge'collated by an enterprising scribe that you may desire to cut out and paste in your hat: "Dur. ing this year, March, Augiut and November each have five Sunday?. Tliey commence on Wednesday and end on the same cJayof the week. Washington's birthday, Feb. 22,'comes on Saturday. AU fool's day on Tuesday. Memorial day on Friday. Emancipation day on Friday. The flrst Sunday in Lent is Feb. 23. St. Patrick's day is on Monday. Spring begins March 20. Summer commences June 20." Will somebody teil under what state law the saloon tax will be collected this spring y The law passed by the last legislature has been decided defective and unconstitutional in some respect?. Will that effect the $500 provisión ? If this law is unconstitutional, will the old law be effective? If it is effective, will the money paid in to the clties entircly, or will the new law bo held good that makes the cities divide up with the counties? All these questlons puzzled a lot of officials the other day, among them being one or two lawyers. At the last pomológica! meeting Prof. Spakling who had an appolutmcnt in the Universlty was representeil by h!s assistant Mr. F. C. Xewcomb. Prof. A. A. Stanley gave an organ recital at Westmlnster cliurch, Detroit, Monday eyenlng, whtob was hlghly sj)oken of by the Detroit presa. Hev. D. M. VUk, of Jackson, wlll occupy the pulpit of the Congregational chureh Sunday mornincr and ovoiiin, Feb. 9. Rqv. J. M. Bradahaw, In exohange will preacb In Jackson on that date. W. il. Osbiind, of the Ypsilanliau has been appointed a vlsitor to Ealamazoo College; Chas. Woodrufl', of the Sentinel to the Germán Atnerican Seminary; Perry F. Powers, of the Cadillac News, formerly of the Ypsilantian, to Albion College. The Uiilty Club piosaui for next iionday evenlng, Feb. 10, consists of a story, "Crazy Nap; A Tale of the Pacific Coast," by Mrs. Peckam, Mis. Jarley's Waz Works ia charge of Mrs. DeWitt and Jlisses Fisher and Taylor, and a piano solo by Mis. Buckley. Among the visitors appointed by the state board of education to visit state educational institutions, we notice the follovving names frora Ann Arbor: Prof. E. L, Walter to Hillsdale Cjllege; l'rof. W. S. Perry to Hope College, and Miss Ruth Iloppin to Hillsdale College. August Tessemer, John Andrés and Byron E. Balley, were held to the circuit court last Friday by Justice Pond, and Ed. MorrUon and Cha?. Herman were discharged. Tho3e were the defendants in the Feldliauser añault case. Bail of $1,000 ior Tesüemer and Baile3', and $500 bail for Andrés. Mrs. A. M. PattenglH, mother of Prof. A. H. Pattengill of the Unlversity, of Prof. J. G. Pattengill of tlie high soIiodI, and of Mrs. Prof. J. C. Knowlton, died Tuesday evening of heart trouble. Mrs. Pattenííill was 7G years old, and had been in feeble liealth some time. Funeral services from the house to-morrow aftcrnoon at u o'clock. The followlng offlcors of Ann Arbor Lodge, I. O. G. T., No. 320, were installed by G. G. Crozler, lodge deputy, last Tuesday evening : C. T.- Jno. StClalr. P. C. T.- Miss Strickler. V.T.- Miss HUI. Cliap.- Miss H. Amsden. M.- A. J. Smith. 1). M.- Misa F. M.Jewell. F. Sec -Mr. Soauble. JlissM. Tlieurer. K. 8.- D. Amsden. A. 8 - MIsb A. Derby. (.- Miss Seabolt. S.- ü. Johnson. lira. ElizabetliWatts-Glbbs, of Harían, Iowa, died Jan. 26tli, 1890, aged GS ye.ur, of pneumonía. The deceased was a sister of B. F. Watts of this city. Before the death of her husband, Orrin Gibbs, tliey resided for many years at Ypsilanti, rcraoving from there to Tusco!a t!o., and thence to Iowa. She was the last of five sisters, and there now remalna only three brothers, out of a family of thlrteen children, B. F. Watts, of this city; J. C. Watts, of East Saginaw, and a brothcr in England. It looks very mucli a3 thougU Slis Israel Hall would become the owner of the fair grounds, and tliat the fair associatlou would take the saine amount of land still farther south, located upon Wells st., and at the head of Baldwln avenue. When the street cara get to running upon HUI street, it will make the new fair grounds quite available, and uot so very lar out of the way. But tUc tiutli tlm Univcrsity oughttoown the fair grounds, The gymnasium should bo located there, and the grounds fitted up for recreation purposes. There is uot anotioer such a tract of land that can be bought where in the city. Furthcrmore it Is perfectly adapted to the purposes of a recreation park, the soil being drjr and porus and no mud ever shoniiig itself, on the grounds. Why c.innot the University Athletic Association secure these grounds before it is too late? They have Bereral thoii3nnd dollars of funds on hand, and with line íroundí on whic-h to buik! the state would be far more apt to give an an appropriation for a gymnasium. This is merely a sngestioo, but is it not a wise suggestlon for tlie lovers of atliletics in the University ? "Wlien these groumls become private propcrty where will the field days and sports be heló ?


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Ann Arbor Courier