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ï low wm 1111 Tl Clfa 5 FEBRUARY SALE! "ew, bright, frcsh Goods. Pnrcliased for the caiiy spring tradc. Kirst oflerin in new Dress Goods. Prefty effects in shade, rtyle and weavo. One lot 31-iiich Henricttas, 3G in. Wool Sultlnss and all Wool Tricots, all to go at 25c a yard. One lot Glcnwood Suitings in plain and stripes, at :t-5c a yard ; írortli óOc. Ono lot 52-inch all Wool Ladics' Cloth Suitinus, new spring sliades, at 5Oc a yard. One case 3G-ineh fiincy and striped Beigres wortli 25c, to go at 15c a yard. BLACK MOHAIRS == esAGAIN Tfl THE FRONT Simply becanse no Dress Fubric has ever been brouglit out tliat snrpassed tlicm in elegance and durability. Liulies, vid are goingr to give .yon a benellt by sclling :{S-íihIi puro Ulack Mohalrs at 40c a yard. 40-inch puré Black Moliairs at ■ a yard. 52-inch Black Mohairs at G5c and and 75c a yard. They cannot be matclied for thc money. 55 pieces colored Molí airs full 40 incites wliJe. In new Spring Shadcs íiud Mixtures at IOc and 50c. SPECIAL OFFEBINGS - IN WASHBEESS GOODS 50 pieces Apron Chcck GingUam torun at 5c a yard. 35 pieces eluden stylcs Drcss Ginghrtms at Sc a yard. 5O pieces best 12 l-2c Ginghams to go at 10c a yard. One case Challies and Faucy Beiges to rnn at óc a yard. 45 pieces choice styles Light and Dark Prints all at Cc a yard. IS pieces ncw Outlng ï'lanuels extra wldth at 10c a yard. ILADIES' JERSEY STREET- =JACKET3 FOR SPRING 100 iiowon sale at $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 and 5.00 cacli. We liave just opeued 50 pieces neir Drcss Trlinmings and Fringres. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. ECHAIHEE & MILLE1! AKH ARBOR'S KEW ENTERPRISE 1 !-" ■ ' k Soap Co., located on the corner of South Mam' áh3 Madison sts., manufacture only the best grades of fine Laundry and Toilet Soaps. Our manager, having had many years of practical experience in this line and using only the purest stock, we can assure the public that our goods will be secoml to none fouiid on the market. We ask you to PATRQHIZE HOME INDUSTRT Only on Condition that our Goods are equal to those manufactured elsewhere. Your attent on is called to some of our brands now ready for the tradc. "GOLD BLOCK" is our leadïng brand of regular Laundry and is warranted to be in every respect second to none, and all we ask is a fair trial with the very best the market affords. "SILVER BLOCK" is our specialty in the way of a pure white soap at popular prices. It is specially adapted for washing fine clothes, also for general kitchen and toilet use. It is absolutely pure and its equal is not found in the trade. "HAPPY FAMILY" is one of our popular brands and is in every way a full valué soap. "OLD GERMÁN " will be just the thing for those wishing a large amount of goods for a small sum, vhile our "SCOUR BRIGHT " is absoutely indispensable if you wish all he kitchen utensils and house generlly kept clean and bright. Maidemüs BlusliJ Golden Jod, Sfidenfs O ir n, Pure Coco OU, J'i'r l'iue Tar, Hbney, Fine Cas-tt'c, Jic, Mc. Vre some of our many brands of 'oilet Soaps, all of which are made 'rom the best imported and domestic tock. All of Our Brands stamped plainly PENINSULAR SOAP CO., ANN ARBOR, MICII. Ask your dealer for uur soap and if ie does not have it in stock, drop a ostal to us and we will see that you re supplied with the best. PEHINSUUR SOAP CO., ANN ARBOR, MlCH.


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