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MAS1M( UIBECTOBI. Wn Arbor Coumaíídery, No. 13 meets flrst Tuewlay of eacti tnouth, C. K. Hlscock, E. 0í John 11. Miner, Recorder. Washtkvaw Obavtbb, No. 6, R. A. M.- Met'tn Hrsi Momtay eae.h month. J. L. Kione. H. P.: Z. Roath. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D.A.MacLachlan,M. D. DISKAKKS OF TUK BYE, EAU, NOSE AND THBOAT. OFFiCE AND RES1DENCE, 26 SCÜTiï IIVISIOÏ STREET Hours: 1 to 4. and (feSQ to 7::!0 P. AI. ■voo-iel & zkhezrjst DEAI.KH IN AI.I. KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, lMrd,elc. EVERYTHING NE AT and CLEAN No. 0 R. An:i St.t A ii ii Arlior. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VZTALZZSD AIR A-lmlnlstered. It Is agreeable and eay to takc, and no progtraiing enéete follow. whlle teeth are extractod wiihout pain. WILMAN IIEUZ, House, Siga Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTERlj Papering, GlazlDg, Gilding, and Calctmlniue, and work of every description done fn the beet f ty ie, and warrantud to glve tjatigfaction. Shopt No. 4 W. Washington St.f Ann Arbor. O. 'M!. l&JJEiSTTlST, 'DEAI.KK IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC Aad Coramoa Oofflns. Cnlls attented to Day or Nlght. Kinbalmlng a speclalty. Stoteroom on K. W'asltl liatón Street, iiosidence Cor. Liberty and Kiftn. CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLU3 $7,000. AiitioiialLialtiesofStocttolJers $5O,OOO. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) BANKINO DEPARTMKNT. - Office of the Comiúissiooers. J Wkereas, by satlsractory evldence presented to the undersigned, it bas been roade to appear that tbe Farmers' and Mechantes' theclty of nn Arbor, Ín theCouuty ofWashtenaw, State of Michigan, "as comglíed wilh all the provlslons of the General iiiikiug Law of the state of Michigan requlred to be complted wlth befare a corporatlon símil be anthorlzed tu continue tne buelness of ltanking. Now therefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, Commlwlaner of the State Kan k Ing Department, do hereby cerllfy that by tnat the Farmers' & Medíanles' Bnnk, aforesald, Ís authorlzed to continue the business oí banking as provlded In sectlon ü) of the Oen'l Banking luw of the State of Michigan. JL. S.] In wltoeas wliereof wltness my hand and seal of ortice at Lanslng this 22d day of June, 1889. T. C. SHTÍRWOOD, Coin. of the Banking Dept. The Farmers' & Hedíamos1 Bant havlngdled thelr certifícate wilh the State Banking Department are now authorlzcd to do business asa Savins Bank, and iu pursuauce thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings department on all deposlts of SI and upwards, interest pald June lst and Dea lst, of each yeur. The savIngB department Is open Baturday niKiits from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan Ín sumsof $25 to f5,000 seenred by unencumbered real estáte or approved securltles. IIRECTOR8-Reuben Kempft Chas. IÍ,Bue' Onlly, Kenr"".; ni. '. stí-vm, W. F. Hreak-y, J. K. Heal, John Burjc, D. F. Schalrer, K. KKJIPF, PrPS. K. DUFFY, VIce-Pre. F. H., castiler. S SJhe Best and Purest Medicine niíL EVER MADE. !l Xy.ItwinrtrlvetheIIiimorfiomyoiir I I 4, !%Lsyntcm, and makc your sklnIIB Ill4ï X cloan and emooth. ThosiJ I I % W%L pimples and BlotchesUJ Ëï-V, % ty aLwliVh inar ymir bram.vm 3 „ ,f4 VVarnoaiiscd liy impiireM IV, . i 'itL blood, ancf can be III Wvvs lf yoii aivl itlïS I .„„.rnful. ItlstheV % "o % ■ , I II boot and chcapcêt} 0 tfv " ■ I I medlelne. Xry ft. a11!0 %,% I I yon wlU be Ba&sfled. X % V IH ■g Uct it oí your Drugglst. % S t3 DOX'T'WAIT. GETlTATONCEk H il If vou are eufferlnp from Jii'lk ] Hl They ut-ver lail to cure. III Pond 3 2-ccnt stampa to A. 1'. Ordway Co., bost medical workpublisUeaí W, F, LODHOLZ IS OFFERING BARGAINS IIKÑÑH AM) mm LOOK AT THEM 5 lb. GDOD JAPAN TU A 81.00 ■3 BarN LICNDKY SOAP 5 BESTJUCIÍ. TEST Olí,, per gal. O7 BEST WATKK WHITE, ' 8 Can (HDKi: TO.TIATOEN 25 8 'uiis QHOICE COBS 25 ÏKLLOW PEACHESi wcrtli 2."e per Can, lor IS I'IK PEACHK8, por Can 16 1'IXE, UIXJÍI RO.tSTED COF'KK, it;r lb 25 oí: bkaütv n'iokim: TO1.1, per lb 2O BEST BAKING I'OWDEH, In 1 lb. ('uni per H 25 MIXED CAMV, per lb 10 ALL GOQDS FKESB AND WAEMTED ! #T IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH -e -WT. F. I.ODROX.Z, 4 A O BROADWAY, AX.V AUItOR. HU ■ Cfl I I dkliW Ihil papor, or ebtam estímales on advertising gpaco whon in Chicago, will find it on file at 45 149 Randolph St„ fB) O TUAIIRC thAdvftiiiineAgencyof ELUHU tt i ISWlf!í4W!


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Ann Arbor Courier