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11-10 water taken now in the city. Alonzo C. Blias lias been granted a pension. To-day 8 Ash-AVednesday. The beginning of Leut. The $20,000 stock of the Allmendlnjfer Piano & Orjfan Co. has all been taken. Frank Smitli wlll lay in Jall live dayi for being a tramp. Before Justlce Butts. The mcinbers of the Keystone Club expeet to spen 1 the 22d at tlicirCIub house on Zukey luke. Col. N. B. Eldredgc, formerly congressman from this district, Is very ill at bis home in Adrián. Subject of Dr. Studlcy's Historieal diseourse next Sunday evening.iit the Methodist church: "Israel ia Egypt." Bishop Newman is to lecture before the Wesleyan Guild, on Sunday evenlng Maren 2d, in tlie M. E. Church. lïev. Duffleld ((ave a very eloquent and Instructiva lecture on the Church of the Oatacombs last Monday evenlng. On next Snnday aftcrnoon S. ML Dix will speak before the temperance meeting ut 3 o'clock. His subject will be "The Phllosopby of Gospel Temperance." Thcre are several gardeners about the city wlio have been cngaged in spading thcir gardens during the past week or eo. Tliey expect to have "garden sass" started alinost on Florida time. Out of 20 corresponden ts from this county eight write the state departinent that wheat suffered daring January and 12 that it ilid not. AU agree that ttiere has been no snow to cover it with. One of our prominent dress makers made seven drcssos aiid one cloak, all for the sime lady last week. Tliey were not all for the junior hop either. Bat it was it great weck in the life of that lady. A house belonging to the estáte of Rev. 1Í. Eastwood, and occupled as a boarding house, caught flre Saturday night at about 12 o'clock and was damagod about $")00 worth, the rcar end heilig badly burned. House Inenred, but contcnts kol The names of republicana, wlio desire to altend the bantiiet of the Michigan Club at Detroit on Friday evening of next week should be hamled to C. E. Hutschei at once, so that arrangements can be made lor tables. The Detroit Tribune of last Sunday credited our Cbequamegou orchestra to Ypsilanti. AVIiile we are generoufl, very generotis, vet we shali have fo object to that. Ypsi can not have our Cheqnamegon orcheslra, Aun Arlior is too proud of It for that. Benj. Barker, brother of Aid. Fred Barker of the 6 th ward, was taken violently ill on the street last Friday and had to be watched over and cated for by friends, bis family belng absent from home on a vlsit. The doctors pronounce the case one of genuine la grlppe, the disease going to liis head. At last reports he is Ketting better and hopes to be about again before long. Which we are pleased to announce. Supt. of Poor Mason sent a nice appearing tramp to the county house to stay all night, one day last wee'c, and they liked him so well down there that tliey kept him a day or two just for his ple:8int and agreeable companv, anda few odd chores which he did. Wlien the pleasing tramp went away, however, he took several necessary articles of appael with him, as souvenirs of the event. He was a daudy in his "profesh." Our oflicers complain that one great cause of thievery is the manner in which tramps are treated by the railroads. The roads appear to be afraid of tUem, and allow them to ride upon the freight cars as they please without molestation. The four wlio robbed Hermann's tailor shop liad everytblng nice and cozy and ready for an escape to Detroit as soon as a train should come along. This " gentry " are becoming more and more dangerous every day, and doubtless will remain so until our laws are so changed as to require manual labor from every vagrant wlio goes about the country pilfering or asking alms. About 1,500 people gatliered at the opera house last Sunday afternoon to listen to the memorial service for the late John Sohumaclier. Remarks relative to his life and his llfe's labors, were made by l?ev. Dr. Haskell, Prof. Steere, Prof. Perry, and Dr. Herdman. Fred Esslinger presided and closed the services ly an appeal to the people for aid In carrying on the temperance work vvhere Mr. Scnumacher had left it off to joiu the silent majorlty. Muele was iurnished by Mr. Wllsey and a choir, tlie old songs being sung that was wont to appeal to the audience In the days of temperance reform. The tributen to Ir. Schumacher's lite were sucli as should inspire others to foilow his example, and live better and nobler lives. On Friday last occurrcd one of the most serious runaway accidents that bas happencd here for some time. A span of lióles belonglng to E. V. Hangsterfer, nttnclied to an ice wagon, started from in front of the resldence of Jas. Clcments "u S. State st., ran straight nortli on that street to the M. C. station, freelng tbemselves of all Uie wagon fave the front wheels on the way. At the station they ran into one of M. M. Qreen's hacks almost wrecking it, and maklBg :i torrible crash. One of tlie runaway horses had alegbroken and had to be shot. The horses were valuable onea that Mr. Hangsterfer had paid over $300 for only a few days previous. It will cost quite a little sum to repair all the damage done. The Allfflehdlnger Piano & (jo's band Is making preparatiotis for a grand concert soon. J. T. Eatnnn expects to reniovö to Dftroit with bis family on or about Marcli lst, where lic is to embark in business. The Chelsea Standard trots out Mayor Beakes for the democratie nomination for Congress. AVell, but isn't lie too good timber to slaiighter tbat way ? At about 10 o'clock Saturday niglit the fire department was cal led out by the burning oía chimncy in tho liouse at tlie corner of Maynard and Williams sts. The next concert of the Choral Union occurs on Wednesday Feb. 20, at University hall, when the eelebrated pianist, Mad. Ausder Ohe will render a line program. Rev. Marcus A. Brownson of the first Presbyterian Church, Detroit, will lecturc before the Tappan training school next Monday evening. Suoject "Early church history." There was an alarm of flre last Wednesday p. m., at about ö% o'clock. cnused by the burning of some rass in tho lionse of Mrs. Moe, on N. Ingalls st., near Washington st. From the Ypsilanti Commercial : "Capt. Allen, according to the daily pres?, did hlmsclf and this second district proad, i" his ?peec!i "Wednesday in the House of Representatives. Good." The ncw Washtenaw Mutual In?. Co. had its flrst loss last Thursday night. The barn of Geo. Moorman, on the Saline gravel road about % miles went of Ypsilanti, burneil. Insured for $255. Total loss. Miss May Lewis, wlio has charco of the White cxliiblt now being given at Schuli fc lluehliï'p, was selected by thnt compnny to linve charge of their exhibit at Hip Paris Exposltlon, and was there for seven months. Sue is a bright and attractive lady with whom it is a pleasure to converse about art and the great exhibition. A letter bas been received from Right Rev. Ilugb Mlller:Tliompson, bishop of Missifsippl, which states tliat he is to leavo Jackson, Miss., to-night for Ann Arbor, to deliver the Baldwin lectores, neven in nnmber, before the ITobart Gnild, the general Rubject being "Tlie World and Man." The ti tle of the first lecture will be "Lead Up," and wlll probably be dellvered Sunday evening in St. Andrew's church. Positive announcement wül be made Sunday morning. The celebration of Lincoln's birtlulay by the Sons of Veterans at G. A. R. hall, lust Wednesday evening was a very pleasant nfTair, and was well attended. The recitatlons by Comrade W. K. Cliikls and Messrs. H Stickney and Geo. Jolinson deserve special mention, while the music by Miss Hattie and Master Allie Long, V. O. Thomns and Commander J. T. Jacobs was not the least pleasant portion of the program, the violin and guitar duet by Miss and Master Long making a particularly happy impresslon on those present. Sunday Sheriff Dwyer received a telegram from Doxter to look out for a gang of tramps who had broken into a store there. So he went to the M. C. R. R. yards and kept a look-out for tliem. jJuring the night, evidently, this same gang broke into the tailor shop of Gustare Herman on "Washington st., and stole about $100 worth of clothes. These they took to a freight car at the M. C. yards and had them already bundled preparatory to jump upon the first freight train tliat should come along. Sheriff Dwyer, accompanied by Deputies Dwyer and Scliotr., and Patrollman Murray surrounded the car and took them into custody, together with their plunder. After it was found out tliat Mr. Herman's store had been robbed he went and identitied hit goods. The prisoners were taken before Ju8tice liutts and will have their examination to-day. They give their ñames as mos. ivejiey, mos. MacKin, Geo. Chapman and John Knowlton, and their occupation as "travelers.11 They will be bound over to the circuit court without doubt. One of tlie smilinr, good-natured people of Ann 'Arbor is Deputy Sheriff Michael Brenner. But he has been frowning lately. The newspaper men are to blame - as usual. Mike's name is pialo Michael, with no other appendage. But the newspapers seem deterrained tliat he shall be rechristened. The Argus trotted hira out as "Michael J." on tlie principie no doubt that somevvhere in their name all Germana must have a Jacob. The Kegister, dispislng to copy nfter another brought him out as Mir.hael P., thinking, probably, that Michael, belng au Irish name, Patrick folio wed as a matter of course. Then the Democrat, not to be out-done, placed the title of "Michael K." upon his broad shoulders, endeavorlng to compliment liltn with the surname of the conomen of that great Hungarlau Louis Kossouth. The Washtenaw Post, never behind hand in deeds of philanthropy, graced the happy official with "Mlobael K.," supposing, and with good reason, that so good an Italian artlst as Mik e is should also be a "Rembrandt." Brenner stood the flrst insult fairly well. The second one he gave a sickly smile over, and supposed the man who wrote that " thought he was smart." The thlrd time he was quite hot, and vowed to get even with his traducers in some way, even if he had to apply to Judge Kinne for an injunction. But when the last one came out, that was too mucli. He took unto liimself a large cune, made of hickorj', and with ugly nobs along its sides; there is a dangerous look in bis eye, and if be should meet with some one of his mis-namers, we should very mucli fear for their life insurance. It shall be our earnest endeavor to cali the gentleman plain "Michael."


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