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Cornell now has 1,323 sluüents rc;istered. At Ttutger's College they have a "Bed Head Club." The Glee Club of Cornell Univcrsity is on ii eonr[Uerlug tour. Amherst stutten ts have eubscrlbed 260 toward publishing a college song ook. Unity Club will hoUl its fourth social of the season next Monday evening, Feb. 34. AU friends of the club are invited. "Miss Amelin B. Edwards is a most acceptable lecturer before college students," says the X. Y. Mail and Expres. The Alumni of Leliigh Unlvcrsity have contributcd $2,000 toward completely renovating the athletic grounds of that college. Hon. John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, is to speak before tlm law department of the university in University hall, on Saturday af'ternoon, Feb. 22d. The N. Y. Mail and Express say3 that the paper of Adele M. Garrigucs, in Belford's Magazine for February upon "The (Jniversity of Michigan," is well woïth readuig. The base ball cranks of Leliigh University have had their frym. fitted up and 20 of them are practicitijr daily, with the idea of defeatiiijr all the rest of the college nines in the country this spring. IC is said that the cigarette freshman is unknown at the University of the PaciHc, San José, Cal. .Students who use tobáceo in any forra aredenied admission to tliis institution, and cxpellcd if they take up with the weed while there. Dr. Mead took Miss.T. Ward to Ann Arbor a week ago to have a tumor removed from her eye. Prof. Klemming Carson performeil the operatlon Buooewrally. Mis Ward is dolDg nlcely whloli spuuks words of pralse for l'rof. Carson' sklll as a surgeon.- Ypsllanti Sentinel. Dr. Carrow will without doubt forgive the author of' the above item from ciideavoring to givo to "Prof. Carson" the glory of liis work. The junior hop was a very successfuj affair. There were 180 couples among the dancers and soine 300 or more spectators. Xlie guests from abroad were numerous, and the toilets of the ladies present were elegant and beautiful. The committee reoeived more than enough to deiray all the expenses. It will be remetnbered for a long timo as a green spot in the lives of the young people present. The following notice of the Glee Club öoys 9 taken from the Dexter Leader: The University Glee and Uanjo Clubs were greeted witli ii goocl-sized nudieoco at the opera house last Saturday evening, aud iiave an entertainment that was greaily enjoyed. Xhelr program was largely made up of college songs and uhsurdlties, rendered as they only can be by college boys. The features of the concert were tne clmlr and bat druis, whlch were generously applauded. The entertainment was somethlng new for Dexter, but we ■iiiniv it was appri-ciated by the maiority. [t was given under the auspices of St. Jame' church.and llnanolally was a success. Tbe buildings of the Toronto University, located at Toronto, were destroyed by fire last Friday night. The loss is placed at .300,000. In an liour later 2,000 guests would liave been m the building attending a fete. The falliDg of ighted oil lamps caused the flaraes. All the buildings were destroyed. They were insiired for $10-1,000. A striking Feature of the lire was the falling of the 3,000-pound bell in the main tower of tlie university. Wiien the frame-vvork in which it stood had been burned away the great bell feil, crashing through the Imge stone tower, the great tongue soundhig is it feil the deatli knell of the flrst inive'rslty building n the country. The university was built In 18G0. Sir Adam Wilson, the president, was almost heartbroken and was carried f rom the university grounds physlcally prosrrated. The following notice of Jliss Edwards, wlio is to speak at LTnivereity hall, on Saturday evening Feb. 22i), is laken trom The Boston Travelier of'Nov. 14: An audienee represen tl ngvery fully all the Intellectual Interest! if Boston greeted the dlstingulshed Engllsh Kgyptologist, novelist, traveller, and Journalist, Miss Amella B. ÜUWarüs, In ChlckurliiK ilull, ji Wcduouduy evening. The leclure exceeded In lts merit the liigu expoctations which ltad been formed in regard to It, Miss Edward's method in lecturlns is that of tile acholar, - she prexents fucts and lndlcates aud suggests tüelr slgnliicance. Slio inakes absoluiely no attemplatoratory, belng content to let the Importanco and interöbt ofher subject mabe its own eflect upon her hearers. Herlecture Is J int sucli a oue as would be dellvered hya brilllaut college professor.lntensely In terested tn hls subject. Thi does not in the lenst Lnterlere with her delicate sense of humor, which plays about all Khe suys, illuminlng and brightening it in a way at once quaint and iiiBtructlvc. In her leoture Khe gave evidenceoftUe bread th of view scholarly thoroughness, and patlence with the mlnutite ol' her subject whicli characterlzes her wrltings. In lier references to the important collectlon oraucient Bgyptlan fabries in the Art Museum, she modestly relralned frora glving the audlenceany hint that lioston's possesslon of these priceless relies ia due to her own generosity. The occasion will long be treasiired iu the inemory of those who were present as one DOtftble for its soci;il tone and for theartlstlcaud tntetleotnal Impulsesta which It abouuded. - Travelicr, November 14. The public entertainment given by the Adelnhi literary societ}' nt Universlty hall last Saturday evenlog was very good indeed. Judge Kinne presided In his usual suave and plcasing man aer; the Cliequamegon orchestra pavo the audience some of their most excellent music; Miss Kate E. Jacobs and Miss CarcTine J. Ball, each rendered a eolo fo svveetly and charmingly tliat eneores wei e the resiilt; Miss Minnie M. Davls lendered Meudelsohn's Capriccio Brllllante in her usual brllllant marnier. The oration upon "America's Thronee," by Pred A. Jeffer, of the State Normsl School at rpsilanti was au excellent production, tliough perhaps epmewbat exnggerativei yet full of Rood Ideas torsely exprexsed. The recital by Miss Nina A. Burdlck, also of the Normal, of "Au Order tor a Picture," was very effecttve. The essay of Miss Mand Morey, "A Social Idea," was an excellent production. "Indivitluallsm'1 was handled In nn n!i!e tnanner by J. A. Prk-, of the Webster society; "The Fatal Lcap" was ainiisiiiïly told by VV. H. Nlcbols, of the Alpha Nu Society; and L. B. Readei u:i Uie Bfflrmative, and G. W. Jiotli upon the negative of Mr. Bellamy'D ideas jnst about balanced each other, so neatly to that Judge Cheever announoed tlmt he and liis colleajfue, (Prof. Thompson) who were a)pointpd a committee to decide the debate upon lts merite had marked thera a tte. Iïev. A. S. Carinan wlll preacli ncxt Sunday evenlng at the Baptist Chnrchon "Moody and his Blaster." Dieu - In the town of Scio on Thursday, Fcb. 13th 1S90, Hornee Booth oged S3years. Mr. was a nr.ui highly respected by all wlio knew him, and In bereaved family has the Bjuapathy of the enüie cominunlty. A genius bus Invented a gute for wagon roads cross! Dg rail roadf, which is closed by in Incomïng and opnned by an outgoag train. Such an Inventlon wonld be a line tliing for all country railroad crossings and save many lives. There is to bo a special meeting of the board of managers of the Washtenaw fjounty Afrrlcultural and Horticultural Society on Priday aftornoon, 1 eb. .- 1 s t , at % o'elock p. in. Mattere of Importanee relative to removiil of buildings, etc, wil! come Defore the meeting. Next Sunday morning Mr. Sunderland willspeak upon "Knvironment," as supplemeatary to hls last Sunday morning'g sermón on ' Heredity." In the cvcni'ng he wlll (tive the last sermón In bis series on Mr. Moody's Teachlngs, regard ing the Bible. Subject: "The True Blble that remaln atter the Flctltious liible isgone; or, the Bible's lïeal Value." Last evening the Kuights Templar held a veiy enjoyabla party at the temple. A drill by ÍN Knlghte was one of the features of the ifl'air. The tables were set In the drill room for 200 guests and were beautlfully adorned. Ilandsome souvenir programs ware placed at each plate. The parlora were handsomely decorated wlth picture?, wall bannen, etc., and overythinjt possible done to inake the all'air a suceess.


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