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SALE OF STATE TAX LANDS Auditor Gkneral's Office, ( Lansinq, Mlcli., Jan. 27, 1890. ( NOTICE Ís hereby Elven that certain landn slluated In the County of Waahtenaw, bid off to the State for taxes of 18H0 and prevlous years, and dpscrlbed iu st;Uemeiit.s which will hereafter be forwarded to the office of the Treasurer of Raid County, will besold at sald Treaaurer, at the Couuty Seat, on tbe lïrst Monday of May next, at the time and place deslguated (or the Annual Tax Sales, lf not previously redeeined or canceled accordlng to law. Sald statements contalnafull descrlptlon of each parcel of sald tumis, and may be seen on appllcatton at the office of Ihe County Trtasurer after they are recelved by hini. The lunds struck ofTtothe State for Taxes of luid, or other years, at ihe Tax Sales Ín Oetober last, will be uflfered subject to the rlglit of redempllon prescribed hy law. HENRY APLIN, Auditor General. AMNUAI. TAX SALES. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. 'Jo thé dreuU Courí for the County of Washtenaw, in Chanceru: The petitlou of Henry H. Aplln, Audltor(..icncrai oí aitl Klale of Michigan, respect fully showt that the lista of lunds herelnafler set forth and marked "Schedule A," contaiu a descriptlon oí all lands Ín sald county of Washtenaw, upou which taxes were ussfsst'd for the years meutloned thereln, and which were relurned as delinquent for noa-payment of taxes, aud which taxes have not been pald ; together w i t li the Lot&l iimouiít of such taxes, with Interest corapttted tbereon to the time flxed for sale, and collection fee as provlded by law, aud the oofli oí advor! isinjí and other expenses ol sale of each of sald pareéis oí land. Your petlttoner further shows to the Court thatsaid lands were returued to the Auditor General as delinquent for the non-payment of pafd taxes for said years respectively, and that sald deliuquent returns were made prior to the flrst day of July, 1S88. Your petltiouer further shows and avers that liie taxes, interest, collection fee, cohis of advertís! ng and olher expenses of sale, aud the legal fees íor personal service of subjíumim Ín each case wberesuch personal service is actually made, are a valid Hen ou the several pareéis of land described in eatd schedule. Your petitloner further shows that the sUd taxis mi ihe said described lands have remalned unpaid for inore i han une year frora the flrst day of July next after thcir return U) (he Auditor General, and the sald taxes not having been pitid, and the sanie being now dtie and remainlog unpaid as abovost lorth, your petlttoner praysadecree la tavor of the State of Michigan atatust each parcel of said of said lands, for the paymeut of the several aimiunts of taxes, interest, collectloa lee, CO8t of advertlsing, and olher expenses of sale, as computei and extended lu said schedule, against ihe several pareéis of iaiid contaiued ihereln, aud Ín addltion Cbereto of the amount of legal fees for personal service of suhpcena in each case where snob service Is acumlly made as provided in tMOi 53of Act. No. l'Jóof tlie KcssUn laws of Michigau of the year 1K89; and in default of paymentof the said several surns cmpulel and extended agalnst said lands, that each of said parcel of land may be soid for ihe amounts due thereon as provlded by law, to pay the lien as atoresaid. And your pelitíoner will ever pray etc. ÍIKNHY U. A1MJN, Auditor General. SCHEDULE A. uwr. Tovm S soníh oj range 3 easl. i Í I a í I ! i S w H oí s w a 6 4U 3 69 97 15 1 00 5 81 Town S south of range 4 eat. Ne!4ofl8 160 3 5 (H 14 1 00 5 63 W ü ol ÍS 320 7 12 1 85 ! 1 00 10 25 Town 1 south of range e east. S e % oí s w fl H, 6 00 8 32 8G 13 100 5 31 Undlvlded 1-9 ofs w Jof n e %, 21 40 52 13 2 1 10 1 G7 Town U south o range 7 east. E 14 of n e K. 25 80 20 32 5 28 81 1 00 27 41 W 14 oí s e 54, ñ 80 2032528 8110027 41 Begtnning 32 rods w of n e cor.of w % oí ne Jí , tbence s 100 rods, thenoe wís roí Ís, tbence n 100 rods. thence e 48 rods to place oí bcginnlng, 28 30 2 88 75 12 1 00 4 75 SeüofswM. 81 JO 6 85 1 79 27 1 00 9 91 38 39 21055 47 841002830 CITY OF ANN ARBOB. Blk Lots8,and 10, 4 n r 4 e, 6 G3 1 47 23 1 00 8 83 KJOflotl, 4 n r 5 e, 56 15 02 1 00 1 73 I-ot 3, 5nrl4e 222 5S 09100 389 Lot ti and 7, 5 n r 14 e, 56 15 02 1 t0 1 73 l.i ils 1,2, 3. 4. 5 and 22 llTilisoIlii s of lot 6, blk 4 8 r 2 e except rigbt of way of the T, A A &, N M lt R, 4 s r 2 e, 7 44 1 94 30 1 00 10 6S Lot 5, blk 5 s r 6e, except 4 rods and Oftoíl'n eudand 2 rods off w end of lot 8, 5 s r G e, 29 00 7 55 1 16 1 00 38 71 Lots 3, 4, 5, 4 s r 7 e, 30 16 7 &3 1 21 1 00 40 22 Lots J, H and V, in -Isr-lw 0 00 1 5! 21 100 S80 The umllviiicd part of 27 ft of land on w sldeof Main st, i;.; ft deep, bounded s by Schipacasse, w by Wall and Kltson's land, e byMalnst, 1 G!l 45 U7 109 3 21 Land bounded eby Wlldt'a land, s by Chubb road, w toapolnt, n by, 1 C'J 45 07 1 00 3 21 Lot bounded e by State st, n by Covert, w by Swathel's add, s toapoint, 3 34 87 13 1 00 5 34 Lot bounded e by Kllzubeth st, n by Fullerst, wby an Alley, s by Willis' land, 0 00 1 71 27 1 0) 9 07 [mui bounded n by Hotchkln's land, e by Broadway, s and w by 1 i.'iini.s, i 7 10 184 28100 10 22 BACII AND BKOWN'S ADDITION. Lot 30 and s J4 of lot 29, 2 32 60 09 1 00 4 01 J. H. BBOWN'a ABU1TI0N. Lot 12, 4 (il 1 20 19 1 00 7 0:i lillOWN AND FULI.F.U'S ADDITION. Bik N w 24 i ft ia wielt li olt's e 4I ft in length of the n e 60 ft iu wldtli off lot 1, 8 2 81 7.1 11 1 10 4 08 LjRud bcginnlng22 ft s w along Broadway, Brom r e cor, lot 1. hik 7, thenoe 8 w 22 ft itlong ISroudway to 8tore Nu 3, tlience n w 60 ft, tlience u e parallel willi l!.lway 22 ft, 8 e GO ft to place of beglimlng, 1 42 37 S 1 OU 2 85 OKMSBY AND l'AGK ADDITION. Bik Lol s 1 and 6, 2 8 83 87 IS 1 0) 5 83 I .ut s 5 and 6, bik 19 ulso triangular plece of land e of l)lk I), lylng be tween tlie M C K H aiul Ilurou Klver excepl tho dlstlllery lot, 1 I! ii 87 13 1 00 5 33 l'ATUfDGB ADDITION. Bik Lot 15, 4 2 84 73 11 1 0) 4 8 Lot a, (i 71 18 03 I 00 1 iö CITY OF YPSILANTI. Parcel or land houiided n by land of A Beniii-tr, s by i.'hlcnijo Rond, w by land of CThompson, e by Suiumitst, 5 34 1 38 ai 1 00 7 93 Parcel of land lioun-led h hy land of Sarah Korison, s by Chicago Road, e by land of AColp, w by land of F li Kloek, 6 ::i L 88 21 1 00 7 93 Parcel of land bd w ly land of IlaydeD, n by liaron Rlver, s by an alley. e by land of hayden. W 22 03 1 00 2 '9 I'arcel of laiul lul ii by land of Air. Morris, w liy liuul of L.D.Norris, s by lantl of Mrs. Waybun, e by Hlver st, 10i 04 28 53 4 08 1 00 133 65 ORIGINAL l'LAT. Lot 56, 1 79 40 07 1 00 8 32 FOT.I.KTT, JOSLYN AND SKINNKR'S ADDITIOM. Lot BG8, 15 5) 4 03 C2 1 00 21 15 OILBERT'S EASTEKN ADDITIOX. Lotl, 7 59 1 98 30 100 10 87 II. W. I.ARZELEK'S ADDITION. Lot 36, 15 42 4 01 62 1 00 21 05 Lot 38, 2 7S 74 11 1 00 4 61 MORSE ADDITION. Lot 40, 1 79 40 07 1 00 8 32 VILLAQE OF CHELSEA. Bik Lot6, 11 6 05 1 73 27 1 00 9 65 .1. M. CONaDON'S 2d ADDITION. Bik Lot 2, 4, 2 37 02 09 1 00 4 08 VILLAGE OF DEXTEU. Bik Lot 8, Ilii 46 12 02 1 I 1 00 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER. COKEY'S ADDITION. Bik Lot 3, 2 6 20 1 61 25 1 00 9 06 VILLAGE OF MOORVILLE. Lot 5, blk3n rle 37 09 01 1 00 1 47 VILLAGE OF 8ALINE. Toivn t, eouth 0 range 5 east. Sec Land bounded n by Harria, by towfl llue, s by Uombs, w by si, 1 1 --, (! 88 1 M 'JU 1 Oi) 9 80 BKNNKTT'S PLAT. T 3 s of r j e Sec W iol lot , W 15 43 IS 02 1 00 1 67 AUIHTOK QbNBBAL'8 OkI'ICE, (, Mlch,, .luiiuiiry 27, 1S90 $ Notlce 1 üereby giveti tbat Ilie Slaio of MlObigaD h&0 Illcd in Ibe Circuit (JourL for tlie County ui Waablenaw, In cbanoery, n petltion ofwhtob tbe foregolDg Isa triïecopy ; Ibat it eliiirnM a doeree iainst eacti parool ui liina thereln deMrtbea fr the itmouuts specitied re-speclively.aini in additiou ttiereto olllie amount of legal lees fur personal service of BUbpcSDA in eiich case wh;re sueh service is iictuuily made is provlded Intiuctlon 53 of Act No. 195 Laws ol IS89: thut sucli petition wlll be broagbt on tor a bearlog and deeree at the Dext term of satd Court to be tield on the lirt Monday ofMarcb L890, atAnn Arbor, in sald counly of Waslitrnaw, tbat all persons Inierested In suoh lands and deslrlng in contest the lien ciaimcd tboreon lorsuch laxes, or any part thereof shall appear In sald court and with the (Jlerk ibareof thelr obiteclion Ihereto on or belore sald flrst Mondyol March 1890, nnd that in default Ihereof a decree wíll be taken as prayed ior In salil prtitioli. NotieO Is also hereby given that on the flrst Monday of May. 1890, Ihe lauds described ia said petllion, and lor wliicli an order of Bale shiill be made, will be sold for the taxes. Interest, and charges luereon, as determines by Knul decree, ai the Counly Treasurer'sollicu, lnlheCIlyof Aim Arbor, In sa:d Connty of Wnshleuaw. IIKN11Y 11. Al'MN, Auditor General. Morigage Sale. Wiikheas defanlt his bien made In Ihe condl tions of & Ctsrtaln moriff&ge whereby the power o1 ele ihereln contalued bas become rperauve, execated ly Qe ;rse B. Bierce and Netlle Bierce. hts wife, oí the township ol tfylvan, V7aDteB&W coiiniy, Mlcb., mortgigon to Thomas Wllfclnson uf the same place. muitu'agee beartntr da'e December Ni, A. I). 18S1, acknowledged December 3d, A. D. 1888. nnd recorded in the office ol the Register of Ueeds tbr WushtelMW county, Michigan, on the 4th dny of December, A. 1). 1888, in Libur 63 of Mortgages, on page Gil ; which mortaal?; wad ouly aselgned by MidThonufl iVIIMnson to Junius E. Beal on ihe 3 1 day ol December, A. D. 1883, which arslgnmeDt w8 recorded on December lih, A. D. IKS.t, ii t the Register of Deeds offleo lor Ihe county of Washienaw, State of Michigan, in Libcr 8 of Aasininentö ol' Mottgngea, on page 154. Uu which injngate there is cUiraed to be due at the (lute or ihis notice Ihe sum ol' ($i.;5(l) Ihirty-flve hmidred and flfty doihir?, and no actions or pro(■(x'diuirs at luw or in equlty have been institnted Iti recover Ihe debt Becured by said mortgageor any part thereof. nolice i bereby c'ven that by vlrtue of the power of eaie cortained in said morignge and of the et-itnte in such casen made and provlded, the eaid' niortgaye wíll be forecloeed by sale oí the mortgaffed premlses rli-rcni deacrlbed, which sale will líe made at the went door of the court hou. In the city of Anti Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw. State r Michigan, that belng the place of holrttni; the circuit co'trt lor said county, at public uuction, by the sherifl'of said connty, on Satnrday the lUth day of April, A.. D. 189), at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon of lald aay, to satisfy the amount which hall thi:ii be due on said mortgage. 'Ihe premises described hi Haid mnrtgage to be sold as bove pecjfled are: The wyut halt of the northwest qnarter of section 14, also the south sixty acres of the east half of the northeast qaarter of section 15, belus; all that pari of lid lol that Hes souih of Mili ('reek Ditcb, running through the same, iilso a strip of land Iwo rods wide along the eaet 'd; of rhc west half of the southwesi Quarter olsetilon 14, trom the territorial road nortli of the nortli line ot gald lot, all in the township of Bylviii. county of Waohtenaw, State of Michigan. Asn Akbok, Mlch., Jan.21, 1890. JUNIL'S E. BBAI-, Assignec. Sawtek & Knowltun, Attorneys. Mortgage Sale. DEPAÜI.T HAV1NG BEEN MADE IN THE condiltona of acertain mortRage exeented by LeviJohnson and Mary Ann Johnson bli wifu, to Chace Dow, d.ited the twenty-third day of Febraary A D. 1884 and recorded in the i fllce of the Kegiater of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw State of Michiiau on the iwentythird day of Pebruary A. D. 1884 in Liber 3 of mirtgagea on page V2, which said morïgnge was duly aseiirned bydeed of assignm!'nt by the said Chase Dow mortk'agce to Kichard J. Zebbs on the eietat day of Ueci mlier A. D. 1888 which tald aesianment of lid mortgage is rrcorde in Ihe office of tl)e Ketrister of Deeds for said County in I-iber 10 of assigements of mortgage on piige 100, by which said deiault the power of sale coniiiiiiel in r-aid mortgnge has become operatlve audno protedings in luw or eqiiity hav ing been instltuted io recover the debt aecured by aid mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum oí one huudred and sewnty dollars being DOW claim - ed to be due on suoti mortis iii' Notn-e is hereby given that the taid mortgnge will be forclosed by a sale of the uring mcd prunises therein described nr soin-.i part therejl viz : Lot nnmber twenty-eight and the north half of lot number twenty-nine in Brow-H and Bnch's Addltion to the City of Ann Artor Wa-htcnaw Jounty Michigan accordinsr to the recorded plat of said additlon at public vendue at the east door ofthe Court House ín the city of Ann Arbor In said County (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said Countj) on the twenty-fourth day of April A. D. 1S90 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated Januarv '2 rrt, L890. "K1CHAKD J ZEBBS. Af snee of Mortgagee. J. F. TyAWREXCE, Atty. ior Assignee. JUortg'nge Sale. DEFAULT HAV1NG BEEN MADE TN THE couditions of 11 morlKage cxecuted by Evorard H. Morman and Alice M. Morgan, hi3 wife, to Juniu E Beal Kleld, bearing dato the Srd day of May A. I). 1SS4, and recorded In the office of the Hegister of üceia for Washtansw County, Michigan on Ihe 8d dny of May A. D. 1884 at ;i o'elock p. va. of that dny, in I.ib.r (il of mortgagvs on pace 311), by which defiult, the power of eale contnlued in eaid ínortg'ge bfloamo opcrative, and no Kuit or procieuinga in law or cquity havlng boen institnted to recover the debl secured by said niorinue, or any part thereof, and the Bum of slál1.72 at Ihe date of this uoKco beiug clainu-d to be diie on said morlgage, and that at the date of sald morti.'g! the full name of the sald mortóflgee, was Jnniiu K. Beul field; that aftor wnd murtgag wa mide and executed, said mortsagee appiied to th l'robate Court, for nald Couuiy f Washteijaw, in writiiii;, n pumnaDce of the ptjitnte in .uch case nade and provided, and on the 26tta day of July A. i). 1881, he obtatned au order ot sald l'robate :onrt chanying his i.ame froin Junius IS. Beal Field to Jmilu E. Beal. a. In and by the records ol said Probate Conrt lu thut matter, rel'erence beinc thercto had will more fally and at large appenr. Now therefore notice la hereby glveu, that suid mortgtge will bu foreclosed byasáieoftbe mottsaed prwuises thurein dedcribed, or somc pnrt thereof, and tnat the preraisee are duscribed in said mxtgig ai folio', tuwit, all that certuin piece or puc-1 of land situited and belnK In the Township ofPiltetleld. iu the Oounty of Waahteuaw, and state ot' Michigan, described as follows, towi:: Begiuning at a point in the west eide of st'Ction nuniber fonr (4) in said Township nlnteen (19) chnius and seveiity-nlne (79) links from Ihe uurtliwust corner of siiil sectlnn line, thi-ucu north eighty-seveu (STideg ees and flrty (511) minutes eiist iiirue {3} ftnd ih rty-.six iw) links to a stake one cnaln and tweniy-seven (27) liiíks Irum a chcrry truc ten inch in diameter, which bcrH xiiuih eigbly-eveii (87) degrw wet, thence son thlwo (2) deliróos oaetfmy-fourtM) links, thenceKuuthtMKlity-nino (8) dugroea and ten (10) minutes i'iisi i. (ti) chaina and uigliiv ■■ íltIii (88) llnks to a stake tblrty ix and a hail (&%) links fniiu an applo ircc lineen luchos lo uumoteri whlub boira south iwanty-ciglit (ÍS) degreea west, Ihence uouth slxty-eieht (!■) aegreea eaat onu Chain aud clirhiy -euveu (S7) links, ihence bodU elghly-four (Si) degroes eaat lour chuna anu fliiv-lour (54) iinka to the luterser.tion of two ditches, tliunce aouth ilz () rtegreo cast eleven (11) Chain and twenty-two (22) ITnka to the recogDlúd uat and west qourter line thence went the quiirlcr line sevt-nteeu (17) chaina anci Iwenty {-JO) libka to the recoanized qaarter stnke, thence north on the aection liu thiricen (18) chaina and mty (Vi) links to the place ol' bcjjinnlní;, conlainiíi!; twentv-oneucresof land miro or Icsh, ai pubhc vendue, on Thurudny tho Uret ilay of May 1880, at noon al. the north Hom ooor of the Court llonse in the City oí Ano Arhor, iu aid Countv, that beIng thü place of bolding the Circuit Court iu taid Mot tfíflge". Formerly Jnniue K. líeal Field. A.J. Sawyk.k, Atty. lor Mortgagce. a VBEt TO F.A.M. Biitlful EngmTloj of ML giLlc ancint Muonie Sctto, Uo Itk ML iiln: rat.-d CllMguB of ull tb Míiuolt JooJl ar Lá7aDd buok. lwil vricvt iti Nortb America %# . we.k .nJ upw.rfi ml. UKDD1NU i. fu.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier