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Wantod. A good rcliable boy to do general store work, and assist in sellltüï froods, and workiit the desk. Address, Cïerk, Courier, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 'J8 Look in Noble's window. Elegant pattorns only 25 ets. Rrmember tliat we retail " Red Star " OU, the best In the market, at 7 cents per gallon. 3 Ibs. Loose Muskatel Raisins for 25 ets.: 3 caii3, Toniatoes for 25 ets.; Granuluted 9ugar nt 7 et?, per lb.; Gao line ut 10 ets. per gallon. 44 S. Main st„ Dean & Co. Dyspepsia Makcs the lives of many peoplo miserable, and oiten leada to sell-destruction. Dlstress after catlng, sour stomach, slck beadache, lieartburn, Ios3 of appetite, a faint, " all gone" ieeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu_. larity of the bowels, aro DlStföSS some of tho more common After symptoms. Dispepsia does - -. not get well of itself. It ng reqnlres careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sanar parola, wblcb acts geutly, yet surcly and efflciently. It toncs the stomach and other organs, regulatcs tho digestiun, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming tho local u . toms removes tho sympa-""O3taCnO theUo cfEects of tho diseasc, banlshes tho headaeho, and reireshes tho tired iniiid. " I have been troubled Wlth dyspepsia. I had but llttle appetite, and what I did cat j . dlstressed me, or did mo littl0 good In an hour PUrn after cating I would exporlence a falntncss, or tired, all-gono feeling, as though I had not caten anything. My trouble, I thlnk, was aggravattd by my business, whieh Is that of a painter, and Trom beiug more or less shut op In a Sour room with fresh paint. Last e. u spring I took Hood's StOITiaCn rilla- took threo boules. It did mo an immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food rellshed and satlsfled the cravlng I had previously experienced." Gkohge A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugglsts. g 1 bíi for gs. Prcpared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Aputheearies, Lowoll, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier