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í LOW PRI6ES di he Gin s FEBRUARY SALE! New, bright, fresli Goods. Purchascd for the early sprin? Irade. First offering in new Press Goods. Pretty eiTects in shade, style and weave. One lot :'. t-iiicli Henriottas, 30 in. AVool SuiiiiiLTs and all Wool Tricots, all to go at 25c a yard. One lot Glenwood Suitings in plain and stripes, at 35c a yard ; worth 50c. One lot 52-inch all Wool Ladies' f 'lof li SuiUncs, new spring shadcs, at 50c a yard. One case 36-incli faucy and stripcd Beiges wo.-lh 25c, to go at I5c a yard. BLACK MOHAIRS sbeAGAINTO THE FRONT Simply hecaiise no Drcss Fabric iiiis ever been brought out tliat surpassed them in elegance and durability. Lndies, we are gaing ■ to give you ii benellt by selling SS-inch pure ItlAck Hohairs at 4Oc a yard. 40-inch pure Black Mohairs at 5Oc a yard. 52-incli Black Mohairs at 65c and and 75c a yard. They caunot be ïiiütclicd for tlie inoncy. '■'") pieces colored Mohairs full 40 Inches Tvlde, In new Spring Sliadcs aud Mixtures at 40c and 50c. SPECIAL OFFERIHGS ■- - IN WASH BRESS GOOLS 50 pleces Apron Check Gingham torun at 5c a yard. 35 pleces choice styles Dress Glnghauis at Mc a yard. 50 pieces best 12 l-2c Ginghains to go at 10c a yard. One case Challies and Fancy Beiges to run at 5c a yard. 45 pieces choice styles Ligut and Dark Prints all at Cc a yard. IS pleces new Outlng Flanncls extra widthat 10c a yard. LADIES'JERSEY STREET- -JACKET3 FOS SPRING 100 now on sale at $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 aud 5.00 each. We have just opened 50 pieces new Dress Trimmings and Fringes. ALWAYS THE CHEAFEST. SEEilE l MM Grand Opera House SATURDAY, MAR. 1 The Very Latest Laughing Play. riF 1OLSON The rïrst American Comedy Drama ever written, introduclng in the star part aSwedlsh dialect comedian. Il TALK g EW E] M.W SONGS, K .HI'SK'. GRAND OPERA HOUSE A Pronounccd Dramatic Event. AN SVSNIN& OF SHmSFEREAK TRA&EDY MONDAY, MARCH 10 ONE NIGIIT ONLV. SpecUl engagement extraordlnary of the Ureatesl Llviug Tragic Aclress, Madame JANAUSCHEK, Who wlll posltlvely appear in her marvelously reftllstlo and impressíve lmpersonatlon of 1-mly Macbeth, in Shakespere's lmmortal Uve act tragedy MACBETH Most ably and admlrably supported byher own large, complete and excellent company. In every detall preclsely a played wllh entlnisiasiir uccess Ín New York, Phlladelpnia, Chicago and J oston. PKICES, $1.00, 75 cts., and 50 cts. Jf#-ürdcrs by malí promptly complleil wlth. iuv msssá 22 SOUTH STATE ST. Provlde Instruclion In Voice Culture, Physical Culture, Kindergarten, (Enlish and Germán), LANGUAGE: a) The Elemenrs of Expressive Speech. b) Germán, on the Synthetic Plan. orín cady, principal. WEPAPÍ We have received for the spring trade, the largest stock of WALL PAPER ever exhibited in the city. We can show SPLENDID PAPER at 4, 6 and 8c per roll. Best quality at io, 12 and 15 c. Gold papers at 10, 12 and 15c. Solid Gold Embossed paper at 25, 18, 20 and 25c. We carry the largest stock of Ingrains, Satin Mica, Brilliantines, Damask, Lincrusta, Walton. We offer the best Curtain Pole with brass trimming complete at 28c. We make to order Window Shades of all sizes. Remember that we have in our eraploy the most experienced paper hangers. Get UUR PRICES before leaving your orders. wie uw. Books, Stationery and Wall Paper, J. J. GOODYEAR No. 5 8. MAI St. #. O Oiy DRÜGGIST lt wlll be to your advantage to cali upon hlm before pnrchaslng QfRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEQICIJtES. PRESCRIPTIONS ! accurately and carefully prepared by the most competent Pharmaclsts. The flneiit line of eooda in all departmentBi to bc round in a drug ore. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Anu Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of a century ago. Representlng the iollowlng flrst-clasB compaules, with over $60,000,000 Capital and As-tets. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL.INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN8. CO., of New York. GIBARD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON an4 GLOBE. WASHINGTON. FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates Low as the Lowest, Losses Libcrnlly Adjnsted and promptly Paid. O. II. MILLEN.


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