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Epitome Of The Week

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lin.i.s wero introduood in the Senato on the I" i ii provlding :ir the issue if traotlonal silver certiücates: providiog that aUpersoDfl rcceiving pensions lor total disabüity shall have the Hume incri'uscil from ?ï per month to $100 per xnonth. A petitlon was presrntcd from MassaI s praying that the export of iutoxlcating liquors to África be stopprd. ]lills woro ippr.jpn:iting $40,000 for a statue of James Mudison in Washington, and cstaulishing two ndditioual lund flistricts ia the State of Washington In the House bilis were introduoed appróprlatfng WOO.OOO foran addition to the Government building in Chicago, and appropriating $50,000 for the erection of au Judian industrial school in Norlh DaUotft. A joint rosolution was lutroduced elianging the term of President and Vu'e-Prosident from four to six years, provldlng that they shall serve one term only, and extending tho terms of Kepresentatives in Congress to threo years. The bill for tlie relief of tho Sioux Indiaas at Devil's Lake, N. D., was passed. It was docided to vote on a loi-atton for tho worid's fair on Monáay next. IK tho Senato bilis were introduced on the ISth for a port of delivery at Siouz City, Ia. ; to provide fr the adroission of tho Stato of Idaho tnto tho Union, to Sfurnd tho inter-Stato com merce law by providing that any person shipping or smuggling intoxieating liquors into a Stato or Territory that forbids the sale of them shall be deemed gnllty of a mtsdemeanor, and any railroad company that transports the same shall be flned 1100 for each oftense. The extradition treaty with Grcat Britain was ratified ...,In the House the pension approprlation bill (198,427,481) was reported and the bill to provide a temporary governinent for Ol;l ahorna was furthor discussed. Bills were reported in the Senate on tho 19th for an inspection of meats for exportation and prohlblting the impoication of adulterated articles of food and drink ; for tho relief of women enrollcd as una y nurses; to restore to postmasters losses from Ure or burglury. Bills were passed appropriating $100.000 for a publio building at Fort Dodge, Ia., and $100,000 for one at Lansing, Mlch .... In tho House tho bill proTiding for an Assistant Secretary of War was favorably reported. Bills were passed duiding tho judicial district of North Dakota into four divisions, courts to be held at Bismarek. Grand Forks. Fargo and Devil's Lake ; dividing South Dakota into threo divisions, courts to be held at Sioux Falla. Pierre and Deajlwood; authori?.ing the President to confer brevet rank upon army offlt era for gallant services in Indiau campaigns since 1897. The resolution calling for ï&Xormation regardIng the killing of Deputy Marshal Saunders In Florida was adopted in the United States Senate on the !20th. A bill was introduced to provide a fino of $100 to Í5.0O) and iniprisonmcnt for not less than six months for mailing a letter to a lottery company, and giving the PostmasterGeneral power to stop all registered letters coming to lottery companies or their agents. The debate on the Blair educatlonal bill was closed In the House the conference report on the Senate bill to nerease the pension of helpless soldiers was adopted. Most of the sesslon ■was given to discussion on the world"s fair bilis. In the Senato on the Sist tho conference report on the bill to increuso the pensions of totally disabled pensioners from 8J0 to 878 por month was agreed to. Bills wero introduced for tho establishment of a puro food división in the Department of Agricultura, and to provide fortifleations and other seacoast defenses. A bill was introduced to punish crimes against offleors of the United States while in diacharge of their duties. Adjourned to the Mtb In the House the entire day ■was tlevoted to discussing tho worid's fair bilis. At the evening session forty private pension bilis were passed. Adjourned to the Slth. DOMESTIC. At Charleston, S. C, Napoleon Lavalle on the 17th fatall; shot his wife, from whom lie had for somo timo boen separatod, and also Mr. B. leidsman, her unele, with whom she lived. A PBOUUAB and fatal cattle disease was reported raging on tho 18th in the vicinity of Columbus, Ind., the animáis becominpj uncontrollable and flnally dying in convulsions. A max ras ;irrested in St Louis on tbc ISth who is supposed to bo J. IS. Simonds, who drovo Dr. Cronin to bis death at the Carlson cottage in Chicago on the night of May 4. Duiiixa a brisk snow-storm on the lSth at I'oston an electrical storm passed over the city, the lightning being remarkably vivid and the thunder heavy. Tui-: leather manufacturera at Woburn, Mass., decided on the 18th tocloso their faetones un til tho striking employés of iieggs & Cobb returned to work. Fouit housos wore burned at Newark N. J., on tho 18th, and a young woman named Mary Jackson perished in the llames. MoDSTa was hangedat Pikeville, Ky., on the ISth for complicity in the murder of Miss Alafair McCoy and her brother. Mi:s. AsBUitY Sawiiam, of Lima, O.' was accidentally shot and killed by hor husband on the 18th. Thihtkex women were arrested ön the lSth at Pickardsville, Mo., on the charge of maliciously destroying property of saloon-keepers. Tiiukk men named Moran, Coleman and Welch were killed by tho cars on tho 18th at .Tohnstown, Pa. Wakukn üi.oom and Warron Adkins, boys of 12, quarroled over a game of cards at Hope, Ind. on the 19th, when Bloom drew a revolver and fatally shot bis young corapanion. J. B. Kelly, arrestod at St. Louis as a Cronin suspect, reached Chicago on tho 19th, and Mrs. Conklin and Frank Scanlan doclared that he was not the ïtan that drove the doctor away tho myht of the murder. Flames in the Touro block In New Orleans on the 19tU caused a loss oí $150,000. Mrs. Ezbll, wife of Milt Ezell, a well-known politician, was killed at Greenville, 111., on the lUth by astroke of lightnin?. Thk New York Logislaturo on the 19th passed a bill appropriating S10,W0,000 for the worid's fair if held in New York City. A i'AUTY of Kansas City pilgrims bound for Europo and the Holy Land iailed from New York on the 19th. ÏXE village of Aurora, Ia., was alinost entiroly wiped out by flre on the Wth. The American Horticultural Society In session on the 19th at Austin, Tex., ole;tcd Parker Earle, of Ocean Grove, Mis., ts president. Aboui ryenty porsons in Minncapolis were bitten by a mad dog on the 19th. IIat.k a block of business buildings in South Amboy, X. .1., wrre burned on tho ;9th. Loss, $100,000,


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