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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, Flour and Feed Store. We keep conetantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We shall aleo keep a snpply of SWIPT & DEUBBL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OsbornN Ciold Oust Flour, Knok wlical Flour, Corn Men!, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and lletail. A general stock of GROCERIES ani PROVISÏÜNS ConeUiuUy on band, whlch will ho Bold on ae reasonaïile terms as at any other house in the city. Caen paid for BUTTER, KÖGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Qood dclivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE 1 $29,000,000. Secnrtty held for the protection of the poïïcy holdcre. CHRISTIAN MACK Representé the followlne flret-cln companies, of whlch one, the Etna, has alone paid 156,000,000 tiro lossce in elxty-ave yeare : Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Franklin of Philadelphia 3,118,713 Gennania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065.968 I London Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 1 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,7.59,036 J.osscs liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowcet ratea oí premium. 1191tf Is the oldest and mout popular scientlflc anrt inechanical paper published and has the laraw-t circulatioti of any paper of lts tilles in theworlil. Fully illuotrnted. Bent clasa or Wood Ennniv. Intrs. Publishod weeklv. Send for speeirueo Ï'.'K:..,1 ''Ice 3 a year. Koor muntha' trial, il. MUNN & CO., I'UBUSHEliS, 301 Broadwaj', H.T. ARCHÏTEGTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scientiflc American. O A (rreat uccess. Each Issno mntalna colored nth(i);rnphic plates of cotintry and oltr realdences or public buildings. Ntimoruus envruvinKS and full plan. and spcclflratiuns for the une of juch as contémplate building I'rlce t'iM a yeiir 25 ets. acopy. MUNN & CO., P0BU8HMW. ■ 40 yi'ftra' oxperienco and have made over ■ ÏUU.UUO iipplicatlons f(r Aniericiui untl Kurm eitín patenta. Send f(ir Jluiidbuoit. Cuircapondeucu strictly cunfldciitiiit. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark Is not reglstered In tlio Patent OIBce, apply lo MUNK ('., nnd procure Lmmediale proteetion. Send for llandbouk. COPYRHJIITS fiir bonk, cbarts, niaps, etc, quickly procurod. Adürcss Ml'NN CO., Patent Solicitor. U1M1UL üvril'K: XI BUUAUWAY. N. V INSURANCE ItAL ESTÁTE aiul LOAN AGENCY ov A.W. HAMILTON Oflioe, No. 2, First Floor, Hamlllo Block. Partles desirlng to buy or sell Beal Estáte will Hnd lt to their advantage to Cfttl on ïüe. I I repressnt 15flrst-class Flre Insorance Companles, havlng an aggregate captial over 130,000,000. Ratg Low. Loases Uberally cyrgted and promptly pald. I aUo Issue Life and ittvestment Folíeles lu tbe New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetta, Í75.O00.0O. Persons desirlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly policlee wrltten for them or Travelei's Coupon Insurance TlckeU lssued at Low raten. Money to Loan at Current Rats. Office nours froni 8 a. , m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Bloclr. , Michigan (Tentral "The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect November 17. 1889. CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. AT.OHS. Í 5 'Á 'U P A.M. A.M. P.M.lA.M. P.M. P. M. Chicara. .I.y 7 65 10 31 810 10 10 9 25 Kalamazoo 14 55 2 45 6 58 7 10 3 35 2 27 Jacknon 3 3i 4 47 8 52 !t li 15 44S ChelíCH 4 17 10 15 7 10 527 Dexlcr. 4 80 H) 27 727 541 P. M. P. M. P. M. A.M. A. M. A. X. Ann Arhor 4 52i 5 15 9 4110 4.) 7 5(1 00 Ypellanti 5 lñ 5 57 968 1066 8 08 6 17 WayncJnnc 643 1113 8 33 43 Detrii....Ar 6 :ñ tí 50 10 15 11 M' 9 2o 7 30 DKTROIT TO CHICAGO. .TATION8. ld H A.M. A.M I'. M. P.M. IP.M.ip.M. Detroit.... l.v 1 0U 120 i50 8 00 10 15 9 50. 4 30 838 1055 Ypeilantl ID 11 847 205 4 55 9 00ll 18 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P M. AnnArbor IOS 889 220 517 915 1135 Dcxtur 1043 545 9 43 Chelsea 1058 0 10 957 Jack?on 1145 1000 3 18 650 1045 1249 Kalamazoo a 50 14 1 5 07 9 45 1 20 8 07 Chicago... Ar 7 BS 4 35 9 0!) 7 00 7 45 O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYBS, G. P. & T. Agont, Chicaco. A-nt., Aun Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Norlh Michigan Railway. TIME SCHKDULK. Taking effect November 25tb, 1889. Trains ran by Standard Time. Qoing A'orh. Mi %- ld H 1& 1 STATIONS. fl 6 OW Ö" ü OW P. M. A. M P. Jl.ll'. M. 3 23 6 Uü Lv Toledo Ar II 15 1 10 4 17 6 47 Dundec 10 IS 12 20 4 35 7 05 Milan y 5S 12 01 4 4t 7 lü Urania 9 45 U sa 4 53 7 2-3 Pittslield 9 31,1142 5 07 7 33 Aon Arbor S Saill 30 5 31 7 5(1 Leiand 'J 07 11 15 5 47 8 l5 Whitraore Lako 8 55 11 03 6 2-i 8 45 Howell 8 17 10 25 7 15 __3r, Durend 7 10 9 35 55 10 55 Kast Saginaw. . .._11 5 55 7 45 B 00 lu lij Uwustü 7. 6 35 !) 05 9 07 1115 Ilhaia 5 32 7 50 0 15 12 45 Mt. Pleasant 4 35 6 45 .... 8 10 Cadillac 10 30 .... 4 40 Copcmish 9 05 5 40 Ar Fraukfort Lv 7 50 r. m. r. m. a. . k. M. Gotng South. Sontk Ljon Brancli. NOKTH BOtTND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOfND. Train 18 Train 17 A. M. A. M. 6 00 Lv Aun Arbor Ar S 15 ( 40 Wordend 7 : 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASHLKY, General Manawr. A. 3. PAISLEY, QEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Oen'l. Faes. & Ticket Aeent. L.ocal Aiwnt. Commissloners' lotice. QTATKOFMTCUIOAN.ConntyofWnshtcnnw.sií. O The nndereíRned havinpr been appointed by the Probate Court fur eairt Coiinty. Commlwjlmii'rs to rceetve, examine and adjust all claims and deinatids oí all persons airainst the tétate of William W. Dean late of aid countv, deceased. heruby glVe notice ihat ix montlm l'nun date tn sllowcil, by order of inid !robate Conrt for creditore to preseDi their claims aalnst the estáte of said deceascd. mul tíiat thcywill meet at the etore nf Dean A 00 .11 8. Main etrcet in the city of Ann Arhor, in fa:d onnty, on Tuesdav. the 5th day of Fcbrnary and on Munday, Ilie S8th dav of May noxt, at ten o'clock A.M. ofeach of paid days, to receive, exmire and tidjnst waid claimsi. l)ttti;d. November SS, 18SS. FkSdEWCk'EBKAUN. f Commtarion.. THIS PAPER a? s? f. I Hlw Y nu bil KowELfc & cos Ncwsppcr Aflvcrtlslng Bureau (10 Spruce fitnct),whcr!ailvcr. ■aflBII Ff PBO 1iii)Kcni)tr:u'lsmay EU fc Mf VI IKK 1 ado tur it ii nCli I Ulll%i KBKKKACH KOXX, ANN VltltOK NKIiL lti;l,OV I'ILLS. T A TATTTQ! TRY dr. i.adie's "pejI.UXJliij H1ODICAL" .PIIXS frnni 1'arlH, Francc. Kntablished in Borope in lfvüi, Canada in 1S78. For SnppreBsion?, Irrrgularitiee, fttni Monthlv DenneomeDts. A reliablc inonthly medicine. 'Fhey alway relieve. Any druseigt. $4. American PUI Vo., Proprictors, Spencer, Iowa. Kobert Stuphcnron & Vo., Wholesale agente, and all other drnirsipts in Ann Arbor These pllls are warranted to brinirnn the "chance. v


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier