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Tarlff Literatura for All. The Ameeican Protectiyh Tariff Lkaii.i: is publlsblng a most valuable series of Tarlff document?. These are preparad with a view not only to st ai ctlie facts and arguments for Protection, bnt also to convince doubtful votéis, wbetber thoy are farmers, laborers, morchants or professional men. Euch Issue of tlie series appeals to tbose eiigaged in Beperate industries, and presen ts indisputable facts, comparlsons of wages, cost of living, and other argumentshowing the benelits of Protection. JIiceut issues include the followlng: PAC "The Farmer and the Tariff." Col. Thomas h. Dudley lti "The World Interest.'' Jldqe William Lawrknck 21 ' Workingineu and the Tarlff." 8 " Keply to the Presldent's Free Trode Message." It. 1'. POBTBB 8 "Sorae views on the Tarlff by au OM Business Man." : i:. Dbapbeu. . 89 " Kullavied of Free 'f rade." E. P. Muur :J "Wages, Living and Tariff." K. A. Hak'i'ühukn 101 "The Vital QoeatloQ: simll American 1 ndustries do Abaodooed md AmerMarkets Sarrendered ï " s Stmie in Germán wlth addlUoD ii " The advaolagea ofaProteotlveTarlff to iliu Labor and Industries of tlie Unlteil States. Tirst l'rize Kssny. 1887. CBAWFOBD IJ. Henino, Univ. Pa., '87 89 "Protectinn." E. ir. Ammidowx 4 . Wliat Is a Tarlft?" Answers to a WorkiiiKiuan's Questlon 4 "Why Irlshmen should be Frotectionlate." 8 "Proteetlon vs. Free Tratle." t. C. Habihjian' - 20 "Wool! Sbould lt be protected? ' Washincton Bklt 4 "Wa4:es and Cost of Living." Joseph 1). WEBKS 4 " Homo l'roductlon Indispensable, etc." FiretPrlze Essay. 188S. CD. Tobd 82 Southern Farm Ing Industries 4 "A short talk to worklngmen." 2 The cntire list of 19 pumphlets wlU be sent post-paid, to any one who will seml 20 cents in stamps, postal note or money order, or any 10 of tliis list will be sene on receipt of 10 cent?, or for a 2 cent stamp any single document. Should any document in list be out of print, another of a similar cbaracter will be sent in lts stead. Also, The American Economist. A wcekly Journal, devoted to the discussioii of all pilases Ol the Tarifï Question, and contains the latest indos trial new. 16 pages, ü cents per copy, or $2.00 per annuni. Address Henry M. Ilovt, General Secretury, AuBBIOAN Pkotectivi: Tabiff League, !3U West 23d Street, New York. 8m Hibfoard's Rheumatic and Livcr Pilis. These pll's are scientifically conipounileil, uniform in action. No Krilins so commonly followlttg tlie use of pills. Tney are adapted to botl adults and children witta perfect safety. We guarantee tlioy have no equnl In the cure of Sick Headaclie, Coostipatiou, Dyspepsia, Uiiiousiicr-s, uncí, as an appetlzer they excell any other preparatloo. John F, Cochraa, oí Sljfourney, Iowa, says bis wlfe nsed Hlbbard's Khcumatic i 1 1 tl Lilver Pilis for sick headaclie and Ihey entirely ourad lier. Ëibbard'a Bbeumatio Syrup anti Liver Pilis are remedies of great ment. We take pleasure in rpcommcnding them. John W. Ellis, ürucüist SlRourney Iowa. Preparedonly by Bheumatic Syrup Co., Jackson, Mich, and sold by Ann Arbor drogglsts. Lot of Ihc Amateur Actor.- Stick- Werc y ou In the cast? Fakir- Yes, I was cast adrift at Starveboro.- Boston llcrald.


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