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Morlgage Sale. Wiif.reas default has been made In the condi Mons of & certain nvwirrie wbereby the power oí ihereln contaiued ba become uperauve, exi-. ented by Ge irgc E. Hierce and Nettle Blerce. hls wifOf o! xUc township oí tylvan, Waahteoaw conDty, Mii ors to Thomas Wilkttieon of the sarae plucc, : hearing date December let. A. 1). 18S1, actnowledged December 3d, A. I). 1883. mul recordad in the office oftho Register of Ueeda for Wuehtensw connty, Michigan, ou Ihe 4th day ol' December, A. D. 1R83, In Líber 62 ol Mortgages, du page 11 : wliich m rtgage was öuh b hl is iVtlUnios to .luniiis K. i lir :;l (I :■ r, A. D. 1883, wiiich ar-signment ffu recorded on Der.i-mber 4th, A. D, Ier or Deeds ofllce lor the couutj of Weihienuw, btate of Michigan, in Libcr 8 ol ■■' of Moitgígí'S, on page 194. Ot b mángate theru is claiined to he dnc t th date of ibtS notlce the fnm of (#V50) thirty-fln rs and no actions or pro cediTjKeat lawor in eqnlty have been institutei: to recover the dobt Hecured by said mortgjgeoi fcottce i h roby gtven thst by virlue of thi taïued In rtld mortgageandg ibe stfttntu. in Biirh enees mde und provlded, thi eai.1 ni'ir;;'ii' v. -en by Mie oí th ■ scrlbed, wblch aali wíll líe mude at tbe weit door oi thi: conrl house :i thi' Ctly ol A nu Arbor, in t lie counly ol' Witstite , that bulng the place o :iï the circuit co'irt for eaitl connty, at publii iiuciio'i, bj tbc iberlff ■!' sald couoty, on Satordas Vpril, .. I). i-!l. t KI u'cloci in [hu lorenoon oí .-iiiri day, to s itisfy the iimouii ie (lne od s:iid mortííntre. 'ih erCrlhed in aid to In; holt : rhe wesl hall of tbe qofUi we8l qaarter ol eeciioD 11, nlïo the&oatb sixt; ►I ili: nortbeast qaarter o 81-cti'm 15, bclng that part of said lot tbat Hei sou !i of Al ill ('reuk Dltch. rnnnlng thru!;h thi ol' land IW i rods wide along tin ide ui ihe west hall' of the soiilhwfat quarie . !. ïrr-'n the UTI !Un ill ro.'ui tlortli of Ihi i ortl ot.all i'. Ihe town?htp of Sjl -l ':-htrn:i.s , S i ' M ClligAD. .n AkboU, Micli.. J-i'i.-il, 1890. -US tí BE AL, Aaslgnee .; A K.Miv.i.T n, Aitorneys. Mt:rtsii?P S.ile. n'.T HAVING BEKN MAPE IN THI cúiidlifor of ACe ige exccaled bi n all wife. ti :■(!;! lay ol Pebra : i,: i Ín Ibe (lio.: oí tb tie Coanty "f W'iiíti'enav s ate Iwenty mini day ol Fel m irigiiKe on pegi ií by (ttf i ■! hv th - i i ''■■ i Di w in M1 ■ in ei inher 1 lid ra ingagel ■ ■m 'iiiH of mort lili I ir p iWfl ■ hrtfl beci ui: i .i.(i lm . ■ i m ! .■ .ir cqu ureil b] reof, and the v claim N'iitre h ■ill be (on I ■ ftl'thc ui rg .■■!'.■ mi -i- -in-M-i:! .1. - wei} ninc in ; J Ar n Wil to . is al ■.) liiii ■ u-t i.i the city o! Arl-o i b. i;ii.' Ibe pla ..;!;■ i it eaid '"imt j cu . ; ril A. l. 189U at lei ■ M:rtt day. :l rd .1 ■ KlvJlIAKL) .1 ZriBBS. ,.-- güee u! Mortgagm ■l'. F. 1 A1VKB CE, Atty. lor Mortgage Sule. DEFADLT HAVING ÜBIÍN' MA DU IN Tin COQdttlODe ol A morlKUKe execuled liy Kvi'nudll. Mo ■ M. Morcan, lita wife, M E H.h Field, bearii g date the 'int iiay of May A. 1). 1 .S - 4 . and r. cordwi In the oflice o( üie KegUter c.f Deeda ior w t'ouniy, VichiRat 011 Ibe 8d day of May A. D. 1-1 at '■' o'olock i. ui. or ibtit day, if moilyaires on pa hy wiiich d;f-inlt, tlic power oí' tale coi in emrt inortg ga be&ni: operatlve, ai snit or pi a or eqtttty hiivloi been inftituted to recover tbc deht securea iy süid mortgaee, or any part theieof, and ibt ui (1261.72 at thi! daie of tlii.i notin br.utg clainied to be due on suiil mortgage, and Ihat at tbe da'e of sald mortiiiige the l'ull nal tbe aald ra irt gee, Ju"ius K. Beul Kietó thatafter s.iiil m ir gage w.i tim'.e iiud execuled. eald mortgagee applied to ih(; Hrobate C'uurt, f eaid Couuiyol rt aehtehaw, in wrltini?, in p of the Pifttute in eucb chv: m wie nnd provided, iui 011 the 25th day of July A. U. 1SS1, he oblalned u order ol sald Probate Oonrt chnning hi i.amt from Juiiiiia E. Beal Kleld to Juniun K. lteal, iu and by the ree mis o: said Probale Conrt in ihii matter, reforenee bcina tbereto had wi: fully uud ut large appeur. Now Uierefore nol ■:■ will n: ForecloM by :i - ea therein desciibed, 01" ïreof, aud tïiat tiieor'.miflei ara deecrlbed tu sald mirtgige a-i followe, towit, all that certuinpiece ur 1 ■ 1 ol'land nituiited anl bi Ins i : i Townsbip ol Pittjfield, Iu the C'onnt) -hUüii.w. utirl í-tate ol' Michigan, describo ns follows, i'iw 1 : Begiuning at k polnt in the weft slde Of seCtloD ninnlier four (IJ in ('Hid Townbí? u 11 (19) ch.ulns and seventy-nine (79) liob from the northwnt corner of said section liiie. thence norih eigtity-seven (87)degreefland li minutes tast ihree (8) chaina ai.d ïh'rty-s lmkf tua slak.; 011e ciialn and tweinysevcnB ir ke Iroüi a cberry tree ten luches in diameter, which beurs Bouth eighty-seven ■■ 1 wen tin nee bonthtwo (2) degreen i-aft lll'iy-lour (rl) liijkd thence Bouth eighl miDutes eaet slz (o) chains und eiglity-iiy llnkstoaetakethlrty slx and a hall' (.■■;', liuö ín ni an applo tree ftfioen luches in diameter s! Bonth Iwenty-elght (28) degrees we Iheoce Houtli alzty-elKbt "-■ ac-jfrec east o cliain and eijrhly-eeveu (87) links, thenco soiitj eigbty-four (SI) degrees east lour chaina od Üfty-Ioar (51) links to the intereection of tvr dit'he, tbeucoBouth eix () riegreen east. (11) chains and twenty-two (22) links to Ihe rc-coip inzi-d eaBt and west qnartcr line thence west t qnarter line seventeen (17) chains aud twenty (311 links to the recogntzcd quurler stnke, tbence nortl nn the section line thirteen (18) chaius and fl'tj (VI) links to the pluce ol beginning, contaiuinj twenty-one acres of land ra re or les, at pubiii vendue, on 1'harsday the Hrst day of May 1SW, ïioon al the nortb front ooor of the C'ourt Hüo In the (tv ol A1111 Arbor, in sald Countv, tliat bj Ing the placo of holding Ibe Circuit Conrt iu ft Coani v. Date A. I). I8S1 J UNÍ US E. BEAL, Mortgage. J'ormcrly Junins K. Deal ne A.J. SiWTER, Atty. íor Mortgagee. Estáte oí David W. Nojes. OTATE OF MICIIIGAN, Couuty of Washtcníl Oes. Al SOS6I0D Ot the Probate Court for thc Connfl )I Wavhtenaw, holden at the Probafci Ofllce. in iW il'Ann Arbor, 011 Tuesday, the eh-venth dií ■í February, in the year oue thousnnd cU" inndred aud ninty. Preaeut, J. Willard Ba bit!, Jodge ;l Probate. lu Ibf matter oí the catate of David W. Noy deceoxed. . Ou readlDC mú f,l:i{; tlie politlón, duly venilea.' MiclDi'-l -f. N r, praying 1 hat lie mí ,. icened to se I tlie real esWte wuereof eaiil ir ■' :l-(1 B6 -:'ii. Thereupuii It ís ordored, that Tuesdsy, t lerentb i!y of Marco neit, at 10 o'cloct j he toreiioon, be aésigned for the 1 uil pelillon nuil that the devisees, leñatees a" ira ot luw ni' Baid dcceaserl, and all otherjW m):iw Interotsted iu saíd esínte, are required! (iii Court, theu to N ■I the l'robate Office, iu íhe city oí A Arbor, aud s:. cause, i any there be, ffj the pra) er of the petitiouer ?hnu!d not bcgrapl And lt 1 rurtber ordered, that sald petiiiotf give üoíío; to tbe ; ested in í'aid estáte 01' thc pendeney ol' aaid petltioii, and the heariijf thereot, by causiug :. copy of 1 his order to beJ llsbed Ín tueAunArborC0r!r,ancwBpaperprlDij ar.d circuiiUed in said county, three eucceí weeks prevlOBe lo raid day of bearlDg. (Atr:ecopy.) J. W1LÍ.AK1) KABBITT, 'ludüe oí i'robatí. WM. Q. DOTY, Probate Beslater. Cbauccry Jíotice. IN i i . 'i-, vlrlne oía final order and creo ill cuurt íor iliu Ounty inci'ry. in tbu State of Michlí . awed and cjilcred oc the iwcnty-seve day oí Muy A. D. ]Svi, i ii a certain causo &e" iLr wdiTtiin tícüwick Dean nnd llenry . ;ilainMiittí linü (Jileo McrrittaDd B1W Btendantrf. Nntio' ia l'iphy iriv'n thut I shall eoll at pno Uier at tho east front dw ol t!ie l -.mi íVoiit door bein? t Fourlh sircct ontranci; to faid rourt houwc) in t city of Aun Arbor in said Ocuiity o! Wasbtóojj ni! Siaie oí MlcbiKUi- said coun liii thu circuic rourt lor tv -;i!urd..y the niiicïeemb (iay ol A. 1'. .. iu Ihc (brenoon to raij I du. tü the eaid complainants lor princlp loten et and c sis ui ihis cnuse, II ofihe rollowjj lund raeDTioucd umi set l'jj !, lo-wil: All that córtalo P'''cekJ p:ïrcel of lan : beiD in tliu 1■ : i y i f Washtenaw and ötöte Michigan and dcHcribeil ae followB, to-wit: M o :■ ! Villago of Mil tion numbcr Thirty-flve i' Kjiid lowniibip' Yorl;, aid towosblp beiig 'l'own DDmber H e8t, in accordüiw with the Ii-ni! ol .iul dyDated, Ann Arbir, M!ch.. Marrh 3d, 1300, PATKICK Mi KEKNAN, Circuit Court Conimisatomr in iiniiw VTaehlvnaw Courty, MICblgaD. Z. !'. ElNG, :'-iior for Complainant.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier