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Dexterites harvcsted 5-inch ice last week. E. A. Darling has oponed a new farm niplemeut store at Willis. Ex-aupervisor Jerry O"Brien, of Augusta, re.oice3 over a new daughter. On the 5th So. Lyonites had a donation or Rev. J. D. Spriggg and lelt him $70. Xoah still uves, nnd was recently lected secretary of a lyceum at North Lake. At So. Lyon 2,500 bushels of western corn has been retuiled tliis winter from stores. Noah W. IIiH, of Manchester, lias bceu rrunted thrte patents upon a scpuraiing n achine. The Catholics are getling material on lie grmind for thcir new churcli at Whittaker. A pnperis to be started at Gregory - If he villaje druj(it can get enough subscribers to warrant it. The Ypsilantian is authority for the statement that its city has been offered 250,000 for its waterworks. Dexter officials tried a new ballot box at the last charter election and like il very tnuch - all except the prlce. At Chelsea the revival meetings are so well attendcd Ihat the town hall has to je used to accomuiodate the crowd. Miss Ella Guest, formerly Hrs. E. C. Hoyt, of Dexter was married in San Francisco, Cal., on the latli uit. to one J. S. Doe. John E. Huil bas been fitting up the old homestesul near Di'xter, and will remove thereto, bavlng sold the farm on whicli he now lives. The school trustees of North Lale want a cast irou teaclier. Three dillerent ones have been knocked out tliis winter by tlie grippe, etc. Dennison's hotel at the depot has been greatly improved durinp; the past few days by having a fine porch built alonjf front and east side. - Milan Leader. We were sliovvn a paiï of drum sticks made ly Ralph Thacher and presented to jeo. Ward, that contalned 240 pleces and 20 varleties of wood. - Chelsea Ilerald. Tbe Wouun's Home Missionary Socl;ty of Webster, has chosen the followtig directors for a business year : Mrs. S. F. Sears, Mrs. W. E. Boyden, Mrs. Ed. Ball. Elmer Trav3, a breakman on the T., A. A. & N. M. R. B., had his foot so siiiii-hed at Azalla reeenlly that he had to liave it ampututed. Dr. Schuyler dkl the deed. Tlie trastees are prepared to a teiiclicr for the Sylvan Centre Deestrict Sltule. Certifieates of good moral umi mental qualifications will bo required. - Ctielsea Herald. Gfo J. Niasly lias sold a lialf-inteest lfl I llt Í3lite Qhaorvor to Andl'eW J. Wanen, who has boen with hlm for some time. Here's a hearty welcomu to the new proprietor. Prof. S:ige, of Aun Arbor lias organlzed a siniin; elass here. He is one of the oldest singing teachers in the ftate, having taught here about thirty yeais ago. - Dexter Leader. Farmers ?re complainlng of much trouble with the pork salted this winter. It Is not keeplns well, and they wonder wliether the faultis in the vveatlier, meat or salt. - Oexter Leader. Apropos of novelties of the season It Is related that MUs Bloodvnod picked cl.erry buds the tirst of the week, put them in water and brought thein lato blossom. - Monroe Commercial. A camp of Sons of Veta was mustered in at So. Lyon last night with IS charter members. The offleers are : Captain - Louis Benlley; lst LJeut.- Cliarlny Miller;2d Lieut.- Edwin Weatherficld. The Leader rightfully nssorts that the villaje council of Dexter ought to publish their proceedings. It is nlways enstomarj' and alwavs right. The public ought to know wliut tbeir servants are doing, A very iitcrestin2 and largely attended series of meetings, termed a nilssion, were held at the Catholic church du-i nar last week, by two Redemptionist Fathei s, whose addresses were calculated to grently stiiaulate the religious zeal of the parish.- Ypsilantian. Towns of the Michigan Central are all complaining of an overstnek of tratnps. Fortunately our town is not Infested with the animáis to anv great extent. Our rallroad doesn't run tralns enough to accommodate them. "No great loss without some sniall gain."- Saline Obseryer. The Saline Merino Sheep Breeder's Association, at their recent annual meeting, elected the following ofticerj and resolved to hold a 8heep-shearlng festival at Saline on April 8th : President- A. A. Wood. Vlce Pres.- S. It. CrltUinden. Sec. and Treas.- C. R. Parsons. Kzecuttve Board- G. L. Hoyt, F. C. Wood, N. A. Wood. The recent case of hazing at Kalamazoo College is attracting unusual attention here because Mr. Trowbridge, one of the two instructors who was bound by twenty of the studente and carried two miles into the county, and left in a corn field, gradnated from the Normal last year, and was editor of the Normal News. - Ypsi. Commercial. Died suvldenly, Monday, March 3d, 1890, at his late home uorth of Clielsea, Mr. Lorenzo Sawyer, aed ahout 73 years. Funeral servico wos held Wednpsday at the house, Eev. Dr. Holmes, ciating. A large nuraber of relatives and friendl fullowed the remains to its final reding; plnoe in O ik Grove Cemetery. - Chelsea Herald. The feature of election day - for the boys - was tlie immense fire built by them in the evoning. This is a custom of long standing 'here. Bome grayheadod votera, who now watcli their ijrandsons contributing freely for tlie "blnzc," can recall the time whpn they were annsc th foremost in tlie boxsleallnggung. - Dexter Leader. Tlie people of Ploasant Valley are exxrcncn!r a grand revival In relijrion and very miny are inqnlrinsr what they must doto be saved. Rev. H. A. Day, editor of the Wesleyan Herald, has been conducting evenin; service9 in the neigliborhood for several weeks and a general moral reform is expected thronghout the whole neigliborhood. - So. Lyon Excelsior. Mr. Willis L. Potter, of Willis, put In an appearnnce In our ofHee one day last week, looking hale and hearty for a man of bis years. He says lie has lived wliere be now lives, 53 years. coming into this locality in 1830 when Michigan was still a territory. Time has deepened the Unes on his face and wliitened hls locks, but, still, as he aays in his pleaaant way, "I ain Willis L. Potter wherever I go." He is oue of the stal wart pioneere of VVashtenaw coiinty and the Ypsllantinn is glad iilways to rreet hitn and hopea to receive his calis for years yet to come.- YpsilanMan. Farmers, when you pather up your corn for mili to have it jrround for leed, care should be exercised and all other matter excluded. Mr. Birkett showed ui h lew days ago a piece of iron about % lnches long that got Into tlie feedtrninliTHt hls ralfl, and twisted an inch and a half shaft in two. He had also on exhiliition a stone as large as a mini's fist wliich was emptied into the sheller with some corn, last week, and completely ruined the machine, so that he had to sentí to Pennsylvania for s new one. Men who bring grain to mili should mnke it a point to have it as clean as possible for tlieir own interest as well as the ler's.-


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Ann Arbor Courier