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The Casíalian is rxpecteii out ncX weck. The senior pharmica are ndmlring thel class plns, JRandiill vi!l t.ikc the p'ictures for the senior lavvs. The lioard of Regenta ai e to mee to morrow eveninff. Tlie riii Kapp's are to give n gram party Friday evening. The senior laws will prob:itly liave class pins as tbelr badge. The lust Clironicle contained a line biograpliical sketch of Dr. Winchell. Hon. Chas. E. Sraith, of Phlladelphla, tlie new minister to ltii3n, is a gradúate oí [Toion Uollejre. The regents are cxpocted to Ihoroiighly overhnul the' La tin department at tlieir meeting this week. Prof. Cooley will probably takc liis engineering cluss to Pittburgb on a tunr of inspection this year. A lady fitlnted at Mix O'RfU'a lecture Friday night. 'Twas none of hls Engliali jokes tliat causcd it. It is expected tfaat the rooms in tlie new cliemiciil labortttory will bc ready for uee in a couple of weeki. The athletic associatlon at Obcrlin is building a new grand stand on its grounds capable of seating S00 people. Messrs. Bishop and Barleigh of the S. C. A., went to Ypilanti last week to asíist in revival meetings tliere. A new paper, to contain reporta of the lecturee, and of work done in theöcien" tiflo depnrtment, is to bo startcd at Harvard. Dr. Angelí s indiioriitl address upon Dr. Frieze ought tobe pnblished so that those who dcsire a copy - anil ths numbcr is great - can have one. Drs. Carrow, Nancrede, Gibbes and Iluber went to Saginaw Monday, to attend a meeting of the Saginaw Vnlley Medical Society, yestcrüay. It is said tliat the co-eds are much more elated over liaving their class photos taken tlian are tlie boys, and that they are very particular about their costumes. Cigarettes in tlie main hall or in any other unlvcrsity building should be tabooecl. Tlie smoke is object ion ble to many ladles and is not ]tut the thing any way. Tlie life-saving crew composed of students ol the Northwestern Univerfiity at Evanston, III., recently saved 18 lives frotn the wnck of the Calumet on Lake Michigan. The rccei tion of the Glee Club boys at Bny Cüy was a line one. After the coccert tlie graduates in the Saginaw Val ley gave them a line bat'quct, and J03' relgned supreme. Fire having destroyed the college buildings and all collections at Toronto University, Harvard has very generously offered her duplicates in blology and archa; loey to that University. The Junior Law Base Ball Association has chosen the following offleers: President, D. C. Smith; secretary and treasurer, B. E. Devoe; manager, C. W. MiddleUauff; directors, A. C. Riebrock and B. M. Everts. George H. Ha vil and the business manager for the Glee Club trip, has secured the private palace car narned the "City of Saginaw," belonging to the Saginaw Fishiug and HlllltlDg Club, for ibe entire journey. A fact the paity will nppreciate. Prof. de Pont requests that all students of the üterary department intending to gradúate this year, will report o hlm early. Jt will be but little trouble for each senior to attend to this prooiptly, and by so dol Dg he wi)l greatly facilítate matters for (he registrar. - Chronicle. Adelphl program for March 22: Muslc, "vlolin" Miss F. C. FInley Oration Mr. A. W. Sraith Musle,"vocal" Mrs. Prof. Kempf Esaay Miss Anna Doeking Muslc, "vlo! In" Miss F. C. Kinley Debate- Iteaolvttl, 1 lint woman be glven the ballot Alt., Miss Mand Morey; Neg., Mr. Joslln. General Debate. Music, "vocal" Mrs. Prof. Kempf Aceompanlst, Prof. Kempf. At a meeting of the senior cl.iss last Suturday inorning it was resolved to levy a class tax of $10. A class bat is to be chosen by a commlttee of seven; Gibson was given the job of tak ing the photos of the class; it was voted to allow each member of the class seven tickets to the senior ieceptlon wlth the privilege of buying three more. There were about forty members present, largely ladies. Au enthuslastic meeting was held Honday a. Dl. in room A, and the following officers of the Base Ball Association chosen : President - Charles Hlgey. Vlcc-Presldent- Krank Anderson. Treaurer - Wade. Board of Dlreclors- Messrs. Field, llayncs, Nye, Wlllhartz, and Stlllraan. The base ball subscription only amounts to $108 uow. It ouglit to be doubled. "The one great need of this great univeraity is a complete gymnasium, " was the accute observation of Max O'Rell while looking over the institution last Saturday. By the way, O'Rell wi;s astonished at the magnitude of the university, and at lts thoroiigh eauipment. He expected considerable but was astouUhed at what he saw and beard. He had not appreciated the great and rapid growtb. of this western world In letters and in educational facüities. He left here wlth a firni doterminatioii to come agiiin. Advanced sheets of The C.istalian, the new publIcatlOD of tlie Independents have been furnished as, and the announcement is made that the book will be on sale next Tuesday. The book will contain 220 pages, 100 of whlcli are devoted to pure reading matter, including papers by Profs. Pettee, Kelsey, Dewey, Hiusdalc, and others wlth fine pictures of Dr. Ford, Profs. Demmon and Thomas. There is also n full page illustration of the new M. C. station here that is fine. There are some excellent poems and some comical ones also; and the Iiterary merit, gathered from a hasty glance over its pages is excellent. The quality of paper used inight have been improved. The last lectura In the coure of the Students' Lecture Association occurred Friday eveaing, being giveu as announced, by Max O'Rell. This disünguishcd gentleman is an Angliclsed Frenchman. He has considerable of a French accent, not enough to be troublesome to Euglish ears, but enough to cause bla hearers to pay close attention in order to understand all of his words. He caitured his hearers, however, before he had flnishcd two sentences, and the keen wit and ginoolli, clean satire was a rare treat. It was not always hls words that eaptlvated ihe bearer, but his peculiaily npproprlate gestares as well. There are 110 ragged edges to O'Rell's nrltlcUms, they are all clear cut and Bharpaa a twoedged nrord. His descrlptlon oflhe peculiar eharacleristlcs of John Buil, Samly M.-Donald and Brother Jonathan was unique, indeed. To all he gave good poiuts but at the same time part-d Ibelr pecDllarltlea unmercifully. The EnglUhman was stolld, persistent, mulisli, full of assurance, and never failed to learn a lesson taught by hls enemles. The Frenchman was just the opposlte. He was wildly enthuslastic over vlctory, tcrribly despondent over defeat, and never could be tnught a lesson by adversity. The Scotcliman was the shrewdest of all- so shrewd that it was imponible f'ora Jew to get a footiiiíf in thnteountry, the only country on the earth that he dld not enter and prosper in. The lecturer dwelt al length on the bonnie Scot, and related msny anecdotes that were taking. As to Brother Jooathan, the speaker was not so intensely aarcastic as tlic public expected but he showed np many prculiarities - especially that of Inquiaitlveneu anti cheek. The hablt of chewing tobáceo and expectoratingso freelj' he was scathing in his word picture of. The endiug of his lecture was a be;iu:lful tribute to America, bowever, for it was a wish that hls dear France mifiht become more and more like tbis great, broml, progressivp, noble republic. Shonld it ever be Ü'IJell's fortune to come here agaln he wlll be greeted warmly. TUK BOYS AT KA Y CITY. The following is a portion of the acCDunt given in the Bay City Daily Tribune of fifarch 15, of tbc vislt of the Glee and B:injo Club boys to that city on tbc evening previous : At the conclusión of the entertainment at the opera house lust evening liy the Unlverslly (ilee and liaujo Club, a cominltleo conaiHtiiii; of leading cltizena tendered thein a (ompllinentnry banquet at the Fraser house. Thedlnlng hall WH handsomely decorated and the tablvs laden wlth cholee flowers whose ezotlc perfume and brilliant hues tent a eharm to the scène. Fully seventy-flve guesls were seated. Placed at the slde of each cui'si s pinte was a button-hole boquet and a handsome embossed card bearlng the following legend In tbe upper left corner "Coniplimeulary Banquet to Üntveralty Glee and Banjo Club." A. buugh bearlng a variety of plunied songsters divlded the center of the card. In the right hand corner were the words "Ulveii ly liny City Alumni Unlver8lty of Michiiiïin, Kruser Houee, Friday eveninj;, Maren 14, 18U0." The reverse slde ot the card contained the elabórate menu. tiefore the pleasant gathering oame to an end, the matter of formlng au alumni society ín Bay City was dlscnssed, and to accom plish that end a commlttee was appolnted consistlngof Wllliam Jennlson, 11. B. l.midon, T. K. Webster, C. S. Wells and W. I. Brotherton. As parting token Auld Lang Hyne was sung by ihe guests HEOENTS' MEKTIXC The regular meeting of the Kounts was held last nigbt. Profs. Prescott, Johnson, and Stevens, from the Chemical departnient, and Drs. Lyster, Ilurd, and Freer, were appointed as delegates to attend the phannaceiitlcal convention to be held In Washington, D. C. in May. Itegents Wbitmr.n, Draper, and Hebird were autlioiized to let tlie contract ;or buildinn; two of tbe five wards of the new hospital building. A summer course in lilmrmacy to last from July 7 to August 1G, at a cost of f25, was establisbed, V. F. Ed wards to ttave charge of tbe same. Dr. AVood wasgranted leaveof absence Brom May 10. He expects to go to Europe. Prof. Stanley was givon the necessary buckitig to go abead with the Coinmencenient concert. A fund of $25,000 to be given or secured ,0 the regent8 by Mrs. Clara Stranahan, ot Brooklyn, N. Y., the proceeds to jro iowarda eduoatlng descendants of her iatlier, Seth Harrison, was accepted. Prof. 8. F. Peacham.of Providence, R. [., was given permission to use tbe chemcal laboratory in sclentilic investigation, ie to pay $100 per year and cost of ap)aratus and Chemicals usecl. E. D. Campbell was made assistant professor of metallurgy; Prof. D'Ooge :urator of tbc museum of art n place of Dr. Frieze, deceased. and J. H. Drake assiitiint professor of Lutin.


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