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Tlie I7ew York Graphic speaks n high term of the If iralr'y spcctacular production, as follows: Mary A. Blood, A M., teacher of Kendering and üible Itcviding, al8o ín charge of Normal dcpartiuent lu Monroe College of Oratory, Boston, Mass., says tbis of Miss Berry Phelps: "As a reader Miss Phelps is of very attractive appearance, possesses great animation and much dramatic potver. These, witli a musical voice, and the fine taste which is ahvays shown in her selections, and her keen appreciation of literary merit, place lier in the front rank of public readers." The regular scsslon at Niblo's Garden was inaugurated la-it evening by the presentatlon f Bourgeois nnd Paul Feval's "Le Bosso " entitlcd "Lagardere." Mr. Irare Kiralfy's pcctaoular produotlon last nlght proved a uccess. Desplte thu heat, the very large udlencesat through to the close. A ballet f superior excellence, and sceneryof marvelus beauty and lilstorlcal accuracy.excel forraer productlons of Imre Klralfy. The iete ceue In the thlrd act, representlug a (?rand ïall In the royal palace. Is exqulsltely aluted, and the rulns near the Castle of Cayus deserves mention as a trlumph of the cenlc artlst'sskill. But two ballets are Inroduced, one entltled the "Gypsy Reveis," a the flrst act, and another drtscrlpilve of he "Seven Ages," In the third act. Botb allets were admirable. A nuinber of careully tralnedchlldren appeared In tbe "Seven Ages," and won lmmedlateapproval. Samantha and Josiah Allen will glve a eceptlon to distinguished cliaructers rom history and fiction i;i the lecture oom of the Congregational church on ''riday evening, Mareh 21st, at 8 o'cloek. Admission 15 cents. Ice creani :ind cake 0 cents.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier