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The York milis are being improved. Dundee dogs killed $117 worth of sheep last year. The Herald braga of the dramatic talent in Chelsea. Alfred Lewis and family of York have returned trom Florida. Nelson B. Tuttle, of Ypsilanti, lias been granted a pension. Scarlet fever has been breaking out considerably at Worden. Kxamlnation for teachers at Chelsea on the last Friday of April. At the Chelsea Baptist church ten persons were baptlzed recently. John George Meyer's farm in Lodl was reoently sold ut $U per acre. Almost town meeting time - one week froin next Monday, April 7th. The Swedish Lidies National Chorus is announced for Ypsilanti April 10. Fred Staebler of Bridgewater, has bought a house and lot in Manchester. E. B. Winans, of Hamburg, is talked of for governor on the democratie ticket. Look out for glooniy forebodings from the fruit raisers about thia time of year. Keception at tlie Baptist cliurch, Dexter, ttiis evcning for Mr. and Mrs. Conrad. Married, March lSth, George A. Fuller of Dexter, and Miss Sylvia Hay ot Uuadilla. There is a complaint tliat poor wheat is being brought to ïnarket in some localities. Qeorge Reimold will occupy Henry Kelsey's farm in York this year, having rented it. At Saline the postofflee will prohably be removed to the union block about April lst. Next Sund.iy 14 girls and eight boys are to beconflrmed at Emanuel's church, Manchester. The Congregational ladies of Pinckney will Eerve diuner in the town hall on election day. Miss Abigal Dickerson, of Salem, one of the oíd pioneer, died last week of consumption. Ypsilanti claims to have an offer of $250,000 for her watcrworks. Sell 'cm! - Adrián Press. The Gregory Free Press, with Mr. Dunlap for editor, is to be the new enterprise for Gregory. According to present prospecta there will not be much building ín Saline this year, says the Observer. On Friday, March 28th, there will be an examination of those desiring teacher's certificates at Ypsilanti. Heider & Bros. of Dexter have la t built a fine delivery wagon for a tirm doing business at East Tawas. The Gleaners of the Ypsilanti Presbyterian society give an wntarteinment in their church Friday evening next. The Pitttfield Union Sunday school will meet next Sunday to elect offleers and get rcacly for the summcr campaign. The city fathers of Manchester are endeavoring to regúlate the speed trains should run through tliat place. Hard job. A freeseat offering at the Chelsea town hall, on Friday evening next, proceeds to apply on the salary of Rev. J. H. McIntosh. At II. M. Begole's in PittsfieUl, will be held a maple sugar social on Friday evening. Proceeds for the Sunday School library. South Lyon tvill hold her Church and Olllce Furniture Co., notwlthsbukdlng other places have been trying to get it away from her. On Friday next, (if nothing happens) the exercisesappropriate to the raising of the cew flag for tlio Dexter school building will take place. G. S. Bathel will build a new bouse at Whittaker this spring, Will Thorn will build a new barn, and there is some talk of a new grist mili. The statement is made that now is the time to prune fruit trees, especially peach trees, which should have a portion of last year's growth cut back. On Tuesday evcning, April 8th, there is to be given a public exhibitlon at the Clifton house, Whitmore Lake, by the pupils of John Galbraith, Jr. It is undorstood in fashion circlcs that the new spring bonnets will be four dollars taller ana seven inches wider than last season. - Saline Observer. On Saturday night last burglars blew open the safe at John Koch's brewery in Manchester, and secured about $50 in cash besides a lot of valuable jewelry. Farmers report great damage done to growing wheat and clover by the unfavorable weather of the past few weeks. - So. Lyon Picket. Hope that's only a "report." A lady near this place is gainlng renown as a pedestrain, she having walkcd to Ann Arbor and back last Saturday, the dl8tanoe covered belng 24 miles.- Saline Observer. The Ladies' Guild Society, of Brighton, will give a grand Easter social at the Brighton House on Thursday evening, April lOth. A cordial invitation is extended to all. An analysis of the water works well water at Ypsilanti by the Agricultura! College authorities, proves that our Greek neighbors down stream have very pure water to drink. A nuniber of our cro?s walks need looking after at once. If this is much longer delayed mysterious disappearancus will soon be the order of the day. - Dexter Leader. The Y. W. C. A. have resolved to hold a social at their rooms every Saturday evening, each altérnate oue to be open to the public, and supplied with some entertainment. - YDSilantlan. Li L. Kilby, Saline's village clerk, took a dose of medicine containing laudanum and chloroform recently, for stomach pains, that carne near endincr al! pains for him. Too large a dose. From reports that come to us in various ways i: are lad to know that there is niucli botter care given to stock every winter. It is beglnnlng to be learned phat shelter is clieaper than food.- EiUertrise. A Chelsen man had his nose broken the other day, by a cow he was feeding unexpectedly raising her head. No man, bas any business to be a farmer, whose nose is longer than his pitchfork.- Adrián Press. Moultop Bros., of Green Oak, lost a largo barn, a large lot of farining tools, and 40 tons of hay, 330 bushels of wheat by lire Tuesday morning; insureil for $200. Supposed cause, incendiarisin. - So. Lyon Picket. A grand entertainment at Al. Steven's Lake House, Whituiore, is announced for the near future. The Hamburg clioir, under the leadership of Mr. Irvlng and Misa Julia Ball will have charge of the same. The price for farm labor is uld to be even higher than usual. Caused largely by farm boys seeking other pursuits. The farm is haring a little depression now, but lt will come up again shortly, and the man who clings to his faria will be the gainer in the end. Louisa M. Wilcox has been allowed $500 against the estáte of Althea B. Pacey for services rendered deceased durlng her last illnes?, 71 weeks. B. W. Waite and II. S. Cook were the commlssloners who heard the claims. All of Dexter. C. V. Man8Íleld, traveling salesman of the J. W. Butler paper company of Chicago, has bought the S3 acre farm of the helrs of the late O. N. Conklin one mile west of Ypsilanti, on the Ann Arbor road for f5,200, and will niake a poultry farm out of it. A book agent is at work in this state selling a "Guide to lleaven." The farmers who have banked on lightning rods and Bohemian oats are fighting shy of thls new scheme. They prefer to stick to the old country roads for the present.- Brighton Citizen. The A. O. U. W.'s had three deaths in their ranks during February, at Ypsllanti, and the widow of each one of the merabers has been paid $2,000 already. It is certainly tle duty of every poor man to secure a life insurance polic3' if bis health will permit. If 8ome one with a small amount of means would erect a nice little hotel on the corner of Main and Mili streets it would be a paying investment. Pinckney is said by all transient men to be one of the best locations for a iirst-clas3 hotel that there is in the State.- Dlspatch. March is here. Ifot very long now before planting time. Qet those planta thnt should be started indoors started in time. There is plenty of time to think about it yet, it is true, bnt time "fugits" so fast, thal it goea sometimes even before we begin to think about such inatters. - Manchester Enterprise. E. V. Wallace returned Tuesday from hla visit at Chattanooga, Teun., looking hale and hearty as ever. Ile reports Chattanooga enjoying a healthy boom and thinks it is bound to be onc of the greatest cities of the south. Mrs. Wallace will probably remain until about April lst, - Saline Observer. The boys are on a wild goosc chase. A small Hoek have been swimming in Silver Lake and they go out nights and mornings and pasture on Jacob Reed's wheat and the boys shoot nt them and they all fly away. The game is too large, the boys get the gander fever and thelr knees smite together.- Picket. Who will take hold of the brick business in this town? The Sperry farm, just % of a mile east of this village has one of the best beds of clay for brick maklng in the state. The supplr is inexImustible, tlie quality supeiior and a Qrand Trunk side track withln thirty rods. AVood for burning purposes is very cheap and plentiful.- Stock bridge Sun. The address in the interest of the Patrons of Industry, at Grange Hall last Thursday afternoon, attracted a considerable audience, but did not appear to make a very favorable impression. Tlie speaker did not seem capable of stating very dlstinctly what the Patrons propose, nor what lie liimselí proposod, though be spokc or an hour and a half. - Ypsilanttan. We learn tliat tlie townsliip board has decided that the new electiou law in regard to holding of elections in a building in whlch liquor is sold, shall be obeyed. Heretofore tlie spring elections have been held in tlie Ooodyear house office, but as tbere is a bar ia the building, the spring election will have to be held In some other place.- Manchester Enterprise. The latest swindle to catcli the unwary farmer is a double-headed fountain pen, one of which is loaded with good black ink, and the other with ink that will fade. A contract of some kind Is wrilteu out wHh the fading fluid, and the farmer is induced to sign, but he signs with the sure enough Ink, and in a short time his name comes back underneath a note for hitn to pay.- Ex. We publish elsewhere in this issue a notice from the Board of Water Commissioners, glving in detail the results of recent analyses of the water from the public well. They show that Ypsilanti has In hersource of water supply a perfect bonanza, in the shape of water which for domestic uses is incomparably the best vet developed in the United States.- Ypsi. Commercial. The new council has held two meetings thus far and scem to be getting down to business in good shape. The village affairs with which they have to deal are being carefully investigated and action is beiug taken aa rapidly as possible. Instead of rushing recklessly forward with the refonus it is apparent are much needed, they are wiseiy going slow, makIng gure they are right before going ahead. This is very commendable policy, and well followed will save a good deal of difflculty and unnecessary work. - Dexter Leader. Has it occured to any one to look Into the graveyards nowadays and then recall the beautiful green (Jhristmas wo had ? Who Bays that old saws do not cut the cuticle of truth? Hundreds laid low with Influenza ana its brood of terrora; the greatest death rate ever known, and the black (lag of woe streaming from innumerable door bells. You remcmber Christmas day? It was too bright and beautiful for words to picture. It had all the beauties of April and the Indian summer. The grass was mo3t tenderly green and all humauity rejoiced. But the green Christmas brought the fiill church yard, and the wisdom of the anclents is again made evident In modern times. - Brightou Citizen. Mrs. Starkweathcr, of Ypsilanti, is a most generous woman. She is one of the kind - and they are not numerous - who believes that wealth has been placed in her banda to do good with. Her last act of enerosity was the gift of her lino resKlence property on Huron st. to the Ladlee' Library Association of that city. This gift comes to the association as a crown of glory for the 23d year of its existeuce, duriug which time it has been one of the most elevatlng and educating Inlluences of Ypsilanti, and has been a Messing to tnany a family by furiiisliing it with pure and refining literature at comparatlrely little expense. The Association is to be congratulated. There are iiow over 4,000 volumes in the library, and $1,300 In the treasury. How doth the little busy bee I utprovu eacti shlulag minute! And süinetlrae, too, he has hls fun. But, triend dou't you beglu It. -Life.


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