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"Klre," she yelled In hls sluraberlng ear At the inornlng liour bewltcblng; Witli a sudden spring lie was out; "Where. wbere?" Sbe replied, "Make one in tüe kltclien!" Remember tlie reglstratlon day, next Weduesday. Mrs. John Lowrcy s to build a iiew liousc ou Monroe st. The offices have eommenced weking the men, (or vice versa.) Street sprinklers were out yesterdny morning and rain in the afternoon. Mrs. Su8n Brown, on Thompson st., has just received a pension of $1,300. Now is the time to listen to the statements tliat ''the fruit buds are all killed. '' Aclassof 41 candidatos will be confirmed at Bethleheni church next Sunday. J. II. Cuttiiig has got the plans for his new house on Monroe st , and will build at once. Some needed repairs are being made at the opera house, and there will be no entertainments thls weck. On Sonday, April 6th, Bishop Vincent will address the memben of Wesleyan guild, at the M. E. church. A lot of the eflecta of George Scott were sold at auetion last Saturday by Henry Richards, the assignee. While drivlng on Main st., last Sunday a. ra. the front wheels of Hudson EUis's buggy c.irne off and threw him out. The singing of the male quartette at the Presbyterian ehurch is highly spoken of by members of the congrega tion. Cooley has been elected a raeinber of Uio American Academy of Art and Science, in place of Rowland G. Hazard of Rhode Lsland. Rev. J. T. Sunderland's evening subject next Sunday will be: "Theodore Parker." Mornlng subject: "The Permanence of Religión." Before the lst day of June the buildings will all be in shape on the new fair grounds, and In one montli thereafter the track will be in good conditlon. An Ypsilanti man named Gilbert M. Smith, ended up a two weeks' spree at the county jail last Friday night, and died the next day with delerium trernens. The name of John Smith was called in the court room the other day, and only om gentleman responded. What's the matter with the Smith family in this section? Next Sunday evening, in the Methodist church, Dr. Studley will give the last lecture of his course on "Patriarchal Times." Subject: "The Plagues of Egypt." Monday evening the Royal Arch de?ree was conferred upon three candidatos from Dexter, by the Chapter, at Masonic temple, after which a spread was enjoyed by the conipanions present. The need of an electric light at the intersection of División and Ann sta. is very great. The leaves will soon be out upon the tree, and when tliat occurs darkness is quite intense there. We are In receipt of a circular letter f rom the superintendent of census, asking for statislics relative to the city's flnancial condition, etc. The figures will probab'.y be furnished by the rroper authorities. At the L'nity Club meeting next Monday evening, Prof. Kelsey will read a paper on' 'Lucretius and Herbert Spencer," and Prof. Thomas will speak on the subject "Mythology." Muslc will be proTided. As Chas. Raab was drivingin front of the opera house last Monday p. m., at about 5 o'clock, hls horse suddenly turned around, tipped over the cart, and injured Mr. Raab somewhat by a cut on the clieek. Next Monday night the "Wesleyan Guild will give an unusually entertaining entertainment in the maln auditorium of the M. E. church. It will consist of music by Prof. Stanley, and Shake?perlan readings by l'rof. Trucblood. Auditor General Aplin has flled a bilí In tho circuit court seeking to collect taxes on some of the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. Co. 's property at this point, wblcb the company assert was improperly assessed, and which is not liable to taxation under the statute. Perhaps one of the most pleasing local entertainments glven in the city for some time was thatgiven at theCongresational church last Friday evening. The characters were eo excellent and so well taken ihat the entire program was repeated on Monday evening to another f uil house. At the quarterly conference Monday evening at the M. E. church Dr. Studley finnounced that it was altogether probable that he would go to Evanston, III., the close of this conference year, next September. This action is in accordance willi an agreement made prevlous to coming here two years ngo. Montlily meeting of Washtenaw Pornological Society 5th of April, at 2 p. m., in tlie court house. Topics: Thinnlng out of fruit by shortening it ; what trees to plant; fruit prospecta. Brlng your Russets, Eanadas, Jonathan's and other winter apples and pears, dried and eanned fruit. Floral exhibit. The plumber come dowo Hito a wolf on th fold. And hls pockets werc laden with solder an gold; Nlne hours aud a half he made love to Ih cook, Aud lxty-flve dollars he charged on hl book. Beautiful Sundayi have beeu a cliarac teristic feature of March weather. Dr. Btudley occupled hls pulpit Sun day, after a two week's absence In Den ver. Kev. Sunderland wil! ;peak at Ui gospel temperance meeting Sunday after noon, at Crop3ey's hall. If there is any possibillty of forcing spring on to us early this year the cobtn have taken the contract evidently. Samantha Allen's reception, repeated last Monday night, drew a crowded house and was greeted with great applause. Erastus N. Gilbert, of this city, con nected with the audltur general's office Lansing, has been granted a pension. Wheat Is gradually crawling np In the market now, 77 cents being pald for the best grades. The prlce of flour, however, remains unchanged. Last Mondny Supt. F. E. Mills sowed the new fair grounds to oats, which Is probably the first oats seeded this spring The grounds are belDg put in fine shape. Tlie nomlr.ation for mayor upon the domocratic ticket will probably fall upon one of these men: Herman Hutzel, Jacob F. Schub, Louis J. Liegemer, or Win. D. Harriman. The fractional school district No. 3 put in one of the AUmendinger organs, and arevery much pleased withit. Wouldn't it be a nice thini; for every school district to go and do llkcwisc ? Mr. T. J. Cuvanaugh, brother of M. J. Cavanaugh was subjected to an examination for admittance to the bar last Wednesday, and made a brilüant record whlch 8ecured him a eertificate. On Easter Sunday Bishop Vincent will speak to M. E. Sunday school, and the regular service will be dispensed with. His subject will be "Easter Customs." Tlie annual uiissionary ofl'ering will be given that day rIso. The democratie city committee have decided to hold thelr cancuses YVedncsday evening, April 3J, and the city convention at the court room, at 7JÍ o'clock on the Thursday evening following, to nominate city offleers. The oíd landmark at the intersection of N. State st , known as Alber's blacksmith and wagon shop, is being torn down. Mr. Alber claims tlmt the gradina up of Pontiac st. ruined his place for business purposes. The remains of Catlierine A. Powers, who died March 23d, aged 78 years, were brought to this city to-day and taken to Hamburg for interment. Mrs. Powers wa the mother of the late Mrs. Floyd Williams, formerly a resident here. Prof. Alfred Hennpquin'á second article on the drama, tlie second of a series, to appear in diflerent reviews and magazines, is announced for the May ntimber of the Arena. The title will be "The Requitements of tlie Modem Drama." The Ana Arbor Electric Street Uallway Company must dlg dtrt wlthln slx weeks, or lts charter wlll be forlelted. Olg gentlemen - the Adriau road pays.- Adrián Press. The above Is respectfully rcferred to the doubters, who don't beüeve, and who are quite apt to tlirow cold wuter on the eoterprlee. Bishop Davie? confirmed a elnss of 84 at St. Andrew's church last Sunday forenoon, among whom were many of the society young people of our city. The Bisliop went to Ypsllantl In the afternooD, and in the cvening confirmed a large class at St. Luke's church. Geo. L. Moore and II. M. Taber have purchased, we are told, the stock of book?, statlonery, etc, owned by S. C. Andrews & Co., and will take possession about May lat. Qeorge Is an old book store man, and knows the needs of this community in tlmt line, and knows how to cater to them t.oo. Monday evenlng as Mrs. 15. F. Watts was heating some árnica over a gas jet, at thcir home on Kuurt li st., the fluid took ílre and considerable of it was thrown upon her clothing in an endeavor to cast it aside. Mr. Watts happencd to be at hand and immfidiately smothered the flames, the only Iniury belng some burns about the hand and wrists for Mrs. Watts. The fire that occurred yesterdav forenoon was caused by the burnlng of a large shed in the rear of Ferguson's road cart factory, on Detroit st., in which was stored two tons of excelsior belonging to the factory. The prompt response of the fire department saved adjoining buildings but did not save the excelsior which is all ruined probably. It was a bad day for a fire, as the wind very brisk. It is supposed the nre was orlginated by the carelessness of some young lads who were playing about the shed. The work of building the new stalls, sheds, etc., and fitting up of the buildings after being moved to thelr new location?, on the fair groundj} wlll be done by Mathew Kentschler, of Saline, who has the reputatlon of being a hustler in his way. The fact that this Is a county society, and that it seeks patronage from all parts of the county is one that lias been considered by Supt. Mills in letting the contracta for work to be done. Everything is being pushed forward with a rush, and Mr. Mills promiaes everything In and about the grounds to be in apple pie order" by next September. There is a great deal said about a juryman haviiig a " solt snap," as the vulgar expression of the day goes. The writer of tbis is incllned to believe that ajuryman's punishment Is co-extensivewith hisremuneration, or words to that effect. To sit eijjht or ten hours a day and listen to the "I object" and "you're another" argumenta of counsel is worth more than $2 per day. Any judge in the world Is perfectly excusable for getting out of patlence occasionally. In fact, he wouldn't be mucli of a judge unless he did. The average jury will have an 'amen for him everytlme his rlghteous Indignation boiU over. One of the most interesting schools of instruction the Masonic Fraternity have had In a long time occurred Thursday evening last. Fraternity Lodge furnished the candidate and exemplified the work, which was reviewed and commented upon by Grand Lecturer Arthur M. Clark. Mr. Clark is a regent of the university, the candidate was a young gentleman attending the university, and three of the ofllcers asiistlng In conferring the work were professors in the university. A combination that never has occurred before. The work was admirable in it8 perfection, and elicted warm words of commendatton from the grand lecturcr and the brothera present. . Prof. Willes is manager Öf á Teachers Bureau which flnd3 teachers for raoancle as well as vacaneies for teachers. Hariiet I'. Rovre vs. Eugene Itov.-e i the latest divorce grantcd in court. Tlie cliarge is cruelty and neglect to support, There was quite a large attemlance of Manchester people attending the trial of the Lazelle-Kapp ense In the circuit court last week. The streets that hare had the mud scraped ofl' and bauled away, present a fine appearance, aiid the roadway is solkl and lirm. Tlie republican city commlttee lias declded to eall the ward caucuses for Tljursday evening of next week, and the city convention Friday eveniog followlng. Franz Finker, a prominent Gemían of Lodi, died last Saturday and was buried yesterday p. m. He 'was a meinber of the A. O. V. W. and ollier Germán societies here. Mrs. Hiithbone, of this city, and Mr?. Wrlght, of Marquette, have bought lots on east side of S. State street, near the south end tliereof, and will eacli erect a residence this spring. Aon Arbor city electlon April 7th. It Is expeeled the day wlll be a very warm one.- Dexter Leader. No great amount of fuel for the anticipated calorie has made tself manifest so far.1 Townships, uuder the new law, are obliged to elect their members of the board of review, two in number. Heretoforc they have been appointcd by the town board. Died, March SOtli, 1800, at her home in Ann Arbor, after a severe thrce weeks Illness of typhoid pneumonía, Miss Nellie W. Cbeever, aged 17 years and 4 months, only daughterof Mrs. Laura E. and sister of D. B. Cheever. The loose papers and debris in back of S. C.Andrews & Co.'s Huron st. store caught fire last evening at about 7 o'clock, and was put out by the fire department without giviny an alarm. A little more of a start and there would have been a liveljr conflagration. A rail broke on the track of the M. U. R. R. at this station this morning, at about 1014 o'clock, by which severa' freight cars were thrown down the north embankment. The train was a doublé leader, just pulling out for the east. The accident happened in the yards near the end of'N. State 8t. The'Women's Home Missionary Society of the M. E. church, announce that there s a great demand from the Southern states, and also from the northern part of our own state, for second-hand clothing of all kiuds. Any one havlng cast-off jarments they can spare, can leave the same, with Mrs. George A. Douglass, on South Universlty ave., at the church on Wednesday evenings, or if notified the society will send and get any package ntended for them. Tlie state game warden says that the lavr illows tbe spcaring of grass plke, mullets and stickers. These flsh are beelnning to run dow. The old law prohibited the spearng of any kinds of flsh during the spring spuw ii In months, and ofioplehave Iheerron■mis Idea that the old law Is still in forcé. 3ut lt docsu't apply to the flsh enumeratcd. -Ex. Now if a flsherman should nothave his spectacles on, and should spear pickerel, and other game flsh, how will he correct the error, after it is done ? Isn't it dangerous to do any spearins without an electric light along with you to teil what sort of flsh you may be spearing? The census enumerators will soon be appointed for this city and county, each voting precinct having an enumerator, eo candidates are busy getting their credenals. The work will be done the first wo weeks in June, as in cities of 10,000 t must be completed in that time. City akers are paid so much for each name, while country enumerators get a per diem. A penalty Is incurred by those reuslng to answer their questlons, which hey have power from the novernment to nflict. Applicantsjfor this district send o John C. Sharpe, of Jackson, who is he supervisor of census. Prof. Steere lectured at the school ïouse on the gravel road, knovvn as the Hills school house, In PHtsfield, last Friday night, and gave hls large audience an interestiag talk. He did more than hat. He presented to the district a line ot of zoological and other specimens rom the Phillipine Islands as a nucleus or a museum. ïhls district Is an excepional one. Their school building is of brlck and nicely finislted ofl" and furnished. A line start has been made in be way of a library and more is belng xpended to build it up. The people are ive and wide awake, and thelr example s well worth nnitating. Qeo. W. llenwick, formerly teacher of music In the city schools writes from luskegon : "We like it vcry much. Of ourse we flnd the good and bad everyvhere, but on the whole it is a very good own to live in. I have a broader fleld to vork in here, about 4,000 children being n the public schools. They give us lenty of work and that is vvhat we likc Vluskegonisgradually improvlng. Other ndustnes are coming in to take the place f the lumber milis as they move out. It will be better for the town wheu they re gone. Some of the wealthy men are using their money quite freely to improve the city. Mr. Hackley has doated $45,000 for a park, $13,000 for the oldiers' monument and $25,000 for a )ublic library.'' The Sentinel, of Ypsilanti, does not 'avor the consolidaron of the County ''air Society with the Eastern Michigan ociety of that city, because of the " hogish nature " of Ann Arbor, and closes a omewhat extended article thereon with liis : " Gentlemen of the county press, when the lion and the lamb lie down to'ether in this age, the lamb is generally ïside the llon and if Ypsilanti and Ann rbor unite in the fair business, it will ot be to the advantage of this city, for ve havenothingtogain in the deal, while ur neighbor has everything to gain and othing to lose." That may be all so and t may uot be all so. It ia the almost unlersally expre9sed opinión that there would be as rauch for our neighbors to ain as for the county society. But with xcellent grounds and good buildings, all aid for, the county society does not feel ery much like coaxing our neighbor to ome In out of the wet. Lyman D. James, who is in Ann Aror on a business engagement, would ke to dispose of bis entire property at ie corner of Washington and Fourth sts. Any one deslring a good bargain for ome desirable lots, will do well to cali pon him at once or upon his agent hfre, Ir. Eugene E. IJeal, at the CouniKR tlice. Opening of Spring Millinery at Hanall s on Tuesday, Wednesday, and rhureday, April lst, 2d and 3.1. Everyody invlted.


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