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A GENTS WANTED, to eell tlie Slnger ManufaeturlnK Co's. Machines ín Wtuthtenaw County. Liberal lerins lo The rlghl raen. Apply at Slnger office, Ann Arbor, Mich. FOB SALE- New inllk cow, Jersey grade, a gentie mare cheap; Rochester gauge plowír, Niágara grape vine and other nursory Htock. W. F. BIHD, W. Hurón st. FÜR SALE. A mare, good single or doublé, extra gentle single. Would be very nlce forladlesor chlldreu to drive In a city like Ann Arbor. Sound. Welglit bout .1,130 ll. Prlce tlOO. Inqulre of GEO. A. PETERS, Sclo. H LOST at Congregationnl social last Frlday evonlng agold stud with tone etilne. Finder wlll be snitably rewarded ty returnIng same to No. r B. Thuyer 8t. Oï T710R SALE- Law, Loan and Real Estáte .1? Business, establlshed In lSsrtln aclty of L',500 Inhabltants. Onlyofliceof thls kind in thecoanty. Liberal terms. A grand openIng for a young man to stop tnt a well establlshed and paylng business. For particulars address C. H. HOLDEN, 2 Keed City, Mleh. rriHB Aürmotor," a solld steel wlnd-mlll, L wlth swing vane and Mltlng derrlck. No climblng to oil. Put up and warrant' tl for 65. 1 ISAAC TERKY, Dexter, Mlch. FOB SALK, by J. L. Babcock, 5 lou on the cor. oí Wllllam and Main sts. Also 3 lots on Spring st., Felch addltion to city of A. A. Enqulreat 2 FRANKLIN HOUSE. FOUND - A gold ring. Owner can have same bycalllng at ('mm ik office and proving property, and puying for thls notiee. EOR SALE.- Two very deslrable hoases in the best part of the city. 4 hlocks from Unlverslty. Terms easy. Knqulre at 65 S. 4th st. tr ÏOR SALE.- One half mlle south of Salem Jj station on the Detroit & Lans ing llailroad, 50 acres of tlmber. Inqulreof 1502 ERNEST E. RENWICK.


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Ann Arbor Courier