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Morfgage Sale, Whkkeas default his heen made in the condi tiont of h ciTtaiii in mg&xe whereby the power of Bale thereln contalned lias become t.pemtivt', execuicd by Ge_rge E. Bierce and Ncttic Iüerce. hls wife, of the townphip of iylvan, Wnnhtenaw C'iunty, Mlch,, mortgigoreto Thomis Wilklneon of tbE !-ame place, murtagee hearing rlae December int, a. I. 1831, aelcnowledged December :td, A. 1). 18H.Ï. and recordad in the olllce of tlie Kegliter t' Deedfl '"f Waahtenaw couniv, Michigan, on ihe 4th üay of Decetnbcr, A. D. 1SS3, in Ubr tij of Mortgaget, on page Git ; wblcb mortgagi w ií ouly aaetroea bjr Mfd Thomas WtJkiiiaon to Juntue e. Beal on ihe 3 i day of December, A. D. 1SS3, which a-signment was recorded on December Ith, A. l). is-::, in the Keg'sterof Dt-cds office lor thecounty of ashtenaw, ötute ot Michigan, in Ltber 8 of AHsitjinncntB of Mottgitges, on page 154. On whicn mona.e tbere ifclaimcd tO 06 Óae ftt the date ol [hfc notice the num of iI 5i) thlrty-five hundred aijd flfty dollar, and no acüon or procetídins at law or in oqutty have ben inetituted to recover the dubt secured by said mortggcor any part thereol. Notice if h reby givon Ihat by virtue of tbe power of gaie corUiDed inluid mortjiff e and of , the stat u tn in surh caaes mad6 and pronaed. tlie paid mcrte;atre wiil be foreefoaod-by ale oí the morigtged premlses therein deacrlbed, whtrh sale will ie made al the went door ot tbe conrr honse, In tht' city ol Ann Arbor, in the county ot Warhtenaw. st:tf of Michivan, that bel ng the place of holding the circnlt cnurt for t&id connty, at public iiuciion, Uy the nhorlff uf baid coanty, on Hatnrday the llJth day of April, .-. i. Lifl, at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon of satd day, to s .tir-fy the uiiioniit whlcfa ibftll ttien bc due íin anld nnriL''L'e. 't he premires deacrlbed in -Hifi ii r'g f,ro io be pold as sbovc specifiert ro : The weal hall of ihe üorihwest qnaiter of seotion 14, 1ko ihe south slzty aeree of the eaat half of ihe northeaat qttarter of section 15, bcinii all ttiat part ot' Batd lol ihat Hos smuh of Mili reek Ditcn. ranniug thrnngh the ame. nlso a strip of lar.d twi rod wiile nlong the eu?t atde ot the wtst halt at the nutiihwriu ctuarlvr ofseCtloD II, Irom tbe terrUoiial road norlh oftoè porth Hoe oí eaíd lot, all iu Ihe townshlp of Mltiid. connty of VYahtenair, S'ate "t Micbig ui. Ann AkboB, Mich.. J m. 11, ' ÍM1 S E. HÜAL, A6sigvee. i Sawyer A Knowi.t n, Aitorneya. Morígage Sale. DKFAÜLT H AVINO BRHN MADE ÏN TïlK eonÜilor& of a cer'ain mortse execu'ed by Levl Joboson aod Yary Aun Johnson hi$ wife, to I CfaaeD.ditod ibe twenty-tbird d.iy ol Febru i ary A JX ISSi and recorded in the i fflce of the Kvgwer ol Decds tur t he Coonty of Waahieniw i S:a(e oí Mientras oto Ihe fcwenty-Uilrd day i Kfb uiary A. 1). 1884 In Liher 63 of ra )rigsK(-' on pnge i í!ü, wbich snii mortgnga was duly asalirned bydeed i of öö'Kiiin' ut by the naid Chas e Dow morirá jut: lo RlcbardJ. Zebbfl n I he elicot d.iy of Decimeer A, 3 wbich t-Hul aeshíiiineni oí sald mnj;aKC is ncord6 Id Hie office of the Reftííter ol Deodé foi j iíid County ín Llbur 10 of asB'ffrmcnts of mort ! lt:i'4-s on pnge iOO, by wlicii c:iid delttolt the powei ! uf smIp conaine I iu (ald mortpftge lina becrme i opera ïv and no procedinpB in law or cquity hav : Ing beeu Inniltaled :o recover the debt secured by sftfd m ríg g ■ or any part thoreof, and the ura of i onc hnndiea jnd MVnty tioliaia belng now cl alm - cd to be dno on pnch m i 'g lee. Notlce Is hertby glven thtit thei-aiti in irtg urií will be rorcloncd by , aMleoftbemorigiKedprimlees thereln dcscribed ortome i'irt itierof vi. : Lut number twenty-elg it and thc north balf oí tot nornber tweuiy-niue in Hrowrf and líach's Additlon lo the Oty of Aun Ari'or Waj-htenuw Jonnty MicbiK&n accordinir to , tbe recordé d pint of sald additkn at public vendue at the eet door ofthe Court Houe In the city ot Ann Arborln naid County thai belng the placts I of holding the Circuit Cutirt for said C nut) on Uie twenty-fouith day of April A. 1. 1S90 at ten o'c otk in the forenoon of that (ïav. Dattíd Jautiary 2:lnl, 1S90. RICHARD J ZEBBS. At gaee ol Mortgagee. J. F. T AWREv'CE, Atty. lor Asa gaee. Mortg'age Sale. DEFAULT HATING BEEN MADE IN THE conditione ol a mort gage executtd by lLveraid 11. Morman und Al ice M. Morgan, hit wlfe, to Juníu E. Bc;il Field, In-arii date the 'Jrd day ef May A. D. 18$i, aud ivcordeii ïn the office oMhe Hegister of Diieds )'or Waahtennw County, Michiafc on the 3d day of May A. D. 1?"S1 at ; o'doi k p. m. of thut day, in Líber 04 of mortgagug ou pagn rim, by wliich def-iult, the power of sale contatued in eaid mortgage becpme operative, and no euit or proceeuirgs in Jaw or cquity htiviu beea met Hut ed to recover the üebt Becurea by eaid monguee, or any pnrt Ibereof, and ibe sum oí 51201. 73 at ihe date of this notice being claioitíd to be due on sai'l morfgHi?, ui.d Ihat at thedate of cald mortíí-; the iull oune uf the eaid morteügee, was Juniud K1. Bi'al field; that afler nid m-jrigai?e wis made and exucuicd, said mortgagce apphed to tho i'robuttï Court, for aid County of Waehteiiftw, in writinti, in of the ?tatnte in such cjtse mide nnd provided, and on the 2öth day of Jnly A. L. lïii, ue obtained an order ot said Probate (ïourt chanfln' hii iame froin Juniiis E. Beal Field to Juntas K. Bal. u in and by the records of' said Probate Courtin ihat matter, reterence being thereto had will more fully and at largu appt ;ir. Now therefore notice ia hereby given, that suid mort gage wlll be loreclosed by a tale of the inortijaiied prtmises therein described, oreóme paittbereof, and tbat thepri-miscs are detcribcd in said myrtg-gü an follow, towit. all tbat certain piece or ptrcMl of latid sttnuted and betnjc i'i 'he TowDship of Pittiüeld, in the County of Wahtenaw, and Mate of Michigan, described a foUowa, towii: Beglüning at a po int in the we-t tide of tM'Ction na in lier tour (f) iu said Townsbip nir.tcen (lít) chalus and seveiity-nine (79) links f rom ihe nurthweet corner of suid secifon line, tht'iicc north eigiity-peveu (87) dt-gree and fll'ty (óÜ) minutes cast ihrce ('■!) chains and th'rty-six () links to a tstake one cnain and tweniyseven (27J links trom a cherry tree ten Inchcs In diameter, wbicb bears eoiuh eifthly-seven (h7 dt'grecs went, thenceeouthtvo(2) deiireesoaetilfty-four (51) In k-, thence south ui-lity-ninc (89) degrees und ten (10) minntea eael Bix (Ü) chains aud eiyht-HKht (fW) links to a utaketbirty-six and a haii' (36) links frcmanapple tree iltieen Incho.- lu oinmeter, which betirs eouth twenty-eight (2S) degrees west, thence south elxty-eigbt (W) degrees cast oni chttin and eiirhiy-eeven (87) Jinks, tbence eouth t'ighty-iour (SJ) degrees east lour chains &od flfty-iour t54) links to the lntersectiuii of two ditrbee, tnence south síx {(i) detírt-t-s eaat eleven (11) chaina and twenty-two (22) links to the recognized east and west quarter line thence west tne quurter line sevenienu (17) chains and twenty (20) links tothe recognized quarter etnke, thence north on the section line tbirteen (13) chaina and fllty (5U) liuke to the place of beginniug, containniu twenty-one acres of land more or lesa, at public veiidue, on Thursday tiie lirst day of May 1WW, at noon at the north front door of the Court llonse in the City of Ann Arbor, in eaid Countv, that be ing the place ot holding the Circuit Court iu Miid County. Dated Jan. 29;h A. D. 1891 JUNIUS E. BKAL, Mortgdge". Kormerly Jnnins E. Field. A. J. Sawykh, Atty. lor Mortgagee. Cliar.cery Jíotice. IN pursuanceandby vlrtnc of a final order and decree of the circuit court for iho County of Washtcnaw, ín Chancery, In the s t fi t ' ; of Michigan, made, daied and entered 01. the twcuty-eevenib dayofAlay A. D. 1889, In accitam cause iherein j pendiiifi whertun Sedgwick Dean and Ilenry S. Uean are cowplainaiiu and Giles Merritt and Ellen Menitt are detendantd. Notice is hereby girea thatl shall eell at public nuction to the hightst bidder at the eaet front door ot the court house (s;iid front door beípíf the Fourth strect entrance to eaid court hooe) in the city oí Aun Arbor in eaid Ccunty ol Washtenaw and State of Alirhigan- said court house bei dit the place for holding the circuit court for eafd county- on faturdny the nineteenth day of April A. D. 1890, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to ratse amouui due to the said complaimiDis for principal, Inten ?t and costsin thls cauee, n)l of the foIlowiDg deecribed parcel of land mentioncd and act forth i sa)d decree, to-wlt : All that cortain pifce r parcel of land niuiato and being in the towuhip f York in tbe County of Waehtenaw and State of Michigan and deacribed as followe, to-wit : Lot namber Pour In Gay'B Puit of the Village of Milan on auctiun number Thirty-flve of ttiïd towoshi; tí York, tald towohip beii g Tovvn numiier Four eouth in Hange number aix eat, iu urrürdance wirh the termaof taid decree. Dated, Ann Arbor, Mich.. Mirrh 8d. 1990, PA1KICK MoKSttM&N, Circnit Court Cororaiflsioner in and lor Wa&htunuw Coutty, Michigan. Z. P, Kiníí. Solicitor for Complainant. Estáte of Arthur M. Potter and Henr Ií. rotter- Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Waehtenaw SB. At a seasion oí the Probate Court for the County or Washifiiaw, holden at the Probate Offlco in tbe city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tenlh day o' Marcti, in the year on thoneand eiirht hundred aid Dinety. Present, J. Willurd Uabbitt, of Probate. In the matter of the eetate of Arthur M. Pol" ter inxt n.üirv il. Potter, minon Noah W. Cht-ever, the guardián of eaid wardii COTD98 into COQrl and represen ts (hut t'.e te nuW ed to rendur his anuuul accouu; aseuch gtiar dlan. Therenpon it is ordcred, that Friday, the fouit day of April next, ai ten o'clock in thr forc DOOD hc assi_'nr(l for examluinK and allowini such ncrotint aud that the next of kin oí said rd and ui) othrr persons Interest ed in Baid estáte are ! juirud toappcar ni a pesion (i :til Court,ther iithokicii at the Probate OiHce in the city of Aun Arbor, in tf&id county. and thov canee, ií aoy thcre l)f,wby tbc 8u!d account ahonld nol b aüowed. And it t further orderei that sa id pusrdinn give noiiCL1 i the persons íoterested n sald cstati', o' the p.'iidency ol daid account nnd hearing ttiereof, !y causini,' a copy ii' tlii- order to be pubIJshed in the Ann Amor Cuurier, a newspitp' printed and circulatlng in naid county, tlireefuc cessive weeks pr vious" to said duy of httarinff (Atruecopy.) J. WILLAliü liABDIli'. Judireof ProhaW WM. G. DOTY, Probate Recister.


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