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Washtenaw Pomology

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At tlie moiithly nieetinr of the society Mr J. J. Parshall presided, Mr. B ildwin cing unublc to attend. The arsenites wcre diseussed. The chalrman last eeason used pure arsenic one ounce to 33 gallons of water. The ■úsenle is dissolved In hot water wilh concentratcd lye. Proportion, !}L ounces of the lye to 1 ounce of the arseiiic, or [J pounds of lye to C ounces arsenic or C barrels of water. The undersigned stated that Germán )0raologist3 have observed that slieep lu rehard keep away the codllng moth and the curculio. The insects cannot bear ,he smell of the sheep which rub igainst he Irunk of the tree. Sheep manure is rized hlghly as a ferlillzer for trees. Ap)Iication oí cow manure to the trunk of he tree prevenís sheep froru gnuwing the bark. Mr. Qanzborn nddresseil the society on ihortening in of pcach twigs. It savet thinninr the fruit, prolonga the )ife_of the tree :ind improvcs tlie size and quailty of the fruit. Snow's Orange peach is a ileliclous fruit, better tlian the lïrawford, supcrio.i for canning; wlieu well cut hiick of good size, otherwise too Bnsall. Yellow Rareripe, large yellow peach, Hke goU inside. Tree not verj' liurdy. J. j. Parshall: Lord Palmerston tlie {Tieatest huinbuj; among poaches. Iu trtinmlng peach treís nevercut a linib off close i the trunk, else rot will set in ; leave a stump two or thrce inche3 long which does not rot aa in other trees, but öecomes hard like horn. Other fruit ;rees have to be trimmed close to the ;runk. Wager peach worthless. Foster very large, sella well. Frospect of peachca r.ever better. This is a IJaldwin year and the apple erop - -'m sromising. Thawing andfreezing killed nany strawberry planta lastjwlnter. The chairman would not have any one to tiim ■ ■ j ■ ■ ■ r ..1 peacli trees lor lnm, lie shortencu in, anti ;rimmed during last winter 0,000 peach ;rees. The younger mcmbers of tlie society jlushed, the older onesbowed. Only one who knows whnt the trimming of a peach tree is has an idea of lliis gigantle job, especial ly in a wiuter with so jrreat a hunldity and snddcn chaoges. No womler ;he influenza mlss.d the noble ti immer on lis ladder. Mr. Stephen Mills exhibited fine specimens of Peok'8 plesant, Wagoer, and a red, small apple of best keeping qualltles, nut knowo to those present. E. IJaur: Jonathan which, at tliis season, has los. ts accidity and is of the highest qualityt Ithode Island, English Kussett and D'Aremberg pears, which last till pears ripen iigain. Mr. Baldwin has been conflned to hta room fov some time; yet on fruit top'ca tie Is as eiuliusiastic as ever. May he soou l)e restored. Dried apples have po advanced that Messrs. Allmendinger & Schneider are encouraged to enlarge their plant tor dryIng. Home industries should always be encouraged. The manufacture of soap is a perfect success so far as the art iele is coiicerned, which is turned out and every good cltizen hopes and wishes that it be u financial success to the manufacturera. Why shoulü we not have a butter and cheese factory, and the manufacture of wnolcu iroode in uur citv?


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