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Frota nsïng for Conglis, Colds, Sore Throat and Incipieut Iung Troubles It is pleasant to the taste and will cure the most obstinate cold. I'repared by FLEMINQ BROS., PITTSBURGH. Sold by all drugRists at 25 cents per bottle. Insist on having it. CÁRTERSI ■ iTTLE S5g Jg I CURE Sick ïleodacho and relieve all tho troiiblea Incldont to a bilioua etato of the systein, smch as Di.zinesa, Nausea, Drowaiuess, Dlatnu iftor eatiug. Pain iu tbo Sido, &c. Wliilo Iheirmosfc rcmarkablo buccoss liaa been shown in curiug SICK Iloadache, yot Cartcr's Littlo Liver Pilla aro cqually valuablo in Constipation, curing and prevcnting thiaannoyinpf complaiiit, whilo they also correct all disorders of tbostomach,8tinmlato tho liver and rogulate tlio bowols. Even ii' thcy only HEAD Achothey wonld bo almos tpricoloea to ihoso who Buffer f rom thisdistrcssingcomplalnt; brflfortucatoly theirgooduosBdüOs noteml hcro.and thoso whooncotrythemwill ftnd theso littlo pilla valuAbloln somany waysthat thoy will not bo willing to do without thein. But af tor allsick hoaj ACHE Ïb tho bane of bo many livoa that horo is where ■we malte our great boast. Our pilla curo it whilo Others do not. Cartcr's Little Liver Pilla aro very small and very easy to tako. One or two pilla mako a doso. They aro Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, butby their goutleaction pleaaoall who uaothem. Invial3at25conta; flvofor $1. Sold by druggiats evorywhero, or Bont by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE llfHAf W.flTT'S CONSUMPTION OUUI ' r SCROFULA EMULSIÓN ggS25s'Tls niinrA COLDS UUnCO VTasting Eiseases Wonderful Fleeh Producer. Many have gained ono pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión ia not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulating proporties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nonvegian Cod láver Oil, tho potency of both beinr largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Dniggists. 8COTT &. BOWNE, Chemists. N.Y. To cure Biliousness, Sick Headachc, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take tho 6afe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEAHS Vse the SHAI.l Mae (40 little lieans to the bottle). They ake the most convenient. SuitAblo tor r Agea. Pricc of clther lzc, 25c. per Bottle. ■WUWlllMMaililfor4cts.(eo.Tsorsl:im.'0. J.r.SMITHiCO.Makersof lilI.KCEAXS.ST. LOUIS MO. Mortgagc Sale. DEFADLT UAVING BEEN MADE IN TUE conditions of a certain mortgage executeil by Chancey V. Kit-cs to Rowana Kif,'i.rsï datcd the 9th day of Febrnary, A. U. 1SS0, and recorded in the ofllce of the Register of Decds for the Conntyof Waehtcnaw and State of Michigan, on the 8th day of Oclobcr, 1880, In Líber 53 of Monguees on page lr2, and wbich eaid mortgage waa duly assiLed by deed of aBsltrnmcnt, bv the said Rowana Rif!i;!i, niortgaprec, to Clara H.ltiíígs, on the 18th day of April, 1886, bieb sald asnignment of said mortgage i recorded in the office of the Register of Dceds in eaid County of Washtcnaw, and State of Michigan in Líber 8 of Aesignmcnt of Morteages, on page 472, by which eaid defanlt the power of sale contained in said mortrjage has become opcrativeand no snit or proccedingt, in law or equity, having been lntituted to recover the debt scenred by said mortgagc, or any part thereof, and the eum of S275.00, at the date of tliis notico, beins; cliimed to be due on eaid mortgnge, notlce is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed, by a sale of the raortgiiged ijrcmises therein described, or eomc part thereof, and that the premieee are described In said mortgage as followe, to-wit: AU tha. certain pior-o or narccl of land Bitttatad i the Townshlp of Sylvan in the County of Wushtenaw and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: The eotuh cast quarter (.i) of the south-eastquarter of sectlon tliirty-one in townshlp namber two south In range three eact, at iioonoF'ölaue on the l(ith day of May, 1890. at Conrt House fir„at the north Iront door of the County; That belnZ''t-nfPf Ann Art!or,'J,ln "a,id Circuit Conrt In saifcounTl" of holdl"íí th Uated Feb. 14th, 189'L yCLARA TT RTraf'ci Sawteb, Asslgnee 'ry," ,SU, tgagec, Att'y for A8slgnec. Howana Ulgas. Keal Estáte For Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, couniyot In the Matter ol the eetato of David W. Noyes deceased. Notice is hereby given, that In pnrsnance of nn order eranted to the underslcncd Executor of the last Will and Temamcnt of said deceased. by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waehtenaw, on the eleventh dav of March, A. 1). 1890 thore will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the dwclling house on the premlses below dcncrlbed, In the township of Ann Arbor, in tbe County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, tbe twenty-niuth (211) day of April, a'. D. 1890, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon of that dav,(subJect to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwlse exlstlng at the time of the death of said deceased) the following deecribed Heal KsHte, to-wit : Lotfl Numbcr Scventeen and ElghteeD, accirding to the plat of the subdivisión, of the Sonth-Eaet (uarter of Sectlon Ninetcen, Town Two (2), South Range Sis (G), East (Ann Arbor) in the State of Michigan, as recorded in the Keglxter's ofllce of Wasbtenaw County, ín Liber M.ofDeeda, on page 271, containing lour and sixty-four hundrtdths acres, more or less. MICIIAEL J. NOYES, March llth, 1890. Exccutor. Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE BARGER SHOP BATH ROOMS. SDU mm d hot mis !


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Ann Arbor Courier