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Fárgtfs Shoes Family _T FARCO'S Y5i [ "Box Tip" School Slioes 1%%VV for Boys and Girls. ?g:o Heeled or Wed8e HeeL Ê 'tSVvSèv SizeS-8tolO S1.25 IL ÜJrííírsM lltol3H 1.00 'va ito3 1.75 Hpass- s to f.!', 200 HT FARGO'S JmV $2.50 Calf Shos sJCaSK f1 Gentlemen, fcwttj5_Tfc_ Cnenxialcd by any ibofl %"? P ÉtTïi C f "Sn Aiiu'iicii nt tlio samo Boy'ssizrs. c-1 FARGO'S W $2.50 LADIES' BOOT f OL? . V Congola or Goat, Button, TjCV? y Opera, or Common Ssnse. ff%1lfLi9 N. Tatkle!'s anl Flexible. I áQt I k29,á Wnrrnntcd the most OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. Aak Tour dealer for Fanco' Show. If hu iIik-s nol Keep tnera send to ua and we will turntsh vt.n a palron 0.311,1 prh-e. Send panul for descripl ivo lis!. C. H. FAEOO & CO., Chicag-o, I1L DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - AX.V ARBOR. Insurance, hú Estáte and Lom Agency OF HAMILTOira GREE1T. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIKST II. !!. Parties desirlng to buy or sell Iícal Estáte will flnd it to thelr advantage tOOSD 01: us. We represent the followlng ñrst-class Fíre Insurance Companles. liavlng iiud aggregate capital of over $S,0W),U0O : The Grand Ittipiil Kli In. 4'., The Ohlo Furmers' Iiin, C., (illsurtH Olliy d urr]liiiLs)i Tlie iiierniaii Flre lim. Co.t The IVnjiifs Flre liifc. Co., The Cltizen'M Fire turn. '., The WcMtclM'Sier Vire I11. Co., The Milwaukee ITIurliunlrn' Fire In-.. Co., Tlie New lfaiiiishlr' l'iri' Iiik. :., The ortli -. 1 . 1 11 Iiik. Cn. Uates Low. Losses liberally odjusted and jciid promj)tly. W'ealso issue Llfeaoil InvestraeDt l'Hclee In the L'oun. Mutual I.ifc [nsnrancs Oompany. Assets JS5,(XM,U0U. PereonB dmlrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly Pol lol ea wrltten for thetn or Traveler's Coupon Iiiruianee Tickets lssucd :it lowratesln theBtaudard Accident Insurance Conipany of Detrolt, Mich. Mum')1 tn Iiiiim ;ii oarrenl ratea Office hours from 8 a. in. to 12 m. and 2 10 5 HAMILTON & CREEN. jVÜGHIGANÍTBNTRAL " The Niágara Falls Route." Tltne taWc taking effect April 13. ÍM'O CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. """ 1 & Á Í_ P j A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. Chicago.. Lv 7S510SÓ 3 10 10 10 92S KttiniaaziKj 12 N5 2 45 8 5S 335 ' 27 7 10 Jacksou 3 30 4 47 S52 8 ÍS 4 45 S CheM.ia 4 17 ... . 7 1 527 10 15 Dexter 480 7 27 541 Iü27 F. H.P. K. I". M. A.M. A. K. A.M. Ann Arbor 152i5 45 H 11 7 SO 6 00 1U 43 Ypailanti 5 15 5 57 9 53 8 0 6 17 10 55 WavilBjunc 5 833 43 1113 Detroit. ...Ar 685 6 51) 10 4) !) i) 7 :i( 11 0 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. 8TATION8. I ?L w Ó '&L á A M. A.M P. M.IP-M. P.M. P.M. Detroit. ..Lv 9 10 8 00 120 3 SO 800 1015 WayneJunc 9 50 4 30 8 38 10 5 ; Vpilauti ltfll 8 47 205 455 900 111 A.M. A.M. I'.M. P..M. I'.M. P M AnnArbor 1U 25 868 2 20 517 9 15 1135 I Dexter 104S 5 45 9 57 Cheleea 105S 610 943.... Jaekeon 1135 1000 3 18 650 1040 124 Kulamazuo ÏS01Ï18 5 07 9 45 121 3 0 Chicago.. .Ar 7 &i i 35 9 Oo 7 00 7 4o O. W. KUOOLES, H. W. HAYES, Q. P. & T. Aeeut, Chicaso. AKt.. Ann Atbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Sorth Stlohiau Itailway. TIME SCHEDULB. Taklae efieot Novcmbpr 85th, 1889. Tralnu run hy Standard lime. Ooing Norií. 1 1 ?! STATIONS. f SgÖiq O" ü DM I'. M. A. M. P.M.Il'-M. 3 2-5 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 tí n Diindee 10 ls 12 2(1 . ;:.-, 7 0". Milau 9 5S 12 04 4 40 7 Iti Urania 9 45 1162 .(.V) 7 22 Pittsrteld í) 34 11 42 .5 07 79 Aun Arbor 22 11 30 531 7 50 Leían-! 0? 11 15 5 47 8 IS Whitmore Laku 8 55 1102 6 8 4.5 Howell íí 17 H) 25 7 15 9 .35 Dnrand 7 10 9 35 8 55 10 551 Eiist Sngiiuiw 5 55 7 45 8 00 Ï0 10 OWOSfO .7 0 35 II 03 9 W II 45 Ilhaca 5 32 7 50 0 15 12 45 Mt. Pleaxtint 4 89 6 45 8 '0 Cadillac 10 ao 4 4"i Coprmten 9 08 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 P. M. P. M. A. M. A M. Ootng Suuth. South Lyon Branch. NORTH BOUND. STATIONS. 101 Til BOOTTD. Train 18 Train 17 A. M. A. M. 0 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar n 15 i', 4H Worden 7 35 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 II. w. &8HLBY, Uoneral tim$sT A .1 rAISI.KY, (.IC I. dAZl-BWOOfi, Oen'l. PaM. S Ticket Atrent Local Auent IKiS rfirtn lHo " ' i mu ini ■■■■ KowKLt, co's Kcwspapor Alvcrtlsln{f Bureau (10 Spruea 6treet),wliprcailvr. P31I B AffSB l.t-, íur ít lullbn I U filia Mort gage Sale. Whhbbab defaalt hs been made In the condl tionè of & certain m irtgage wbereby the power of sale 'hereln contalned ii:is becotne operaare, exo cated by Gearge B. Blerce and Nettie Blerce. bi wiie, ol' the towuBhip ol ttylvan, w'nshteuaw county, Mlch., mortgngors to Thomas Wilklnson of tbe sanie pi., -e bearïng iaie Dec-mber lt, A. I). 1881, ;u-ki!owled;ed December 8d, A. 1). 1883. and recorded n the oflice of the Regi.ter of Deeda for Washtenaw connty, Michigan. n ihe 4tli üuy of December, A. I). 1888, in Ltber 62 of Mort(,'a:i "", on pase 641; wblch mortgage was dnhr aseigneo by !iitl Thomas tfllfcioson to Judíos k. du ibe 8 l day ol December, A. D. 1888, whlcb s iií ti tiït-i: t was recorded on December 4ib, A. 1). 18H8, in the Beslater of Deede ulllce ior the county of Washtenaw, otate oí Michigan, m Líber b of Agglfrnmi'iit ol Mortgages, on page 1M. On wlilcn mortgae there isclalmed to he rtiie 'it Hudate ol tui notlce the slim oí (♦■ 50) thirty-flvc tmodred and ttfty dollar, and no actions or profeeding at luw or in eqnlty have been fostltuted to recover Uie duin gecured by said mortgngoor any part thereof. Nolice ie ti reby give.n that by vfrtue of the power of ale íortalned In eaid monguee and of tbestatntc in aach caes made and provided, the eaiil mortga e wl 1 be forecloeen by sale oi ibe Diortggcd premtses thereiA deacrlbed, which ale will !e unid; uf west door of conrt : in il,' city ol Anti Arbor, ü the coanly of Wai-btenaw. State til Mlcbl aD, tliat belm ihe ulaceol boldlni; the circuit conrr lor saul county, ai public nuctlon, bj tbe sheriff of raid connty, on Satr.rday :he l'Jih day ol April, .. D. 1W. ut in o'clock in the lorenoon of raid duy. to .- itisfy the amonnl wblcn eb&ll toen be due on aiid mortjíiiííe. ibe described In patd m'rtgigeto be M ■ liiril are: The weal bail of the norihIweBl qnarter ol ectlon 14, alo Ihe south sixty .-eres ol' lie eaat balfol Uio northeast qnarter of scctl n IS, beins :ill that ;i:irt of Bald lot thiu lies I aontb ii Uill reek Uiten, ruoning Ihrough the [ ñame, nlso a Birlp of land tw ' roda wlde ulimg the eavtslde ol the went buil ol the Bontbwest qnarter 1 ol Bccilon 11, irTiï the lerrltoM il road oorth o ibe north Hneo saldlot, all in ibe Ujwnsblp of hylI van, coantv of Walitenift Siate of MichlgAn A.. Arbor, Mlch., Jan. 21, 1890. JUNIOS E I'.iJAL, Aaalguee. Sawtbb Knowi.t v, kttomoye. Mort gage Sale. DKFvn.r B4V1NG BBBN MADB IN THE c lltlona of a cerialn mortgage eiecnied by 1. evi. Johnson and Mary Atm Johnson hie wife. to ühate D" ■■ diti'l ihe twcnty-iblrd day of Febro ary A D. 1884 and rceordeit In the ■ fflee of the Regtsierof Deeds Fortbe Ooanty of Washtenaw State of Michigan on the twentv-third day or February A. D. ISi iu Llber ir ol m irlgagea on page ti, wblcb said mortgjige was duly iii:i)i'd bj I by ïhi' n.i Chase Dow mortngee to : .. Zebbé m iho rk'lu day ol tí"Ciniier A. whlcn salü assUi m ut of iairi va irtgage is r corde In Ibe office ol t ■ ResUter ol Deeda for Hi1 Connty in i.üier 10 of asiigi monte of mort flagea in pnge 100, by wblch 8nid delaolt the power of sale con ttii.e t In miíj mortíni; has become .vu and no procedlngs in lawor equity hav hl' been insiitnted torecover the oebt eecared by naid iü i'u - ■ " any part thereot', and the eum oí one bandred and serenty dollars 'neinji no cl ! ec! to b ■ morigage. Notir.e i? hertby glven that the ald mortgage will be forcloeed bj a enle ofthe morigji;ed pri miei's iherein deecriheo orrome pari thereil vi: Lot anmber tolU and the north lialt' of lot nomber twonty-nine in Browaand Bacb'e Addltion to the City of Ann Ari-or Waíhtennw Jonnty Michigan aocordinir lo tbe recorded pint of iid additie n at p-.blic venduv at the easi door of the Uonri House In the city of Ann Arbor in raicl County Itbai botng the ilncc of holding the Circuit CN.urt ior fiüd Couut) on the twenty-foartb day of April A. D. 1SSK ai lea II In the rorenoon of that day. Dated Januarv 23rd, 1890. lciCIIAKD J ZBBB8. gneeol Morlgagce. I. I'. llïKKVrB, Atty. lor ABBitfnec. Mortjage Sale. DBPAULT I1AV1N( BEKN MADE !N THB Condltions oi a mortune exe.culod hy Lvor.nd H. Morgan mid Alice M. Morgan, bla wife, lo Janins K. Beal Kield, bearlng date tlte :'rtl day i I May A. U. 1884, and rvcorded In the office of the Kegisrer of Deeds !'.r WaHliteir w ('ouniy, .vichiiran-W on Ihe 8d duy of May A. i). 1 vil at .! o'clock i. m. of that day, i"i: Lib :i ti of mortgagee on pag si, by wl.ich defiult, the power of iole contained iñ aiil mortgiige operaüve, and no suit or proceeauigs In law or equity havlos been mstitutcd to recover the lebt stenred by eaid uturtgaae, or any part thereol', and Ihe Slim of 1-201.7:2 at the daie of this notice belng clalmed to he due on said niortgajie, and that at thu date of sald mortgage the fnll nun ■ of the eaid mortgagee, v,:ij Janloa S. Beal Field; that alt' gage wis made and exeented, said morti,'iig e applied lo th l'iobnte Court, for isaid Couniy or, In wrltlnn,ln pure uaLce of tbe statute in tnch caee made .ind provlded, and on Uie 25th day of July A. o. 1884, he oblained an order ol said Probate -ourt changlng nis i.ame trom Juiiius K. Beal Kielil lo Jnnfna K. Beal, as In and by the records oi said Probate Courtin that matter, relerence beina thereto had will fnllj md at larRo appear. Now therefore notice is hereby given. that sail mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale ofthe mortgaged premlsea thereln dencribert, orsome paitth reof, ann tbat thepn mlsea are descrlbed In aald ji-1 follows, towii, all tbat certain plece land sltaated and beinsr i'i the Townghlp of Pltttfl -ld, in tlie Connty of Washtenaw. and Mate oí Michigan, decrlbed as followa, towii: Beginniug at h p)int ín the weu Blde of sectlon nuniher four i I) in said Townghlp ntnteeu (19) cbaiim and seventy-nlne ("'■)) links trom the northweat corner of aald section line, thence north elghty-sever (87)deg ees and tliiy (öi) minutes east three (8J chnins and thlrty-slx links toa siiiUe oiie i-na'.n aod twenty-sevei links irom a clierry tree ten Inches in diameter, which bears south elghty-eeven (87j dt'grei s west, thi;ncesouihtwo(2)deKreescastfll'y-ioiir (54; In.k-, tbenee aoutli eihty-nine iS!t) degrecs and t minntes aast au (i) chaius aud elghty-ttghi (88j links to a Stake tblrtysix and a half W%) linkin, in au apple tree fifteen luches in diameter, which bears south twenty-eiglit (2S) degreea west, thence south slxty-elght (it) aegrees i-ast one chaiu aud elfrhty-seven (87) links, thence ecuth elghty-foor (84) degrees east. our chaius and flliy-iour (54) links to the intersection of Iwo ditrhes, tnenee south six (li) negrees east eleven (U) chains and twenty-two (22) links to the recognized east ai d watt quarter line thence west ttie quarter line Beventeen (17) chains and twenty l-'O) hnks to the recogcized qnarter suike, thence nonh on the soctlon line thirtean (13) chains uud ïiity (50) links to the place oi" beginning, containing twunty-one acres of land more or ii'?s, at public vendae, on Thursday theflröt day of May 1SÍM. al noou at tbc north front ooor of the Conrt House in the City ol' Aun Arhor, in eaid Countv, tbat belng the place oi liolüiug the Circuit Court in pald Conni . Dated Jan. 29th A. D. 188'! jrjNiüs e. r.KAL, Moitgage'1. Formerly Junlua E. Ueal Kield. A.J. SawvKK, Atti'. lor Mortgagee. Cliancerj' Notice. IN pnr8uanccendby vlrtue ofa final order and decree ol the cireüii court ior ihe Connty of Washtenaw. in Chanoery, in the State of Michigan, made, daied and entered on the twenty-sevemo day of May A. U. 1889, In a certam cause iherein pending wherein öedgwick Dean and Henry s. Dean are coinplalnants and Uilcs Merritt and El len Merritt are detendauts. Notice is hereby ;ivin that I shall sell at public anction to the hignesl bidder at the east front donr ol tbe conrt house (said front door being the Fourth Btreel entrañes to said court house) in the city of Anu Arbor in eaid Ccunty ol Washtenaw and State of Mlrhigan- sald conri house belng the place for holding the circuit conrt for Balo couni v-on Saturdíiy the ninetcenth day of April A. D. 188(1, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to raise uinount due to the said complainauts lor principal, Inten st and costs in thi cause, all ofthe followlng descrlbad parcel of laad mentloned and eet forth in said decree, to-wtt : All that certain piecc or parce] of land sitúate and being in the tównshlp of York in the County of Waalitenaw and State of Michifiau and described as follows, to wil : Lot number Four in Gay 's Plat ofthe Viliagt; of Mllan on section number Thirty-flve of said townsblu of York, said tuwnship beitg Town number Finir south iu Range number aix easi.iu accordance with the term-1 of said decrec. Dated, Anu Arbor, Mich.. Mrch 33, lSflO, PATRICE .N, Circuit Court Commissioner In and for Washtenaw Conxty, Michigan. .. l'. Ki öoliciior for Complainant. VIACK1NAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trip per Wook Batween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLANO Bi. Iirnftce.Cheboypan, Alpena, HarrlavUlSa Ooo ioh Po ft Iïnrou. St. Clair, Oiiku.nd llouee, Marine City, Svery Week Day Betweeu DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 8iocial Sunday Trips during July and AuRuet. OUR ILLUSTATED PAMPHLETS JlAte3 and üxouriion Tickrta will be furuidhed by y uur Ticket Af ent, or addresa E. B. VVHITCOMB, Gen'l Pati. Agsnt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH.


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Ann Arbor Courier