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Council Proceedings

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The uew councll met Monclay evenlng wlth every seat iilled. President Howlett made a very modest and gentlemanly inaugural, liopin tliat harmony would cliaracterize the actions of the body for the year, and wise leglslaüon prevail. After which he announced the followinr standlDg committees: Finance- C. Martin, Kearns, Mlller. Oidinance- Huil. Spafford, Dleterle. Nlreets- Maiin, Herz, Snow, Ml lier, Tav lor, Hall. KiJewalks- Kearns, O'.Vtara, Spafford, A. F. Marlln. Dleterle, C. Martin. Fire Department- O' Mara, Kearns, Mann. Water Works- Mlller, A. F. Marlln, Taylor. A'jhüng - Herz, Kearns, O' Mura. J'olice- Snow, Huil Spufford. License- Dleterle, Taylor, A. F. Martin. Parks- Mann, Hall, C. Martin. Poot - Taylor, Snow, Herz. A petition signed by the oflicers of the county agricultural society and others was presented, asklng for the extensión of the water mains trom the corner of l'ackanl and Wells st. to the northwest corner of the fair grounds, and the placing of one flre hydrant thereon. Received and referred to the Water Committee. A petition signed by Georgc Miller, Fred J. Schlede, John Karburg and 20 others, asking that First st. be opened and extended f rom Mlller ave. north to Felch st. Received aud referred to the street committee. Aid. Miller was appointed a member of the Soldier's Kelief Committee. By Aid. Dieterle: Resolved, That the City Clerk be authorized to procure inaps of the different wards of the city for the use of the assessor and Boardlof Review. Sald inaps to be on a scale of at least one inch to ciglil rods, and to cost not lo exceed (50. On motion of Aid. Mlller the resolution waa referred to the iinance com. By Aid. Miller: Resolved, That the salarles of thefollowing otlicers be flxed at the followlsg sums for the coming year : City attorney 1300, city treasurer, $100, city marshal, 8780, patrollraen, l00, the same to bepayable monthly. : Carried. ByAld. O'Mara: Jtesolved, That the city clerknollfy the Telephone Company thatthlscouncil will allow no more bilis for the telephone at the water works Irom thls date. ■ Carried. By Aid. Mlller : Resolved, That the clerk la hereby lnstructed to procure a gold dollar and have the same Biiltabiy mounted, and present the same to S. W. Beakes as salary for the past year. Carried. Alda. Chrlstian Martin, Dleterle and Kearns were appointed a committee on liquor bonds, and the amount of said bonds were fixed at $3,000. Council adjourned to April 28th, at 7:30 sharp.


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Ann Arbor Courier