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The Pan-American conference at Washington endod at noon on the 19th. Before the final adjournmcnt Seoretary Blalne, who liad prosided over its doliberations, addressed tho delegates, congratiilatinjr them upon the work ao complished by the conference. It was rcported on the 19th that 10,000 colorad people from Alabama would settlo in Oklahoma boforo July 1. lx a shaft near La Salie, UI., Jacob Wllliamson, .John Eustioe and Nelson Akerson. three coal minors, wero suffocated on the 30th by jjiis. Ativiiks of tho 19th say that 500 housos at Taungdwingye, Burmah, had boen burned. A pobtion of Geneva County, Ala., was visited by a tornado on tho 19th, and houses barns and fences wore torn to piecos and nine persons were iatally Lnjured. By the telling of a bridg-e on the 20th at Springfleld, O., fifty persons were injured, flve probably fatally. The stablos of Contractor Clark in Brooklvn, X. V.. ere burned on the 20th, and nearly one hundrod horses and males pcrished. Tuk 115 tb annivorsary of thobattle of Ivcxinjíton w:is oelebratëdat Lexington, Mass., on the t9th. At l'iïOoii Creek, W. Va., on the lOth Smith Balsden, John liaisden and William Baisden, three brothera and noted desperadoos, were killed while resistIng arrest. Nearli tho ontire TÜlage of St. Elmo, Col., was destroyod by fire on tho lüth. AnvicKs of the 1 '.Mli from Japan say that Barnes had destroyed 800 houses at Aomari, "()() at Nosbiro and SO0 at Mimuro. Tuk Beason of the National Base-Ball Leaguo and the Player's liase-15all Leaguo oponed on the l'.ltli. A coai, ves-i'l bound from Sbiclds for London foundered at sea on the 19th and elovon of the crew were drowned. The Sbropshlre canal sheds at Liverpool were burned on the l'Jtu. Loss, si"o,ooo. A FOltEST firo on the l"tli noar Eftg Harbor City, X. .)., eaused a loss of S100,000. Stbvb Jacobs (colored) was lyncbed by a mob on the 'oth noar Fayotteville, Tenn., for incendiarisin. TUK anti-trust bill and tho bill appropriating $100.000 for an efluestrian statue in Washington to General (irant woro reportcd tavorably to the l'nited Statos Senato on the 19th. In the Houso tributos of respect to the inemory of S. S. Cox, of New York, were p:iid. Tho anti-trust bill was favorably reportod.


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