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■AIORIC IIKl;TOK. ss ARKOR, No. II rneeia drst TuoH'.tity ol rüi';. Ui". rllfiOOClC, K. C; John R. Minnr, Racorder. WASHTKSAW OHAPrKR, Xl). f), B V M.- Jleats Hrnt Honday eaoh month. J. L. Hioue, H. P.: z. itoutii, Secretar?. BUSINESS OARDS. D. A. MacLachlan,M. D. ]:-il U3E8 OF THE BYE, EAE, NOSE AND TIISOAT. OFFiCE AKD EESIDEKCE, 26 S0DT3 DIVISIÓN STREET Hours : 1 to f, :u)(l KM to 730 P. H . VoGKEL&:k:T!:ES: UEAI.HR IN AI.7. KIMIS O FRESH AïTD SALT MEATS ',. .'-. ,, ..-, _ ríe. EVERYTHING NEAT ,:i CLEAN No. 9 K. Aun Ht., Aun r!x.r. IV. W. NICHOLS, Rooms Over Anit Arbor S&Tlnin Bank, Court House JSiiuiire. VITAHSED AIR Adininist:reil. It s agr=eble ai;d a:-y 10 tske, and no prostr&tiDg ■■■■et follow. whik: iuu:h are without pln. WJMJV3I SiEIiX, House, Si.ïn Ornamental aad FRESCO PAINTER! PaperioK, Glazliik', (iüding, and Calrimiiüne, and work of evcry üecription done iu the bt;st etyle,and warranted to give eatisfüctiou. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Ann Arbor. o. :mi. -MLJLHTTisr, 'DEALER IX CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Coinns. Culis attented to Day or Nlght. Kmbalmlng a speclalty. Storeroom ou E. Washington street. Residence Cor. Liberty and Klftti. The Farmers' Si IM&nics' lú CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLÏÏ3 $7,000. Aflditional Liaïilltles of Stodchoiaers $5O,OOO. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 BANKING DKPAliTMKNT, Ofllce of the Coraiulsslouers.J Whkrbas, by satlsractory evldence presented to the undersined, lt h:is been made to appear that the Farmere' and Mechanica' Bank, in thecity of nn Arbor, in theCouuty of Washtenaw, State ot Michigan, lias comÊlled wlth all the provlslonj of the General anklng Law of the State of Michigan reqnlred to be coinV)lU'd wlth before a corporatlon Bhall be authorized to contlnne the bu.-iuessof Bankintc. Now therefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, Commlsslonerof the State Batiking Department, do bereby certlfy that by thal tbe Farmers' & Mechanles1 Bank, afoFesaldi isauthorizeil to oontlnae tbe business oí banking as provlded in Beotlon W of Ib Qo&'l ll:inking law of thesiHteuf Mloblgau. [1. S.J In wltness whenuf wiim-s my baad and seal of ottice at Iiiihlng this 22d day oí June, 1889. T. C. BHEBWOOD, Com. of the Banking Dept. The Farmers' & Metaics' Bant havlngflled tlielr certifícate wllh the State Banking Department are now antborized to doboilaeaa s a savlngs Bank, and In pursuance thereol' havo opeued a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savlngs dfpartment on all deposita of ?l and upwurds, Interest pald June Ist and Dec. lst, of eacli year. The savlnH dt'partinent is open Saturday niuliis frnm 7 until S o'clock. Houeyto loan In sntns of i2" to f5,000 secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securities. IIIKKCTOKS' Koubc Kempr. Cliaiü. K. (iro'iii', K. Dully, AmliroNc Krariy. Win. '. Sirven, W. F. Breakeyi, J. K. Beal, .luim iru, D. '. Scbairer. It. KK1IPF, IrpH. K. IlllFFr, VIce-Pre. F. II. KKIiSF.K, rn'ililor IQ THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ Ia TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.n Kor tinisu i.-!ïtTïTyr5Töö3vTmrïrM ii TïilimisSpellsiIepend fora case wheresii. III )UM I.PIll HlillTEK PHUR BITTERS 111111 it wil! cure vou. not asslst or cure. It W „v..-,.,i,l,fr falla. n Íthattlredandallgone Cleause the viüatetl] (■elhiit; if so, use hlood when you seelll sri.iin'B Bitters; i ts impurUles burst I I lt will cure you. iiiKthrough the sklnlll TTT7rTnTT!T!ïr Inl'lmples, BlotohesJ I cloiev confiné d ííí n(1 1M? on" 1 shops; clcrks,whodo ?Dil health wIU Lo1 SS not procure sufllclcnt i ___ _ll sxeroHe, and all who bvuhdb UittebsI I areconflnedindoors, „m cure LTerCom.l should use Sulphl R lalnt 1)on.t l)e Ug. I Q&SÏÏ couragedjUwmcureg ItoiuanKhVmi'ulMüpaSdllI atlsm, use a lwttle of nakf J0 streng andl I ÏDtPHOB niTTFRS ; healthy. III lt ia-ver falls to cme. suLPHL-uUlTrERsll Dunt lie without a wlllmakeyourliloodpj "bctilf Try lt you lure, rl-h anti Htrong, Ct3 U wlll not regret lt. ' Vr flesh hard. Ijl ll"TïiiÏÏêsnn!ê1ïicaTê TïyÜLpüÜKÏ?l hcalth, who are all ters to.iilght, andll lrundown,shouldii8e you wlll Bleep wellll IUm'i.i-hi ii IHTTEH3. nmlttOllttiM-rirlLO Do you want the best Medical Work publlshed? 8end 8 2-ccnt etaraps to A. P. Ordway & Co, Boston, ïlass., aud xeceive a copy, freo. f, F, LODHOLZ IS OFFERING BARGAINS HKEIÍB ASD _rnp LOOK AT THEM 5 lbo. I..D JAI'AX TEA 8I.OO 7 Barn L1IMIKV SOAP XS BEST 3IICH. TEST OIL, per al. O7 BE8T WATKK WHITE, " O8 3 Can CHOICE TOÍIATOE8 5 : 'alm HOM I. O1C 25 YELLOW I'i: A II KH, worth 5e per Can, for ril. FEACHEH, per Can 15 F1XF-, 'IIVIII KOASI IC COFt'KK, per lb 25 "OIJK BEAITÏ " MIOKIM. TOBACCO, per lb O 1IKST B.lKIXi; POWDEB, In 1 Ib. Cano, per Ib 25 lll 1:1 OANDY, per lb 10 ALL EOODS F&ESB AKD WA&&AKTED! T IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRAOE WITH - W. F. X.OSBOI.Z, 4 & C ltliUlDWAV, A X Itltoll. 153(1 HU W kil I IwCnO thla paper, or obtain estímate on advortising tptee when n Chicago, will find it on file at 45 10 49 Randolph St„ Apn 2,111 AH A theAdvwtiwgAgshcyof LUnll tt I IHIIHflWI' Scratch,ed 23 Years. Ilody rovcred wilh ule. Itclilns terrible Hiill'eriiijr enllcN8 V relief. loctors aiid medlclues fait. Mpeedlly cured by Cuticura at a cont Cured by Cuticura. If I had known of the Cuticura Remedirá twenty-eight years ogo it would have saved me $200.0(1 (two hundred dollarB) and an immense ainount uf Hiifl'eriiifi. My diseasc (psoriasis) commenced on my head in a spot not largur thnii a cent. It spread rapidly all over my body and got undcr my nails. The (■cales would drop off of me all tbe time, and my suflering wus cndless and without relief. Une thouuand dollars would not tempt me to have this disease over again. 1 am a poor man, bat feel rich to be relieved of what eome of the doctors sald was leprosy, some ringworm, psoriasis, etc. I took....and....Sarsapariflas overone year and s half, but no cure. I went to two or threc doctors, and no cure. I cannot pralse the Cuticora Remedies too mach. They have made my skin as clear and free from scales as a baby's. All I used ofthcra wcre three boxea of Cuticuka, and three bottles of Cüticcra Kssolvent, and two cakes of Cutiouba Soap. If jou had been here and said you would have cured me for 1200.00, you would have had the moncy. I lookcd like the picture in your hook of psoriasis (plctnre mimber two, "How to Care Skin Dlseases '), but now I em as clear as any person ever was. Through lorce of babit I rub my hands over my anus and liga to scraich once In a while, but to no purpose. 1 am all well. I scratched twenty-elght years, and it got to be a kind of second nature to me. I thank you a thousand times. DENNIS DOWNING, Waterbury, Vt. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Puriüer and porest and best of Humor Cares, lnternally, and Cuticuba, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticuba Soap, an exqatsite Skin Beautlfler, ezternally, ipeedlly, and permarently euro every speciei of itching, burnlng, scaly, ernsted, pimply, ecrofulous, and hereditary dlseaües and humors of the skin, BCalp, and blood, witti loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Prlce Coticuba, 60c.: Soap, 25c.: Kesolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter ühu and ChemicalCorporation, Boston. 0Í Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseascs,1' 64 pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimoniáis. PlMLKSl blck-heads, chapped and olly skin I I IVI prevented by Cuticüua Mbdicated Soap. A FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. J .In ?ne mtnnte the C'utloura 9% A A"tl-Paln Planter relieves rheu T -natic, sciatic, hip, kidney, chest, and r[ , muscular palns and weaknesses. The flrsi and only paln-killlng piaster.


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Ann Arbor Courier