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The phalanx applause is Immense. The number of students now registere( in all departments is 2,157. Tlte elass caps for tlie senior Hts are be ing delivered from A. Ij. Noblc's. Next week the Chronlcle agrees to pre sent its readers wlth a boom edition. A. L. Noble furnishes the class caps fo the senior class of Colorado universitv. M. I?. Hammond and X. G. Field suc ceeded J. K. Freitag and H. B. Dewey a editors of the Argonnut. An invitación has been extended to the Choral Union to t:ike part in the música festival to be held in Detroit soon. F. At L.eslie, lit. '00, lias already beei engRged as superintendent of the Marine City schools for the i:ext school year. The collegiate Sorosis of the University gave a brilllant reception at llobart hall to about 300 invlted guests last evening. After the Glee Club concert Friday evenln, the Delta Upsilon fraternity gave a party tollowed by a hop, In honor of the boys. " Religious Life In Our Sister Universltles," is the titleof a very interesting artich! written by President Angelí for the April issue of the Audover Review. McMurdy & Job have removed thcir l.iw offices to 913 and 014 Chamber of Commerce, south-east corner of Washington and LaSalle sts., Chicago, 111. Both gentlemen are graduates of the univeraity. The concert to be given by the Boston Symphony Orohcstra, under the auspices of the Olioral Union, wlll be one of the greatest musical cvents ever occurring in Michigan. The members of the senior class who want extra commencement invitations have been notilied to senil their ñames to J. K. Kempf, before May 1, or they wlll not be able to secure thein. The athletic aasociation of Lafayette College are erecting a grand stand on their atliletic field to accommodate 400 persons, lt wil! be finished in time fur the season base-ball games. The University Dramatic Club should begreeted with a fine house on Frlday eveuing. The two plays they are to present are i'nll of good points, and the audienee will be thoroughly entertained. A new building, to be calleil Alumni Hall, to cost $40,000, is to be erected at Knox College, Qalesburg, UI. Ie will contain the college chapel, the halls of the two literary societies, library, rcadlng room and museum. The University authoritles have commenced the construction of a new walk on the State street side of the campus. It will be entlrely within the university groumls, and will add very much to the appearance of the same. Adelphi program for May 3: Muslc MissDavIS Kssay Mliis Ptielps Talk Prof. Walter Mualc Miss Davl8 Debate. Resolved, Unit compulsory physlclal educatiou tliroughout the whole course shuulii be made a part of every college curriculum Air. .MIh.s Wllloiigliby; Neg. Mr. F. 1). Tlbbefs. Prof. F. B. lironson, lit. '81, of the Michigan Military Academy, has a coinprehenaive article in the May Chautauqaalo on the "Present l'olitical Parties in Germauy," a subject not generally known about in this country, and of interest now as bearing on Óisniirck's retircuicut. Ni.thhig n tliiá country more astonslies au English uiiiveroitybred man tlian our college yells. He never takes the practice as a bit of American ftin, but seriously sets to work to prove how even educated Americans follow the customs of the savage Indian, bis war-whoop being perpetuated in the college yell. The univcrsity base ball nlne bas made the following scbedule for gaines with other clubs: May 8- Grand Rápida - Aun Arbor. .Muy 10- I). A. C- Detroit. May 16- Cornell - Itbaca. May 21- Oborlin- OberliD. May 30- D. A. C.-Ann Arbor. June 7- Oberlln- Ann Arbor. Jane M- OberJin- Oberlln. June 21- tira nd Raplds- Urand Iluplds. A large audicnce attended tbe concert of tbe Glee and Banjo Club atUnlversity Hall, to greet the boys on their return from a most successful tour. It was a f uil diess occasion, the pieces were so well received that nearly every oue was encorecí, several three times. The chair and luit drilU were especially taking, the Cornell hit on the foot-ball club being tbe climax. The renditions of the banjo club were popular and well executed. All agrce that it was a much better concert tliau the one given by the Wisconsln boys.


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