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One of the pleasantest entertalnraents of the season will be glyen at the grand opera house, Moiiüay eveninr May 5th, by " Tlie Ttvo Sisters'' couipany, of whlch the Rochester Democrat and Chronlcle says : " Denman Tliompson and George Ryer, the authors of ' The Two Sisters,' have turned out a great play. They have, so to say, cut out a small slice of the real world and put It on the stage tor people to look at, deepening its sliaaows and heightening its liictits jnst enough, and only just enough, tokeep it f rom seeming flat and colorless under the glow of the footlighte. ' Tlie ïwo Sisters ' is a good play. It is a play every one should see. Itentertainsevery moment; it touches the best emotions of human nature, and it tetiches more than one lesson ot life more Imprefslvely than the best sermón ever preached. It makes the run of ' The Old Homestead ' in New York, and tlie cominendatioD that play has received from press, pulpit and people thoiouglily iutelligible." From the 0.1 City, Pi., Blizz:ird, Oct. 23, 18S9: Thedrawiog characteristics ofan excellent band were appurenl lii the large atlendunce at the Opera liouse last eveniug. The pluy, now culled "Uncle Hiram" lsjuslabuut ttiu same as when laet presented iiere under another name. Bat whether as "EU Wheatfleld" or "Uncle Hlram," Mr. Woodhnll has a special creatton In character, and It is a goud one too. It U true to nature. There is no kucIi tlilng as describlng how Irrcslstlbly clever aud fuuny Mr. Woodhull la In the character. The old larnier Is as Sharp and shrewd as they make, but in encountering city ways and holdiug hiri own againsl tbe crooks and gamblers ol the metropolis, he gets Info Home v.-ry tight places, and has sonae lntensely ludicruus experiences. It is capital plece of aeting ui! tlii-ough; The vlllaln was nicely portrayed by K. '!:. Mei' adelen, and tt ymld be dilliciilt to improve on Mr. T. T. Itook'a lmpersonatloo of the Senator. Wra. Kilpatrlok, the drum-major, Is decidedly clever and was recalled severa! times. We append the program of the Symphony Orcbestra Concert of May 10, In University hall: Tannhauser Ovcrture Wagner Aria "O lovely hall of Tanbausor".. Wagner MMK.SrKINUACH- JAHK. Two rnovements from vlollnj concerts, Op. 6} Balut Suena MR. TIMOTHEE AUOKNOWSKI. Suite "Peer Uynt," Op. 46, (4 moveraents). Qrleg Song wlth piano. "Es blinkt der Tliau" Rubinstein ■Lallaby" Bralims "Krwartnnn" Umlaua Symphouy No. 5. C'. minor (4 movements) Beethoven This program is a model one and calculated to show the orchestra to advantage. The performance, 5th Symphony of Beethoven, has been considerad to be phenomenally brllliant. At the conclusión of the last movement of the Symphony- the Conservatlve Boston Muslc Hall audience was roused to such a burst of enthu8iasm as was never seen before in Boston. Hata were thrown in the air, hundkerihiefs. waved, and it seeraed as tliough the excitement would never end. The genius of the composer Beethoven liad been more completely revealed to them throiigh the insplred reading of Nikish, and the torce of hls maguetic condnctiníí than ever before. Many of tlie reganllng the wonderful sucoese 'f this- Hu nintli consecutive season of the orcbestra workseera wellnigh fabuIouh - U for nstance the fact that 125 icoile stayed for 5 days and nights waitlnjt for the opening sale of seats for the seiison- that 135,000 persons tiave attended the concerts ol the orchestra in Boston alone, but these can all be verilied. Re this as it may, the principal pol n t lor the people of Ann Arbor to consider is the fact tliat tliis orchestra Ia to play here on May lCtli, in the Cboral Union series, and any person nerlectin2 to arrange for tickets for this concert will most certainly regret it, for t will be by far the greatest entertainment of the year. A strong well bnlanced play is "L'ncle Hiram," holding its interest to the end, wlille lts comedy elementa are in the liighest degree entertaining. As the iinsopliislicated but witlial decidedlv sharp old farmer, Hlram Homeepun, .Mr. A. H. Woodhull lias broad opportunity for the exerc8e of his excellent talents as a comedian, and does so with Irresistible effect upon the risibilities of the audience. It is au Imtnensely catcliing Individualization. He is ably seconclcd in the performance by tlie veraiitile young actress, Miss Louisa Arnot - very popular with the theatre-üoers of lVnnsylvania - :iC they are supported by a competent company. The play is produced wlth iine scenery specially paiuled for it. lts representation will bo greatly enjoyed, as well also the splendid music provided by the "Uncle Hiram" Orchestra and Bra líand, a notable combination of artists.. The plot of the play, "The Two Sisters," is as simple as that of "The Old Homestead," but amply equal to the task of upholding weighty popular favor. The success of a play of this kind does not depend upon its dramatic surprises, its metapliysical studies, or even the rhetorical flights of its characters. It obtains its meed of warm recognition from its intense human interest. The people in front of the curtain knowthat dramas of the same type are being enacted hourly In and around them. It may be that they have participated in such themselves. The throb of the pul&e of the piece can be feit bealing against the swelling of thelr own hearta. The touches of nature throughout make the whole body of spectators akin with its healthy motive. It seems like the life story of some near and dear nelphbor, and therefore obtains the afl'ectionate interest of an audience. This arises from the warm humanity of the piece, and so the play goes on, takini: with it the attention, the love and the entlmsiasm of the


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