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'JJIíot. Dr. Taimase wns six w eka 'n the Holy Land without seting a newspaper. How an American could exist six weeks in innrance of the fnct that Fogarty hnd sijtned wltli the Brotherhood is difflcult to understand.- Xon istown Herald. lNow tliat'8 wliat I like to sec," observed the visiting merchnnt to the proprictor of the grrat dry goods emporium, all the clerks full of vim and energy." "Yes," asserted the proprietor, "we close early to-day and tln-y are all gretting ready to go home." - Dry G'iotfs Chronicle. The Pulpit and the Stage. ïiev. F. M. Shrout, Pa-tor United Brethren Churcb, Blue Mound. Kiin., saj'8: "I foei it my duty to teil wlmt woDders Dr. Kinjt's New Discover? has done lor me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my paiisliionera (TtoúgUt I could live only a few weeks. I took iï v? botlles of Dr. King's New üi-covery and am sound and well, gainiug 20 lb.=. In welght." Arthur Lobe, Manager Love's Funny Folks Comblnatlón, wrUes: "After a thorough tritil and oonvincinï eviditnce, I am confldenl Dr. Kin:'s New DlscoVery for Consumption beata 'em all, and cures when evcrything else fails. The jrreattst kindness I can do my many tliouwtnd frlenda is to ursre tlicm to try it." F;ee trial bottles at Eberbanb & SonV Drug Store. Regular sizes 50c and $1.00. "Xo, Ilirani," sald the young lady sadly, "I cannot be your wife. We are too compatible." "Compatible!" he exclainied. "Isn't that the very reason why " "Not in your case. I sliould probably insist, f rom motives oficonoiny, on dispensing wilh a servant and doinjr my own house vork, Hnd you would probably let me do ü, Hiram." - Clrlckgo Tribune. Naliiri! i Convulsión Ia terrldc. Volcanlc eruptlons, oyolones, earthquukes are awfully and tremendously plcturesque, but scarcelydeslrable to emulate In actlon aud effect by the admlnlstratlon of remedie whicli produce convulsión and agony in tlie abnormal portion of the human (Mme. Kuch is the effect of the oíd fasliloned violent purgatlves üapplly falliug more and more lnto, and of wlilch Mostetter's Storaacli Bitters is the wholesome, pleajanl and far more effectlve succedancum. Thoy weakened tlie intestlnea- tlie Bitters invlKorates them. They left the bowels iuactive, because incapacltated by ensulng feebleuess. The Bitters, on tlie contrary, and because it euables, not forces, them to act - a vast and fortúnate dlllerence- perpetuales thelr actlvlty and regularlty. Tlie liver Is beneflcially stimulated, as the kldneys also are, by this medicine, whicli carlly conquers, also, malaria, uervousness and rhcumatism.


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Ann Arbor Courier