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My rrleml, looKhere! you know how weak and nervous your wife is, and you luiovv tliat Carter1 Iron pills wlll relieve her, now wliy not bc fair about it ant buy her a box ? Mortgrage Sale. On theSGthdayof February, A. D., 1884, Qottfried .Jedele and Christina B. Jtdele, his wlXe by Indenture of mortgage, mortgaifed to Henrlctt E. ulark?on, as exocntrlx of the est'ite o John J. Clurbson, deccased, of the city ol Jackxon, Michigan, all that certain picce or parcelo land sitúate, lyipg and being in the töwuehlp o Sharon, counly 01 Wauhtenaw, aud State ot Michi gjin, fenown and deecribud as followe, to-wit : The Boutheast quarter of Ihe northeast quartcr ol' sectlon number twenty-flve (25), and In township nnm ber three, south of range nnmber thte.' e:iat, Mich ian. Thia mortsage was, on the 2Sih day of Feb. ruary, A. D., 18-S4, recordcd in the office of the Reguter of D6ddsfbr eaid Washtenaw County, in libêr 57 of mortgages on pöije 510. Defuult has been made in the coHditioiis of thls eaid mort page, the eame is now due, and upon iht game ihcrti ie claimed to bo noy duo and nnD:iic the eum uf two ihouand and thirty four and 27-1W dollars ($2034.27) by the terms thereof; and nu suit or prucoeding whattver, in law or equliy, haa been commeneed or had to recover the game or any part thereof, or on eaid rnortgaite. Notlce is therefore heieby ifivcn, that parsuunt to law and the term of eaid mortgiige, the premises above and in b iid mortgaee deecribcd. or eo much thereof iis may be i.ecrseary for that purpose, will bc eold at public auctlon, to the üfgnest bidder, on the 25th dny of July, A. O., 1890, ut eleven o'clock in the forenoon of ihat day, at the west front door of the court house, in the city of Anu Arbor, Washtenaw Connty, Michigan, (that beinc the building in which the Circuit Court for eald Wayhtenaw County is holden) ti satiefy the amount there due on said nvirtgage, the legal coeits aud charge of tin; IbrccU'Surc and the Bale theivol. Uate.1 April 30th, A. D., 1890. A. F. FHEUMAN, Atturnev for Mortsnges. BENlUltTl'A. B. CLAliKSON, Executrix, etc. A NEW COUNTRY! 0IC1 IN THE PINE. CEOAR. 'KTiili hemlock andhardwood Kfj l&MÉwl DistrIcteof WisconfOn and Mih■ BVRB Knn ip oponed by this new j 11 fl ■ H ihrniiiíh route to tlio Kust. ■ f WMmi lül S1'KÍAI, ADVANTAGKS ktfÍ''nBto PAIÍTIIÍ WHO Ërcot BCWBÈSV-UI]J in i FAOjS-1 TOIÏIKW. MI11 machinery - - traiinportcd FltEE. Oholco farmïng Iands cheap inn-tly "i timo. lïatlwny Oom pany pays cah fbr curdwooil. For km.;-, mul lnformntioa addross LAND nEPAItTMENT 'Öo liiiilwny, MlimeupuÜH, Mimi. Is the (iiiirst. und moat popular ■eienttSo v(t meehanical pnper publisluMj and bas the larfteat Circultitloi) uf any (itiper Of lts :!nss II) lli' ", ld. Fully illu.striitccl. I!cr. olasi of Wuod KncravinjíH. pQblIflhed wecklv. Sci-d tor epedmtïD Cíípy. L'ricí; #3 a yenr. Kour itionths' trial, 1. MÜNN & CO., ruuiisuLits, ï.;i liroadwuy. N.Y. ARCHÍTECTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scientific American. l5 A sreat succpss. Kach issuo contfilns eolored Mtlíoürapíiic phites of country and city residences or public buUdlnus. Ntunoroii enrAvlngs and full pJan? and Mpofiincatiotis for the us; of Ruchus contuuipJttto building, i'rlce $'5U a year, 25 ets. acopy. MUN.N & CO., FUBUSHKUd. PATENTSII H 40 yi'iii'H' experioncü und tiavo made ovur H 100,000 appiloatlODfl ror American and Kr üiun patenta. Bond ÍOr IIuihIIhhjIc. t'urrepundenco strlctly contldential. TRADE MARKS. In ense your mark Is rot rcfflsterod in t!ïo Patent Office, applj to Mi xx a "".. and procura Uiiiuediate protfftion. s-ii(l fof Uaudüuok. CUPYRKïllTS for books, r-hurts, map, etc, quickiy procured. Aüdrctid MUXN & CO., PuteDt Soliciioro. (fcXKUAl. OfKKK: Üol ÜIUIAHWAV, N. V


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