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Fárgtfs Shoes èmfly ,P FARCO'S g f "Box Tip" School Shoes 1p1a for Boys and Girls. M "ÍP&eV Heeled ' Wed9e Heel I' 'SAèv Sizes-8tolO!4 81.25 & ■6í?Pt1D7A. Htol3J4 1.SO ! ffj" - -_l ltO3 1#W Mi $2-50 Calf Shoe 3EÍl&v fe Gentlemen, t uA[k_S Unequaled by any shot Tfitorfü:. F -fciTS% r Z' Vto America at tho sauio WHUC- SLryrcv. n CongrOHs Ittt 'lü' Hfeíí' ion and Iacc. Meti'stuid Boy'stsizí's. CI FARGO'S fl ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT I OEjj y Dongola or Goat, Button, L Jj5xe v Opera, or Common Sanco, j Mpa NiíA Tackless and Flexible. ,t'LÍÍ"&fiL& Vnrrantod tho mosl wxJD'"'' i: ' "" MIM SbDy.jgllIa-1. il,Ul,iú::ai,d..;; : DUR NAME IS ON THE B0TT0M OF EVERYSHOE. Ask your dealer for Furiro'B shoc. If ho doos not O. H. PABGO & CO., Cüicat-o, XXL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR. Insurance, Real Estáte and Loan Agency OF HAMILTOÏÏ GREEF. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIKST II, OOI!. Tarlies desIrliiK to buy or sell Real BsUtte wlll Hint il tothelr iidviiniage tooall on u;. We represont the following first-class Pire Insurance Coinpauios. Imvlny nul aggrogate capital of over $8,000,000 : The firand Itnpid lire Ins, '.. The Ohlo Farmers' InH. Ci., (Iiimiuts on'.y dwrllliiK"), .crtniill Kir Ins. '. , The Pcople'N Fin lu-s. 'o , The Citizen'! l'lrc In. '., The WfMtclieNier Pire Ins. Co., The nilwaukce .'lechantes' lire Iiin. o., The TVew Hampshlre Fire Iu. On., The Nortliweatern Flrc lus. V. Ratos Low. Losscs liberal ly adjustod and :ii.l proraptly. We also iHSue JAfe and In vc tm ent Po Hol es n the Con n. Mutual Life [nanranoe Gompany. Assets 8.r,000,00ll. Persons desirlng Accident Insurance, can have ye.arly Policios wrltten for tliem or Traveler's (.'(Hipon , iiurn Tickets Issuetl at low rat es in ihe Standard Aoctdent Insurance C'oinpany oi Drrolt, lVUch. Mony to loan at lürr.nt ratos. Ulllce hours fiom 8 a. in. to 12 ia. oud 2 to 5 ). m. HAMILTON & CREEN. ffilCHIGAN (TENTRAL " The Niaaara Falls Route." Time tahle taklug effect April 13. 1890CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. - 1 a & U JM 4 A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. Hl. A. H. CMrago..Lv 7 SS 10 85 8 10 10 10 9 25 Kalamazuo 13 56 2 45 6 5S 8SSüS7 7 10 Jackson 31 4 47 8 52 li 15 4 45 ai Chclsua -117 7 10 5 27 1015 Dextcr 4 30 7 27 54! 1U 27 1'. y. 1'. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. Ann Arbor 4 52 5 45 9 41 7 50 6 00 10 43 Ypsllantl 5 15 5 57 53 8 08 6 17 10 55 WaynuJnnc S 43 8 33 648 1113 I Detroit.. „Ar 6.K 50 10 45 9 2J 7 31. 1150 DKTROIT TO CHICAGO. TATION8. I d g P L A.M. All P.M.IP.M. P.M. P.M. Detroit.... I.v H 10 8 00 120 3 50 800 1015 WayneJunc 850. 4 80 838 1055 Ypüilailti. WIJ 847 205 4 55 9 00 1118 V.M. A.M. P.Jf. P.M.IP.M. P M. Ann Arbor 10 tó 8 59 240 5 17) U 15 11 35 Dextcr 10 41 5 4S 9 57 Cholsea 1068 610 943 Jacknon 1135 1000 3 18 650 1045 1249 Kalamazuo 50 12 13 5 07 945 120 3 07 üliicago...Ar 75j 4 3ö 9 00 700 7 45 O. W. KUOÜLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. &T. Auent.Chicaeo. Agt.. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Xortli Michigan Railway. riMS SCHEDULE. Taklng effect November 25th, 1889. Trains rnn by Standard Time. Going North. II il PJ P. M. A. M. P. .P. M. 3 25 ö 00 Lv Toledo Ar U 15 1 10 I 4 17 (47 Dundee 10 18 14 20 4 8g Ui MHan 9 58 12 04 4 4( i ïti Urauia 9 45 11 62 4 m 7 22 Piltstleld 9 84 11 44 5 07 7 33 Ann Arbor 9 S4M1 30 5 3) 7 50 Leland 9 07 1115 547 8 (jó Wnltmore Lake 8 55 110-1 6 2-i 8 45 Howell. 8 17 10 45 7 15 9 35 Du rand 7 10 9 35 i 8 58 ÏÏTsii Bast" Saglnaw. . .:_LL: 5 69 7 45 I 8 00 Ï0 10 Owobso 6 35 9 (15 I 9 07 1145 Ithaca 5 84 7 50 0 15 12 45 Mt. Pleaaant 4 3S 6 45 .... 3 o CfulHlnc 1" 30 .... 141 Copimlsh 9 05 .... 5 40 .t Fraiikfurt Lv 7 50 ( f. M. P.U. A.M. A. ■ Going South. South Lyon Itnuicli. NOHTII ROOND. STATIONS. POUTII BOUND. Train IS Train 17 A. M. A. M. 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 IS il 40 Wordene T 85 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 n. w. &8HLST, Genen) MiDvr A. .1. PAISI.EY, GKÜ. EL HAZI-EVVOOD, ilfii'l. l'un. & Ticket Avi-nt. ljcal Asent. THIS PAPER s i?. ■ niV iHltllltofELl A COS Kcwspnpcr Aiivcrtisiiig Bureau (10 Spruca te made lor it la lila ff I Ultima Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVINU BEEN MADE IN THK couditlons of a mortgage ezeculed ly Evitiii (1 II. Morgan and Alice M. Morgan, bis wlfe, to .Iiinhi. K Beal Field, bcadiig date tho 8rd day of May A. I). 1ÍW4, and recorded In tho office of the Kegiuter of Deeds for Waahtenaw County, Michigan un Iho M day of May A. D. 1884 at :t o'clock p. m. of that day, In Libur 61 of mortgageg on pago 311), by which dcfault, the power of sale contatned in eaid niortgwge became operatlve, and do Buit or procceuirgs iu law or cqalty havlng been institnted to recover the debt secured by sid mortgnsre, or any part thereof, and the Hum of 14Ü1.74 at the date of this notice being claimed to be dne on naid mortgagr, and Ihat at tbedate of eaid mortgage the l'ull name of the eaid mortegee, was .lm iu K. Beal Field; that after said morigage was made aud executed, naid mortgagce applied to the l'robate Conrt, for nul ( 'du ii iy uf Washtei,aw, in writinï, in pareuar.ce of the statute in cuch case made and provided, and on the 25ih day of July A. D. 1881, he obtalned an order ot' suld Protmte Oonrt chanying hls i.ame from JuuliiK K. Beal Field to Janiue E. Beal, as tu aud by the record otsald Probate Courtin tbat matter, relerence being thereto had will more fully aud at largo appt ar. Now thereforc notice I hereby glven, that said mort gage will be foreclosed by a sale of tho inortgagcd primise thereln described, oreóme pailthereof, and tbat the prtmUee are dencrlbed iu ald m rtg igo a followa, towlt all that certaiD pioce or pirc-l of land sltuited and being in the Towu.-hip of Pittelleld, in the County of Washtenaw. aud btate of Michigan, described as followe, towli: B;ginnlng at a point In the weit elde of stctlon number tour (4) Iu sald Township nintecn (IU) chaina and seveuty-nlne (79; links from the nurthwest corner of Haid sectlnn line, t hi-nce north eighty-seveu (87) degreex and flrty (60) minutes tost inree (3) chalnx aud thirty-six (:) links to a stake one cüaln and twenty-sevt-n (J7) lii:ke Irom a cherry tree teu inches iu diameter, which beare smuh cighiy-scven (87) degreis west, thtnce eouth two (2) degrees naet fifty-lour (51) links, Ihence eouth eliihty-nine (8'J) degrees and ten (10) minutes east six (K) chnius and eiglit- ight (88) lluke to a stake thirty sil and a half (86JÍ) link froiu an apple tree flfteen Inches In uuniieii-r, I which bcure uouth twenty-eight (28) degroes wost, eouth ixiy-eigbt (ui) dogrees east one chain aud elghtyeeven (X7) links, Ihence south elghty-four (1) di-grei-s east four chaina and fllty-lour (54) link to llio intereec.tlon of two ditrhee, tbence eoutti elx (ti) rtegreee east eleven (11) chaiiie and twenty-two (221 links to the recognized cast and west quarter line theuce west the quarter line seventeeu (17) chalns and twenty (HO) Imk to the rccugi.i7.vd quarter stake, thence north on the sectlon line thirteen (13) chaina and fitty (50) liuks to the place oi begluning, containing twenty-one acres of land more or lese, at public vendue.onThursday the flrst day of May 1890, at uoon at the north front door of the Court House In the City of Ann Arhor, in eaid Countv, tbat beIng the place of holding the Circuit Court In i-ald County. Dateu Jan. 29th A. D. 18U0 JUNIUS E. BEAL, Moitgage1. t'ormerly Jnuius E. Heul Field, A, J. Sawybk, Atty. tor Mortgagee. ím I 11 1VIACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Ratea. Foor Trips per Wock Botweon DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. I(mce, CbvboTfran, Alpna. Harriavilla. Oicod, 8and Beaoh, Port Hurón, Bt. Clair, Oakland Houso, Marine City, Every Week Day Betweon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Bpeciftl Suudfty Tripa durinc July and Aucuit. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLCTS üto nd Biauraion Ticket will b furulhod ! by your Tloket Agont, or ddrM E. B. WHITCOMB, Gtn'l Ptl. Ag.nt, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. Chancery Notlce. STATK OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw. In Chancery. In the matter ol the applicationof the Toledo.Ann Arlmr & North Michigan Kallway i'ouipmiv, tu abandon a portion of lte Une in Countics of Waahtenaw and Oakland. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Rnilway Company, on the lKth day of April, 1800, d its petitlon in the Circuit Court for the County of Wanhtenaw in Chancery, seekíng to take up, abandon and coase to opérate eo mueh of its eaid railway ae extends from LelnmlV etation Ín th County of Wathtenaw, to the villagcof South Lyoo in the Oountyof Oakland; the sald petitlon contains the following prayer for relief, viz.: "Vour petitloner therefore prayp that n decree of thlu court may be eutered, autliorizing lt to abandon the said Une of rail way, and take up, abandon aud ceaae tho operation of its sald track thereln, and take up the rails, ties, station house?, abandon stations, and close up the etation bouses therein, and withoraw the airentí therefrom, and n move all the property appertaininir to the said bruuch line as provided bv the statutt. applicable to euch coser; and in further accordance wilh the eaid ;- tatutt', your petitiouer prays thst the citatlon of the Commissioncr of Railroads as a party to tul proceedtng may be had ; and notlcc of the pendency of these proceedings he given by publication as reqalred by law; and yi-ur petltloncr further prays for such other relief es may be Just and equitnble in the premies." Therefore notice ie hereby glven that eaid petition Is pending in the Circuit Court for th County of Washtenaw, in Chancery, aud that any Citizen intcrented, elther Iu pernou or by atlorney, 1 entitled to appear and be heard in oppoeition to the grantl ng ol raid ueiltiou. Dated April lBtti, 1SSM. HUNTSBERGER & ASHI.KY, Sollcitors for petitloner. A. J.SAWYER, of Counsel. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE 1 $29,000,000. Secnrlty held for the protectlon of the poltcy hol d ere. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the following ñret-clane companlee, of which one, tho Etna, has alone paid f 50,000,000 lire losges in elxty-flve years : iEtna, of Hartford f U,ia,e-t4 Franklin of Philadelphia 3,1 18,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,968 London Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,590,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses llberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowest rates of premium. llltf Jerome Freeman! POSTOFFICE i BARBER SHOP i BATH ROOMS. mm d w urn i Estafe or David Eaton. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw es. At a neeston of the Probate Conrt for the Cony ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, iu the City ot Aun Arbor, on Monday, the tweuty eigtilh day of April, In the year oue thousand eivht hundred and ninety. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of David Eaton deceased. Peter Coolc. admlnletrator with the wlll aunexed of naid deceaacd, comes lnto court and representa, that he Is now prepared to render hls final account as euch administrator. Thereupon it Is ordered, that Frldey, the tweoty-tbird day of May next, at 10 o'clock In the rorenoon, beassigned lor examlnins and allowuit.' encli account and that the devlsees, leñatees and h'-Trs at law of Baid deceaeed , and all other persons interested in sald estáte, are requirea to appear at a gessitm of sald Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, iu the city of Ann Arbor, in sald County, and show cause, if any there be, why the Baid account should nut be 1lowed: And it is further ordered, that sald admin istrator glve notice to the persons interested in said estate,ol thependencyorsa!daccount,aud the heating thereol, by causíng a copy of this order to be puolished in the Ann Arbor CourUr, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three succeastve weeks previous to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) J. W1LLAKD UABUlTi, Judue of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register.


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