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Fruit blils fair to be a fine erop tliis year. Tlie Chelsea council has tixcil llie saloou bonds at $4,000. Michael Giles, of Grasa Luke, a:red 81!, a pioneer, died April 29. E. E. Osband, of Ypsilanti, lias (tone to Virginia to uuild a mili. Memorial Day arrangements are now in progres.? over tlie county. The Washtenaw Baptist Association meets In Manchester to-day. The Baptist Society of Manchester have improyed their church property. The inasonic organizatlons of Manchester have plenty of work now-a-duys. Geo. P. Glazier of Chelsea has been gettingsome fine Jersey stock receutly, Mrs. Ruth Young of Sylvan, died last week l'roni the efl'ucts of a broken limb. The Sun now figures up fifteen new dwellings for Stoekbiidge this Bummer. A joke of oxen drawing a w.igon was quite a novel sight in Chelsea the other day. The Chelsea cheeker experts expect to lackle Mr. Wright a Boston expert player soon. About 25 candidatos wlll be conflrmed in St. Joseph's dtholic church at Dexter on Friday next. Bishop Foley visited Manchester April 25th, and the Catholics made the occasion a memorable one. On a farm near Gregory is an apple tree planted In 1833, which is now 7 ft. 3 in. in circumference. Chelsea and Manchester merchants are contending with each other for the egg erop in and bout their sections. On Sunday, June lst, the Masons of Manchester wrlll decórate the graves of deceased brotlurs in oak grove cernen tery. M. S. Cook, of Dexter, has been appolnted agent for Beveral insuiance corapanies recently held by the late Henry C. Gregory. There are a number of boys of the village who do not altend Pchool, as the law directa. They should be made to go to school. - Ente rprlse. The Leader complains of the action of certain young peo'ple about the church doors of Dexter on Sunday evèntngs, and reads them a good leswu. The Leader doesn't think nmch of Dexter's vülage marshal. It claims there is more Sunday drunkenness there now tban there lias ever been before. Cunrad Heselechwerdt, who died at h's home in Chelsea recently, came to this county in 1855. He was" a carpenter by trade and a highly respected citizer. The team of Wm. Kllswortb, of Pittsllcld, were recently so Injured by running atray and ürlllgillg up a;ainit a b-irbed wire fence, as to be rendervd valúales.. Aguin the vvily agente ure trying to teil the farmer whatagi cultural ImplementB he caunot possibly ffetaloiiK without, and convince liim that that bis wheat erop is going to be Immense. Fruit trees are bei ng dcüvered now by the Varioua agunts for the same, and they Wlll be cirefully planted by the average farmer and then taken care of by lTis sneep and hogs.- Webster Cor. Dexter Leader. John Reeye, formerly of Dexter, who ha9 been in the employ of the Deering Machine Co., at Chicago for a time, hl s been sent to Texas by that company as lts state agent, the yoimgest one ever sent out, he beiug but 19 years of age. Shhp of our exchanges Intímate that it is the StockUrldge Fair Association that is liiting up our race track at a $1,000 expense, whereas it is being done by the Stockbiidge Trotting Assoolatlon, an enttrely distlr.ct organization that bas leased the track, - Stoekbiidge Sun. The South Lyon Ploket comes to us with the name ofA. H. Herrón at lts must head. Now we are told that the lleion is noted for lts remarkable ascendInfi Ilight, aud we hope that the Picket ander the management of its Herion will aícend to remarkable success. At the animal oiatorical contest of the Normal News to be held Fridy evening, May 9, at Normal hall, there will be eieht contestant?. Gov. Luce, Hon. George L. Yaple, II' n. R G. Horr, Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop of Jackson, and Miss Kuth Hoppin, of Ann Arbor, will act as judges. Fourteen pupilsofthe high school are sick with the measles, and nearly 100 pupils are out of school. But they are recovering and we hope the roll will be complete again soon. The wartl school, which was the flrst to be depleted, is rejoicing in restored attendance.- Enterpii.e. Alarried by Rev. A. Eblinjf, Sunday, April 27, in Kawsonville, Mr. Lemuel Daugherty of IJelleville and Miss Kittie Dennis of Rawsonville. On the same date, Mr Frederick Banger of Augusta and Miss Anna S. Johnson were married by Mr. Kbliug in Van Buren, Mich - Ypgllautlao. Among many other facts noticed by our reporter while strolling around town was a sign, daubed on a piece of board, which readthis: "This pLaCe FoR SaiLe:" and several others quite as amuslng. Would it not be better if some of our property holders would use a little printer's iuk, it is not expenslve - Nortliville Record. Hon. Ezra D. Lay of Ypsilanti township, who died on Monday, April 28, at the advanced age of 83 years, was one of the earliest and best known of Washtennw's pioneers. He eime to this county as eaily as 1H22, and settled here permanently in 18J3. His name will be handed down for many years as a type of the noble pioneer, aud an honest and Industrioiis man. Tommy McNannira is tlie happy possessor of h tlue rilly foaled last Friday Dlght. She is the rïrst Standard bred colt ever raised in the township of Sylvan. She was sired by the trotting stalüon "Henipln" Standard, No. 4708; first dam by Tremont, (sire of Juneniont record 2.18',' and three others in 2.40);second dam by Uassius M. Clay, Jr. The fllly is a golden chestnut, and pronounced by boreemen ns belng the image of a trotter. -Chelsea Herald. Michigan Farmer saya : " We have not yet found a section of the state where the wheat is looking fairly well. Our travelsliave taken usin Wayne, Oakland, Shiawassee, Genesee, Clinton, Macomb and Livingston counties since the middle of February. Perhaps there may be a fair erop this season, but It will not be giown in these counties. Atsome points we would flnd a special field, always summer fallowed, with a fair prospect for a erop, but the next field was sure to be in bad shape. One of our best known and most prosperous dealers was conslderably annoyed one mornlng lutely bccause hls conversation took an unnccountable turn nnd instead of being uble to quote prlces on butter and eggs, hecould only talk about the latest fashions iu dresaes, and such female convers.ition. He went home discouraged and we do not know what would have happened to him had he not diacovered that by mistiike he liad put liis wife's false teetli iu his nioutli. - Manchester Enterprise. The velocipede of the future s uow beiifi perfected In tbla city. lts features, it is fair to presume frona its construction, were BOggeSted by tlie groat wheel In Ezekiel's visión, for it has a wheel within a wheel and ia not UoklpK to a prodlgloua extent, in tl. e frreat wheel of said visión, one part ot whtch rests on the earth and the ofher reachlng to the blue arcli above. We aie debarred Drom fuller description at this lime, :is it, mirht provoke a patent suit or at least set other wits to work to dcprive the inventor of bisjust rightS. - Yp8i)antian.


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