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Epitome Of The Week

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O.N theSStb the bilí to incorpórate tho Society of the Sons of tho American Rcvolution wil discussod in ihe Unitcd States Senate, nd a bilí for the admission of Arlzona as a State was introduccd. ... la tlir House the legislativo, exeoutive and ludióla) appropriatton bill was passed. Tho Senate biil providing for an inspectiou of mcats for exportation, prohibiting the importalion of adulterated articles of cirufrs, food and drink, was reportcd favorably. Mr. Hall, of Minnesota. Imroduced a bill providing ior an iiieomo lax. Thk land forfeiture bill was passed In tho Sennte on the -!flth uit... and the bill Rranting a pension of fü.rjQO a year to the widow of Goneral Georgo B. MoClellan wa rcferred In tho House the post-offlee approprlation bitl ($71,850,983) was roported. A message was recelvcd trom President ïlarrisonvetoing the bill to provtde for the ereotlon of a public building at Dallas, Tex. Mr. reportcd a concurrent rcsolutlon In the Senate on the 30th uit. providing for negotiations with the Governments of Mexico and (ïreat Britain with a view of preventing the entry ('f Chinamcn into American territory irom Mexico and Canada.'. ..In the House the bill for the elawtfleaUon of worsted cloths as woolcn ölothfl was pássod, as was also the Morrill s.tvk-'1 penslOQ bill whi'-fi places on the pension roll a y oiiiccr or enllstod man of 60 yearfl of ae or over, or who shall hrreaftcr reacb thal age, wUó s rvod ntnety days or more in the anny, at tho ratc of ÍS per month, and ulso pi'.'Vi u-s for a pension of $i) to tho vidow of any soldier when sb.e shall anive ut tho age of 60 yeurs. Tiïk seleol oominltto6 on meat products reportQd to Uil' Sc-uato on the rlrst nicasures to rrptul oxlsting quarantin'; laws and prohibit mon puly and u jast discriminatlon by railways In th ■ HWse !r. lügs (CoL) irtroduced a bül to reinal tbc civi -s(iivice act. The Sonate antt-trust bill was passed. A resolution w i ior the imuiediate consideration of bill-i rciiii.init to trusts, copyrights and bankruptoy. A rcsolatlon was presented by Mr. Hi'illy .y-.:, i declarlQK that etht hours Bhould e mode o legal day's work throujhout the country. A BELL was inirxlueed in the Senate on the Sd to place express compántés under the provlsions of tho Inter-State commerce act. The administrativa otmtonia bilt was passed. The nomlnation of Daniel Dastin to be As.-istant Traaèurer of the l nited States ai Chicago was conflnned In the Honsè the international copyright biii was defrated by a vote cf 120 to 98. At the eveni: g session seventeen private pension bilis wero pajsed, DOMESTIG. O'Donovan' Itoss.v was convloted of criminal libel in .Now York on tho 28th for callinjf P. S. Cassidy a British spy and publishing tho .same in United Irisliman. Wiiit.E John Juker was plowing on his farm aear Berwyn, Neb., on the 29th uit. ho unoartlied the skoloton of throe grown persons, a child and the skull of a dog. Advices of the 20tti uit. say that the smugglinij of Cliinese into this country from Mexico is being carriod on as a business by a company well backed as regarás capital and having hoadquarters at San Francisco. Judoe Wai.i.ace, of the United States Court, on the 2'Jth uit. frranted a writ of habeas corpus, rcturnable June 17, in the case of Kemraler, the murderer under sentenco of death by electricity at Auburn (N. Y.) pi-ison. ThbkE men wero drownud at Newport, Vt. on the 2'Jth uit. by the capsizing of a boat. Destüvctivi: prairie fire3 woro raging on tho 2ÍHU uil on the Sioux reservation In South Dakota. The ñres were started by I ndians, who had been arrested. At ISath, Mc, a fire on tho 29th uit. destroyed a range of buildings in the business center of the city. Foub Hungarians were fatally burned on the 89th uit by the explosión of a furnace in the Edgar Thomson steel works at Rraddock, Pa. James Bblts, Thomas Belts and Marión Wymoro were drowued on the 29th near Woodlund, Wash., whilo rafting logs. The steamor H. & l'lant on the 29th uit. was burned in Keresford lako in Florida, and two men and a boy (all colored) lost their lives. Tuihtv-oxk warrants were sworn out on the 20 th uit. ior tho arrest of persons charged with fraudulent voting in the Twenty-fourth ward of Chicago at the last eloction. A SBBIES of temperance meetings held at Marshall town, Ia., by Francia Murphy, closed on tlio 29th uit., over 2,000 persons havlng signed the plcdge. The Michigan Supreme Court on the 29th uit. dcoidod the State liquorliconse law unconstitutional. Richakd Sn'eitke, a farmer living near Rochester, Mimi., killed his 3-yoarold boy on the 29th uit. and then took his own life. Domestic trouble caused the deed. The entire business portion of Hartsville, Ind., was burned on the 29tb uit. Frank Woodbcff, who attained notorioty in connoction with the Cronin case in Chicago, was let off on the 29th uit. with a six months' sentence for borse-stealin;. The first lodgo of the Independent Orderof Machinists of the UnitodStates was instituted on the 29th uit. at Lynn, Mass.


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