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I U ishcd I Was Dciiii! After siitl'oring several years with the LcucorrhcB i, and no doubt I would lmve been, only a lady induced rae to try SulDhur Bitters. Now I atn well. Tlirte bottles cured me. - Mrs. Copps, Newporr, Sun8iiinc s one of ttie waya Gnd lias of saying to all living thiugs, " My love is boundless." Montana, Orejón and Washington. A correct map of the north west will show thnt the Northern Pacific Rallroad traverses the central portion of Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana and Washington for a distanc.i of iiearly 2,000 miles; it is the only railroad reaohing Jamestown, Bismarck, Miles City, Billings, Livingston, Bozenmn, Mlssonla, Clieney, Duvenport, Palouse City, Sprague, Ritzville, Yakima, Kllcnebur;.', Taconia, Seattle and in fuct nine-tenths of the north west cities, town?, mul points of interest. The Northern Pacific is the trans-continental route from St. Paul and Chicago to Helena, Butte, Aoacpodn, Deer Lodge, Spokane Falls, Walta Wálla, Dayton and Portland, and the only one wliose through trains reach any portion of the new state of Washington. Land seekers purchasing Pacific Ooast second class tickets via St. Paul and the Northern Pacific have choice from thut point of free CoJonist Sleepinjr Cars or Pullman's Tourist Furnished Sleepers at charges as low as the lowest. For the benefit of seitlersthe Nurthern Pacific also gives a ten day stop over privilege on second class North Pacific Ooast tickets at Spokane Falls and each and every point west, including over 125 stations in Washington, tlnis en&bling perrons secking a lióme to examiuu this vast territory without incurring an expense of from $5 to $25 in traveliug on local tickets from point to point. Insure for yourself comfort and s;ifrty by having the best accommodations afforded, thereby avoiding chango of ears, re-checking of baggngp, transfers and lay overs en route. Money can be auved by iuichasing tickets via St. Paul or Minueapolis and the Northern Pacilic. For Mapa, Pamphlets, Rates and Tickets enquire of your nearest Ticket Agent, any District Passenger Agent of the Northern Pacific Railroad, or Chas. S. Fee, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Mina. The peacock has gorgeou? plumage, but hia feet are very black. Some peoule ai e like hun. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was ju9t an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. Slie was in the last stages of consumption, tokl by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounüs. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and grot a sample bottle; it helped her, she boiight a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and i now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort ömith. Trial bottles of this wonderl'ul discovery free at Eberbach & Son's drug store. A man c.n be moral without bciiiir religious, but he caii't be religious without being moral. Bocklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt liheuin, Fever Sores, Tester, Chapped Hands, UbHblalns, Corns, ai.J all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is gnarnnteed to glve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents por box. For Sale bv Eberbach & Son. No ehurch is ready for a revival unti its mcmbers are living in peace wlth eacl o:her. Doii't Go OffBeiore you are Keady, Partlcularly on a long journey. Be fully pre pared. Yuucannot it-, permit ns to miv ud Ii'h yon are accompanleu wlth tlie traveler' and tourlst's vade rnecum, Ilontettere Stomiit;t Bitlsrs, most genial of apoetizer, acollmat lzcrsmul promulcrs of digestión. Akuíiis malaria, cramps and eolios begotten of badly cooked or uuwholesome food and brncklsh water, nervousneas. increased by travel, chronlc blllousness and constipatlon, the Bitters is a sovereign preventivo. It Imparta a relian for rood not altogether to ynur taste, and prevent it froin dlsagneinK wlth you. Never was there sunli a papttal tning for the anfortunate dyspeptic who stands In dread of tbe lest cooked meal. Storaachlc trouble Cbused by III prepared vianda aboard snip on stearaboatH. and rationa hastily bolted at rnllway rettaurants, Is soon remedled by the Bitten, whieh gives a quletusalüo to rheuinallsm, kidm y Iruubles and lnsomnia. Mortgage Sale. On the 2(th day of February, A. D., 1ÍM, Gott frii'd Jedele and Chrletlna B. Jvdele, his wife hy ïndcnture of mortgage, mortgiiged lo llenri i'ttn E. clark-oi!, as executrix of the eet'ite o John J. Clar&Bon. deceased, of the city ot Jackson, Michigan, all that certain piece or pareólo land Bitaate, 1) it g and belng in the town.-hip o Sharon, cuunty 01 Wahtaw. and Suite ot Michi gan, known and deBCrihed as followt, to-wit. : The sontheast quarter of the northeast qnartei ol sec tion number twenty-flvc (25), and in township nuni ber three, south of range nmnber three east, Mich iiian. Thls mottuage wan, on the asih day of Feh. rnary, A. D., 181, recorded ia the ofBce of tlic Kegister of Deedu fir eald Washtenaw County, in llber 57 of mortgngee on page 510. Default haa been made in the conditiotis of thln eald mortgage, the eame ie now doe, and upon the game thcre ia claimed tobe now due and tinpaid the turn of two thousand and thirty four and 27-100 dollars ($2034.27) by the terms thercof ; and no snit or proceedlng whatever, in law or equiiy, has been commenced or had to recover the eatne or any part thereof, or on Baid mortgage. Notlce ís therefore hereby givcn, that unreuant to law and the terms of eaid mortgage, the premifea above and in 8 lid mortgage described. or bo much thireof ae may be tieceesary for that parpose, will be sold at public auctlon, to the highest bidder, on the 2óth day of July, A. D., 1890, at eleven o'clock In the foreuoon of that day, at the west front door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, (that belns the :iuililin_' in which the Circuit Court for said Wiiilienaw County is holden) to Batisfy the amount [herc due on Baid mrtgage, the legal coyis and charges of the foreclosure and the salo tbereof. Dated April 30th, A. U., 1890. A. F. FREKMAN, Attorney for Mortgngee. IlENKIKTrA E. CLAKKSON, Executrix, etc.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier