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Material Is belng drawn for the Christian cliuich OD S. University ave. Assií-t:int Inspector General Derlln, inspected Co. A. Moiuluy evening, :it the nrmory. Tlie nmne of KJwaril O'Neil, ofAnn Aibor Is auionr tliose wlio havo had tin ir pension restoreü. Prof. J. B. Steere wil! address the temperance meeting at Cropsey's Hall, on iSunüay uttcruoon at 3 p. in. At lastl At last! The court house cement whIVs are belng laid. The oraal iHiinber of everseersareon dut}1. The city treasurer received a $1,000 cerlilieil check tliis i. m. f rom the Ann Arbor Street Car Co. That's business. E. E. Hammond, an express mesfcnger of the Grand Tronk It. K., is filling Clare Durand's place at the express office temporarily. Tlio (luto of the " Dec8trick Skule" enentertainment Is the last Thursday of Har, the 29th, lo 1 held at the high school lial!. The T. & A. A. R. 1?. incre.i el lts earnlngs for the first four montlis of tuis year, $80,402 over tlie corresponding period of' last year. Street Cpmmbsloner Sutberland has been lowerinr the grade of E. Washington st , dom State st. west, and a gooil job he has done, too. There are two places between here and Whitmore Like where the track of the T. ifc A. A. K R. is nnder water, in one place iii to the car ixles. Baoday, May 35th the G. A. Iï. post and the S. of V's of this city will attend the M. E. church In a body, and listen to a sermón liy lev. Dr. Studley. H. J. Brown had hls right slioulder blade broken by making a misstep in getting out ot' bla carriüge last Sunday p. m., and nou carries bis arm in a si ui;. Tlie I. O. G. T. lodse baa recently nmved into the I. O. of O. F. hall where they will ve a box social iirxt Monday evenin?, My 17. All members and friends nvited. The council held meeting Monday eveniiifi and upproved city treasurer Watt's bonds, No other business appearing, counoll closed in due forin and harmony. Charles Wesley, trie Poet of Methodism," will be the subject of Dr. Studley's lecture next Sunday evening in the Methodist cburcb, with readioga from hls works. The president of tbe Ann Arbor Iírlck and Tile Co. has driven down to the works so often thnt he has got to be quite a brick himself. Great Soott ! wlio have we given away now ? John Neary and wifc, of Ilowell, are registered at tbe Gemianía. Mr. Neary is a wealthy citizen of Ilowell wlio bas reüred from business and contémplales taking up bis residence here f lie can dispose of bis property in Iíowell. The Mcrchants' Carnlval to be given by the Chnncel Society of St. Autlrew'a cliurcb, at the Rink, on May 22, 23 and 124 will be represented by 54 younj; ladies. A military drill with Major Soule and Mayor Manly as drill masters will be one of the prominent features. There is ayoung fellow named Murray, wbo has been cliinbing into windows of rooms occupied by young Iadie9. The other evening he climbed into a State st. room and got taken tojail for the same, :iiil remained over nighc. He bas probably been taught a wbolesome lesson. The alarm of fire Wednesday evening va9 caused by the igniting of some oiled rags at O. O. Sorg's paint shop on S. Main st. A sliglit delay in discovering tbe cause of the "smudfre" would have resulted disastrously. As it was, no particular damage was tlone. The comnion council ougbt to provide for one or fvo niore policemen. Marshal Walsh la a live, wide awake official, but to expect liim to be everywhere, at all times of the day and ni:ht, is expectlng jast a trille too moco. He has one patrolinan to assist him to be sure, but lie should have three. Joba Lindenscbmidt is out tbe priceof a line wool shirt. He trusted a certaln younsf man for the same last Saturday, and said j'. m. took the garment to one of our spoitlng nicn and sold it for less tlian half pricc andekipped out of town. And now John is coiistantly humming the "Song of the Shirt.1' It was decided at the last meeting of the trustees and eongregation not to enlarge the Bethlehem Lutheran church but simply repaint it. And It was further decided ihat tliu society would bulld a new church edificc as soon as sufflclent fuuds could be raiscd to do so, probably in a couple of years, Hon. C. II. Kicbmond of Ibis city, bas been selected by Gov. Luce, as a 3tate ('iiiimiesioner to have charge of the world'a fair at Chicago. W. H. Lane of Kalamazoo will be bis associate from thi state. Of course Commisstoner Kichmoiid will furnlsb all Ann Arbor people with free tickets tollie great show. If not, why not? A boy cbolr at St. Andrew's church will now become a certainty, as a choir master In the person of Prof. Waters, of tbe Orcliurd Iyike military academy has been secured. lie will come here durinjf the suninier and take charge of Hobart ilill, which he will add to bis dutlea as choir master. Rev. Mr. Galpin, wbo bas charge of the hall at present intends to accept of a cali in tbe upper península. W. J. Colrrove has been assijfned ft run between Toledo and Chicago. Prof. Montgomery will dcliver an addrc3s before tlie tciinerance meeting, at ( 'ropsey's Hal!, on Sanday, Muy 26, 'i'O, at .'f p. ui. If the wcather is to blame for these hori id colds the people are having we would move that Hiere be a chanjre. Do wc hear a support? Tlie funeral of Juli:t Slatford, of Ann Arbor town, whoditd May 12,will beheld tliis p. m , at tlie hocne, at 3 o'clock. She was 5. years old. Peter McNallf bad :in eel thst was fourfeet long - lackingtwo inclies - Monday, which was caught in Mud Lake. It was a "dundy. " The Union Shade Pull Co. lias removed its oíBce and factory to this city. Geo. W. Balite, Thos. C. Urown and J. B. Bulüs are the stockholders. Tbursday being Ascensión Day there wil] be mornlng prayer and communion at St. Andrew's churcli at 10}$ o'clock and evening prayer at 5 o'clock. Prof. E. Baur tel Is us that f rost did no liarm at hla place nor on any of the higli grounds about Ann Arbor. Even his toniatoe plunts set out were not i;ijured. The animal meeting of the Ladies Society of the Congregational church is to be held on Friday p. m. at 4 o'clock, at the church. The work of the past ten years wil! be reviewed. It is said that Uncle Sam ives to all soldiers drawing a pension because of hernia or rupture a new truss every two and a half years, apon applicatlon to the examiuing surgeons of their district. Eugene E. Ucal lias been appolnted and con. flrmed postmaster of Anu Arbor. Tlieflght Ih now supposed to be over.- 3toukbrld"e Sun. There has been do lie'it here cxcept in the iertile umin of the effervescent Detroit Free Press. Rcv. W. D. Slmonds, pastor of the Independent Congregatloniilist church in Battle Creek, will preacli at the Unitarian church in this uext Sutiday rnoriuiig and evening, n exch:inge with Jlr. Sunderland. Those wanting fruit this scason free from worms slioulü commence the use of paris green and spray the trees while in bloom. The apple erop in this county was improved over 50 per cent. last year ly tli is process. Annoiincement is made of the marriaife on Tharsday, June 12tli, of Miss Clara Wheeler, daughter of' John M. Wiieeler, of V. Hnron st., with Mr. Hoincr Lutber, of Medina, X. Y. The ceremony will be at SI. Aiidrew's churcli. What a beaiitlfu! park could be-inaclc by taking the land lylnjf bet ween Cedar Bind ave. and the river rond ! By daming the Hurón a beautiful water course for boats could be made, and no handsomer spot exists in Michigan (han tliat very spot. J. J. Goodyear has purchased the store building To. 4. E. Huron street, now occupied by Chas. Burkliardt's harnea store. Tliia 9 a valuable piece of property, and Mr. Goodyear proposes to tear out the old front, replacc t with plate lass, and make a handsome place of business out of it. We are glad to see the young men rotting to the front. The Young People's Sndety of the Baptist cliurch have secuml President A. II. Strong, D. O., of Rocbester, N. Y., to deliver the minimi address before their society next Sunday evcning at the Baptist clinici). President Strong is one of the ablest edueators and authors in the denomination and will be he.ird with great interest on this liis Bral visit to Ann Arbor. Rev. J. T. Sonderlaad look out bis full citizensliip papers in court yesterday. He badsupposed blmself a cltlzen for these many yeurs, but recently fouiid out bit error. It seeuis tliat liis fatlier came to this country when Rev. Sunderknd was luit two years of age. He took out liis first papers, but lied before takins; the second. So in order to be a citizen under the law he was obliged to take out papéis. Hon. J. T. Jacobs, of this city, has been appointed a meinber of the Board of lndlan Commissioners, vice W.H. Waldby, of Adrián. The ofllce has been held previously by Ex-Qov. David Jerome and Hon. John K. Boies. The board lias ííen" eral supervisión of the Indian ngeneios in COODectlon wkh the ludían biire;iu of the Interior depurtinent. The galary is per dieni allowance, with expenses and oneor two handsoine trips westeach ye;ir. The Owosso Gas Co, owned principally in ibis city, beid its annuil meeting last Thursday, declaring a Z% per cent, dividend and raduoing the price from 2 to $1.50 per thousand feet. They make water gas for lighting and fuel. Mr. Sedgwick Dean has given it a deal attention and lias built iip a line plant, making it a good succes botli lor the stockholders and the cltizens, who can get gas so cheaply. On Fridaynight, Hay 9th, MissTeressa M.Welch, died at the home of her motilen Tío. 51 E. Ann st, after a very brief 11ness, frora heart trouble. Deceased was about 21 years of age, and funeral services were held Monday a. m., from the Northfield Catholic churcli. Miss Welch was one of the favorites aniong her assoclates, always bright and cheerful, and always bringing aïiouther friends who will sadly miss her. lier bereaved mother and sisters have the deep sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. It is the lntention of St. Andrew's Society to make some important changes in tlieir church edifice this summer. The firstwill be tobuild a chancel.taking out the rear portion of the church and extending it back, thus making room for a commodious chancel that will accomniodate the vested choir to be put in. The organ will .be brought down and placed at the side of thfl clianrel. The organ will ulso be entlrely overhauled or (perhap8) replaccd with a new one. The church service here is not wbat it is In other parishes becaiise of these iceded ïmprovetnents. On Friday niIii as a Clerk in Bach, Abel & Co.'s store went to lock up the cellar store room, he found the key gone from its accustomed place. An nveítigation was aet on foot and a startüng discovery made. It was found that about $1,000 worth of goods, consisting of gloves, hosiery, fine blankets, qullted Batlns, feathers, etc, had been taken from the cellar and piled under tlic; t-hlewiilk area. It was a pretty wet, muddy place tliere, and many of the goods were utterly ralned, the damage being some $300 or $400 worth. Further investigatiou developed the fact that the work liad been done by three little boys under ten yeara of age, two brot'iers named Baer, and another lad named Blytham. Tlicy hnd gone down during the day and had piled the goods outside with the Intentioo "I taking them at nlght. It' that is not youthful depravitj7, perhaps some one can relate a case of it. The boys are too young to send to the Lansing Reform School, and it is a pnzzling questloh willi the authoritles what to do with them.


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