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Noble'o Hat department. Not many physicians make {rreat thcrapent ie diecoveries. For the tuost part tliey content themselves wlth adminLiterlngjiiüioinusly what s perscribed n the books. To Dr. J. C. Ayer, however, s due the credit of discovering thntgreatest greatest of blood-purifiers- Ayer's Bareaparilla. Xoble'a Hat department. HIbbard's Throat and Lungr Balsam. For throat and lung troubles this romcdy has no equal. It is guarantued to cure consumption in its flrst tagos, and even in advanced stages of that disease it relioyes coughing and induces sleep. You majr have a coufrh or a cold at any time, therefore no liouseholil, especialiy with chüdren, shoukl be without it. For all affectiona of the throat, )un8 and chest, r.roup, whooplng cough, hoar?eness, spittiiift ot blood and all pulmonary diseases it has no equul. Solil by Ann Arbor druggists. Noble's Hat department. Is Cousumption Incurable I Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physlcians proiiounced me an Incurable Consumptiye. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my thlrd bottle, and able to oversee the work ob my farm. t is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse jiddlevvart, Decatur, Ohin, says: "ilad it not been for Dr. King'g New Discovery for Consumption I would have diod of Lung Troubles. Was given up by the doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at Eberbach & Son's Drugstore.


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Ann Arbor Courier