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George Utiss Sundayed ut home. Mis. Theo. Rnyer is with her danghter n Ohio. Judge Babbitt la quite sick wUh rheiiDatlo fcvcr. J. Anstiu Scott hus gone to New Jersey 'i r a visit with his son. Prof. J. O. Knowlton has been on the sick list dm ing the week. Mlgg Anna Frothlnghatn of Detroit is the guest of Miss Klchmond. Mrs. '. W. Whedon's mother, Ml. rurner, is visiting with her. Mrs. Miller, of Kalamnzoo, is visiting iior daughtei in the University. Lauren Hcnion wlio has been vcry sick with pneumonía, is getting better. O. F. Hunt, lit. '81, of Detroit, wns In the city lust week on court business. Frank Travis, of Cooper, Kalamazno Co , is visiting hls sister, Mrs. J. E. Beal. Mrs. E. E. Beal and daoghter Alta were in Dexter over Saturday and Sunday. C. E. Worden, better known as Kd., arrived from California last Mouday evenlng. Mrs. G. P. B. Iloyt, of Brcoklyn. N. Y., is visitinsr with lier fatlier, Dr. Stadley, on N Stilte St. O. F. Webster, Esq., of Owosso, has been visiting relatives and friends in the city during the week. A. P. Fersuson and W. F. Mills went to Detroit Monday evening to take the Scotüsh rite degrees. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gray returned from thelr wedding trip last week and are keeping house in Detroit. Wm. M. O=b:ind, of the Ypsllantlan wa in the city yesterday, and a pleasant caller at the Courier office. Hon. Chas. R. Whitman, Evart H. Scott, and Dr. V. C Vausrhan leave Mouday for old Old Mission Beach. John H. Sperrv had his rlght ghoulder fracturad by being run into by Duslop's run away horse Friday evening. Dr. Vaughan and lluber left Honday evening for Nashvllle, Tenu., to attend the National Medical Association. Prof. T. B. Divis has gone to Leiand, Leían tu Co., to make arrangemeuts for hUclassof englneen In practical work. Mrs. Hathbone is In Washington atteiidinj; a meetlnB of the Mt. Vernon Association, of which she is vice-preeident. Lew H. Clement is in Detroit and Port Hurón tliis week on business connected with the AHinendlnger Piano & Oigan Company. Bert Henion, of Clinton, 111, ia in tlie city called here by the scvere illness of hls biother LaarenB. Bert is now a proaperoua merebant of Clinton. Dr. W. B. Siiiith has returned to Ottuniwa, Iowa, whore lie h is large land interests. He ha been made prosident of the Ottuniwa I.aid Co. Edward Duffy, M. J. O'Brien, John VSheehan went to Biy City Monday eveninjr t' a!t(-nd the state meeting of the, Ancient Oidor of lllbernians. Prol'. W. M. Skinner, and wife of Jackpon, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. llenry 1?. Dodsloy lust Fridiiy andSaturda.Vi and attended the Symphony concert. Mrs. Judge Kinne left Sundny evening for severa] day's stay at Cincinnati, to attend the ]Iay Musical Festival and Theodore Thomas concerts, now in progress in that city. Dr. D. A. MacLichlan is in attendance upon the Homeopathie State Medical Society now in session at Lansiug. He is to read a paner upon the "Relatlon of Diseases of the E ir, Nose and Throat." W. K. Childs and wife and Kobert Campbell and wife were called suddenly to Augusta Sunday on account of the severe illness of Mrs. Aaron Child?, mother of Mr. Childs and Mrs. Campbell. Depnty Grand Commandcr W. G. Dty, John R. Miuer. B. F Watts, VV. W NichoU, Judge H.uriman, Chas. E. Mi-tiick and Chas. II. Kichniond, ave attending the annual conclave of the Knights Templar at Detroit. Improvements in ttie direcüon of Hamllton Paik are processing. A RMb conple ucre murried yeslerélay by Ir. Studley, all because tliut was tlie man'a name. The followlne ca?es have boen before Justlce Pond: Win. Franco charged vltb being tlrunk on thfi street, sentenccii to two days in jai!; Win. Allen arrested for begjnng on tlie stret-t, plead guilty, one day in Jall; John Eraan cliargüil willi being dronk (flven tve days in Jall; txamtnatlon ofGeorge wr. Bfneron Tliured.iy for shootin Charlea Mi lier, on Tluiíxliiy eventng last.


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Ann Arbor Courier