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The Clironlcle will publish a field day extra Saturday. The graduation fee of f 10 is now due f rom the seniors. The Soplioniore nine met disaster at Albion Saturday by a score of 14 to 8. Xo one has ns yet stepped forward wlth the needed $r,000 for the S. C. A. CornelI's school of journaltam has proved a failure and been withdrawn. L. D. Millman, '90, has been given a chair n Searcy College, Searcy, Arkansas. Four medals for winners in the Field Day sports are offered by the Two Sains. The Detroit Athletic Club will have many representatives in the field day sports. The fats and leans of the University played buil until both werc tlred out last Friday. A party to to be riven by the S. A. E's. at the Ladles' Library morro w erening. The class of 90 talk of erecting a handsome fountain ou the campus as a memorial gift. The Orchard L;ike nlne vvere defeated by the Sophomores Saturday by a score of 27 to G. Miss Maud Miller, lit. '91, has her mother, Mrs. Miller, of Kalamazoo, as her gnest, at No. 20 Ö. División st. Whenever Prof. Stanley's smillng and shining face appears upon the gtae at au entertainment, it is greeted with a checr. Alexander F. Lnnge, instructor in German, has accepted a position as assistant professor ín Germán in the University of California. The U. of M. nine defeated he D. A. C. nine in Detroit last Wednesday, by a score of 6 to 5. The rehearsals of "The Light of Asia" Indicate soaietliloj; very fine for the commencement concert. The U. S. Supreme court has dccided the famous case of Cornell University va. Fiske, against the university. Rev. John Rhey Tliompoon will lecture before the Wesleyan Guild In the H. E. church next Sunday evening. The cover for the new Palladium was designed by Hoyal T. Fair and, lit. '90, iiow n the medical dcpartment. C. D. Warner '91 leaves college and the Argonaut to accept i position on the city stuff of Chicago ínter Ocean. The High school nine were done up by both the Sops and Fresh Thursday, the score In each instance being 10 to 3. Tlie Pharmlca went down to Ypsilanti Saturduy and were "done up" by the Cleary College nlne by a score of 17 to 4. Sec'y Wade's improvemenU about the campus are always progressinr and always make the grounds look much bette r. According to the Chronicle a movéis on foot ainong the alumni to purchase a mackintosh and au umbrcllu for Benj. Franklln. We are to have a very swell Field Day ;his year froin all accounts. A brass iand and 50 cents admission are sume of the feitures. - Chronicle. Field Day on the new fair grounds May 26. Twenty-one contesta open to all amateur?. It takes a half dollar to witness it - from the inside. Lnst meeting for the year of the Politcal Seieüce Association to morrow evenïng in room 24. Prof. Hlnsdale is to read a paper upon ''Dualism." The ladiea at last niglit's concert apeared for the most part without lints. rhey have the sincere thanksof the male art of the audience. - Clironicle. The class of '05 will hold a reunión next commencement and celébrate its fïrst quarter of n cenlury. An eflbrt will be made to get all the class now living together. Prof. Mtick U at Lansing this week, atending the Homeop. State Medical Society meeting, and is to read a paper ipon "Pathology as Belated to Tissue Cliaoges." The Kentucky Club, consisting of 13 members, banqueted at lLang-terfers' ast Saturday evening. Each meuiber ook a "frieud" to break the 13 at the able "hoodoo." It was amusing to see the members of he Boston Symphony orchestra " catch on" to the college yell and phalanz ap)lause. These were novelties to the musi:ians, but they learned to enjoy it. The ladies of Maryland and the east are so pleasfMl over the propositlon to idmlt ladies as students in the ncw naedcal departinent of that institution, tbat hey projiose to ralse an endowtnent ot f200,000 for the said m. d. The announcement of the result of tlie )use ball game between Cornell and the J. of M. at the Boston Symphony concert ?riday evening was ereeted with a hearty pplause and the U of M. yell. It surrised the people on the stage sorae. The College Alumnro of Ann Arbor vill give a reoeption to Mrs. Thomas S. McGraw and the raernbers of the Detroit iranch of the Association of Colleglate Alumuas, on Friday evening, May 30th, roui 8 to 11 o'clock, at No G Monroe st. The lady tennis players havlng the jrounds on the north side of che campus omplain that the students living north of there make a short cut by crossing helr gronnds, thus not only destroying the grounds but greatly annoying the )layers. The senior class of the medical department visited Pontiac last Saturday, and were acconipanted by Sec'y Wade, Drs. ■levdman, Linds, Uowe and Coolidge. They went for the purpose of uspecting the Eastern insane asylum at that place. There were fifteen lady students amoiijr them. The enthusiasm of tliestudents ovor the result of tlie Cornell game was all the more enthusiastic from the fact that Cornell scooped tlie U. or I. Hugbv team so unmercifully last season. The fcore Cornell 1, U. of M. 2, was posted on all the bulletin boards and in every available conspicuous place. President Angelí, Profs. Thomas, Scott, D'Ooge, and possibly II. O. Adams will leave to-morrow, Thursday a. in , for Kansas City to take part In the Kansas city olunini banquef, on Friday eveninji, May 23il. Prot. D'Ooge will examine the Kansas City schools wltü reference to 8(1mission to the Unlversity, wliile absent. The audience assembled to listen to tlie Boston Sytnphony Orchestra was a very Une one, Indeed. Many of the ladies were in iull dress and looked very sweet and pretty. The quite general absence of large or tall liaU and bonnets was happlly noted. The ladies are beginning to grow not only in good taste but in regard foi' otliera' comforts, Tlie extra concert to be given in the Clioral Union Series will occur Monday evening. June 9th, ac Universlty huil. The Dt-troit Phillinrinonic club, Julius V. Seyler, pianist; Mr8. Wright, of Detroit, contralto; Mr. Yunck, of Detroit, violinist, and Mr. Whitney Mockridge, the flnest tenor in America, from Chicago, are some of the attractions. The next meeting of tlie School inaster'a club is to be held in thla city Saturday, nexi, in Hoorn 24, north wii'g of the uniyersily. frof. Y. M. Spalding is to read a paper upon "Botany in the High School," and Prof. B. A. Hinsdale will read one upon " The Helation of the School Board to Educational Progress," the discussion to be opened by Judge Harriinan of thls city. A large number of the studente accompanied tbe members of tbe Bostón Sympbony Orchestra to the M. C. station after the concert Friday eveniníi, and had a very plcasant interview wlth the members. All appeared very much pleased wlth thelr Ann Arbor visit, and more than pleased wlth thelr appreciatlye audlence. If they are on the road ne.t Beason they wlll nut misa A.nn Arbor. Qo frlday eyenlng May 28d, tliere is to be an oral discussion in the Law Leeture Room, on the question: "Tbe Eigbt Hour Labor Probleni." Affirmative, B. H. Hurd, L. Sternbur?, C. A Palmer. Negative, J. A. Park, G. E. Waaier, K. K. Davis. Judges, Proís. B. A. Hlaadale, Geo. Ilempl, II. Wade Iíogers, J. C. Knowlton and Secretary James H. Wade. Exerclses to be copducted bv Prof. Trueblood. Public Invited. Rev. A. J. Covell who is just completing a course at the Andover Theological School, has peen called to the Congregational church at Flint. Rev. Mr. Covell is a gradúate of the literary department, class of '7, having worked his way through the university; If he can cement the congregation of the Congregational church at Flint, he will accomplish more than than any minister has yct done, and a dozen or so have tried it within the past few years. The faculty of the University met Monday evening to hear whatever might be said by the three sophmores in extenuation of their conduct in kidnapping Evans the Freshraan toastmaster, and to receive the petltions signed by the various classes. After a somewhat protracted session it was decided to let the decree remain as originally made, and so the boys will remain suspended for one year. It seems like a severe puishment for the offence. But of course the people must be given to undcrstand that discipline will be enforced. "Will you teil me why George Ilaviland is so successful a manager?" was a question asked by a young gentleman of a Courier reporter the other day. "Certainly," was the reply. "He is energetic, always on time, and while others are sleeping he is around at the different newspaper headquarters talking honey and phllanthropy to the editors and reporters and gettlng hls interests before the people. In other words he hustles for success, and is shrewd enough to know where the source of success in the entertainment line Hes." It is astonishing how little college pranks grow into enormous crimes when they get around into the press of the state. In the recent attempted joke on the Freshmen there was no one put to the least physical discomfort, no malice, nothing that was of a seriou3 nature, and yet to read one-half of the press of the state one would think tliat a great crime liad been committed. The avidity with which some papers seize upon the least pretext to exaggerate everything that happens among the university students would be extremely ludierous were it not for the bad ïmpression given the people by such misreiresentation3. Here is a paragraph from the Webster correspondent of the Dexter Leader, that deserves to be read. It may have au lmpresslon on some youug men who are very thoughtless about mposing upon other people: Webster, you know, Is way back in the woods; very few people hore ever saw anyone of much importance but once in awhlie we bave a treal. We dld last Sunday. A "freshy" frorn the University cuino out to air liis shirt front and awe the ploddlng yeoiimnry who attend the little white church on Lhe corner. The minister dld not usk lilm into the pulpit but we think it was because he noliced htm too late In the clay. Thls young "gentleman1' produced a lastlng im)re.sMU)n (on the wall) by Hghtlng hls clgarette io the hall of the sanctuary as he passed out. The color of his craniological excrescence and that of the llghted end of the match were strikingly alike. There was soou a n illustration of "fooi at one end aud flre nt the other." Probably one of tlie greatest college events of the season will Le the production of the Latin play " Mienechmi of Plautus," which will be given in Universlty hall, on Saturday evening, May ülst, in tlie original tongue. ïliis will be the second time in the history of the University that a Latin play will be given, the other belng rendered in 18S2. The production of this play met the approval of the late Dr. Frieze, and was decided upon early in the year, and the present Soplioraore clnss were selected to glye it. Regular rehearsals have been held during the eutire winter, and it is said that the actors have reached that standard of excellence that leaves no doubt as to the wisdom of the plan. The costumes were prepared by the young ladies of the Sophomore class after a critical study of the classical inodels in possession of the University autborities. Special scenery has been paloted by Louis F. Feit, the seenic artlst In the Detroit opera house. The stage and scenery is already being got in ulnce for the occasion. THE PALLADIUM. Tliis yearly publication of the secret societies has novv reached its 32d volume, and escli year there is an endeavor to outdo the preceüiDg volume. The class of '90 will give its eflbrt to the public early uext week, and it will be one that they will justly feel proud of. The frontispiece is an elegant steel eneraving of President Angelí, and one of the best portraits ever published of this eminent man. Jiy the stimmary of fraternities we fiud that there are 25 societies in the University of which four are Sororities. There are 380 meuibers among the regular fraternlties and 55 in the Sororities, making a tot:il of 435 altogether. The general convention of one f raternity the Sigma Plii is to be held in Aan Arbor Jan. 3 and 4, 1891. The literary producttons will be reacl by the public and consist of an article upou President Angelí by Prof. D'Ooge, [iiwins by Miss Elsle, Jones, F. N. Scott, Sar:ih E. Satterthwaite.MissA.M. Young, and others, a paper upon Music in the University by Prof. Stanley, one upon The Llbrary by R. C. Uavis, also a sketch of Prof. Stanley, a History of the Visit of the Pan-Amerlcans, etc. Besides giving the name and residence of every student by classes,it gives nl 1 the college organizatións of every kind and description, with niembership. Has a full page picture of ttie Glee Club and another of the Banjo Club. Portraits are given of Profs. Stanley and Kelsey, with a paper upon the htter by Piot. Carhart. The illustrations are very profuse, some sober and souie exeeedlngly comIcal. The Bon-Bon department Í3 decidedly lnteresting, and these pages will probably be soiled more than any others in tlie book by the University students. Tliere will be 200 pages, the largest Palladium ever issued. ïho cover is to be white bsick with black sides and gold letteringand ornamants. The editors have been industrions and indefatlgable in their lahors, and will certalnly be richly repaid, for the book cmnot help hut be popular. It is a perfect beauty; a marvel of lovellDess.


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Ann Arbor Courier