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Memorial Day

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Tlie following general order for the observation of Memorial Day has been issued: Headqüarters Grand Abmï of tuk I public, Dktkoit, Micii., April 24th, 1S90. j Ueneral Order, A'o. IS. Again Memorial D:y wlll cali lis to nssemble to pay our tribute of respect, love and veneratlon for the herolc dead. Xo plght so quiokens tbe heart of the veteran as to aee ttie children witli thelr baskets of flowers at the graves of hls comrades. Why Is It Unit we observe Memorial Day after the lapse of these many years? No legislatura ordered it; 110 eovernor directed it, yet in every state or thls Union, It is rellglously and roverently observed. it isa cusstom no other nation or people ever followed. AH natlons have honored thelr soldiery; they have welcomed home their victorlous anules wlth many domonstratlons of love and alrectlon. Mouuments have been reared to perpetúate thelr memories. It luis been left to tne American volanteer eoldlery to Inaugúrate Memorial Day. Uettert'mn all monuments, better than all trlumphal arches, better thau all tatutes, is Lliis beautiful tribute. Better by far tliat thls country have no granlte shafts thau to forget tbis saored day. 11 U a living, breathlDg patrlotlsm, renewed eachyear. It Ís a monument rebullí annually in thO heartR of the people. Granlte or Lironze manuinents areerecteu but once. It Ih by far the best lesson of loyalty that conld be taught to the chlldreu who are so sooq to be the men and wonion of the nation. Better for the nation that lts chlldren and youth remember thls day than that 11 have armles as large as those of all Knrope. Nu wur ofdlsunlon wil I cometo thls country so long as It observes Memorial Day, wnich, securely Intrenched In the hearts of the people, will make the government safer thau a myrlad offorts brtsillug with cannou. il muiters llttle how large or sraall muy be our standing army, if we glve to the people the educatlon thls day teaches. It Is a day whioli the people themselves created. It Is founded upou the best and hollest sentiment of our nature. At Uettysburg Lincoln sald: "We have come to dedícale a portlou of that Held as a flnal rcsting place for those who eave up Ihelr Uves that the nation might live. Itlsalltogether fitting and proper that we should do thls. Butinalargersensewe cannot dedícate, we (.'in nol consécrate, we cannot hallow Ihls ground." And so each year, on the 30lh of Muy, as we galher to dedícate anew the hallowed gruund, where rest the brave - we, in a ilher aense, cannot dedícate, wecannot consécrate, we canuot hullow the ground- the brave men wbo on u hundred baltle flekls javetheir 11 ves that the nation might survlve, uave consecrated H far beyoud our power to add or detract. It Is for us to dedícate oursel ves to thework Of perpetuatlng the Union they preserved - the country tbey sa ved- to the end that thelr devotion, whlch ended with tbcir Uves shall not have been in valn. It Is earnestly recommended that guch posts as cannot Jolutly attend Memorial Services atthe cemeterles, or other approprlate places, hold such services, in thelr post halls or otber convenient places, and invite all patrloticcitizeus tojoin them. By. Order of H. A. ALGER, Commander-lu -Clilef. (ko. II, IIoi'Kiss, Adjutant-Oeneral. The program for Memorial Day services has been published in full ia these columns. The following information may ie of service to our readers however. The agricultural room in the court liouse basement and the engine house in the ötli ward wlll be open early on Friday morning for the reception of flowers, and all of our citizens are asked to coniribute. The wives and daughters of veterans, and all other ladies who will kindly devote the time, are requested to meet at :he agricultural room ia the court house basement or at the 5th ward engine house ;o arranze the flowers, on or before 8 o'clock Frlday morning. The school childrcn will be requested by their teachers to gather flowers on Thursdiiy evening and Friday morniox and bring them to the above naiued places. Each comrade of Welch Post is re quested to report for duty at the post room at 8:30 o'clock a. m., and at 9}4 o'clock will be detailed to proceed in carriages to the different ceineteries and strew flowers on the graves of old soldiers buried there. In the afternoon all comrades of the post will meet at 3 o'clock and in comliny with the camp of Sons of Veterans mid Company A, M. S. T., will march to Unlvereity hall where services will commenee at 3 o'clock. The address is to be delivered by that eloquent orator Col. John Aikln-son, ol' Detroit. All Soms of Veterans whether memben of any camp or not are requested to meet at G. A. It. Hall, South Aluin st., Frlday, May 30, at 1:45 p. in., and take part in the memorial services


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