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%rho has a dlscasod Uvcr Ís to at once tako propei laosns to curo it. Tho fuuctlon tho Livor is ii elgned to pcrform, ond on th recular exeoutlon f whlch dependa not only tho general heult h oí tha lxdy, but the pemere of tho Ntoniach, Bouelst Jiratn.and tho wholc nervous system. shows iti vost ana vital iiaportauco to humau healíh NOmBEING ihould rnn Ilio risk for 3 single day of neglectlng thls important organ, but shoum promplly iret a box cf r. C. McXano'i Colebratoii ilvcr Pili, made by T LEMIXQ BEOS., TiltsburKh, Tu., and use ficcording to directions ttiey wíil curo yon promptly and pcrmanpntly. Arnund cach box u a vrapper giving full description of thcsymptoma oí B diseasca Livcr. Thcy can bo had of druggiats. 63"Bcwaro of Cocktrfeits made in SU Loul5.Lft FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. IVORY POLISH eTH.3 PERFUMEG THE BaEATH. ASK FOR IT. CARTERS] CURE Biclc ücadacho and relieve all tho tronbles inc!dont to abilioua Btato of tho system, snoh oa Diz.iuess, Nausea, Drowsiunss. Dtatross ;ifter catiut;. l'aiü in tho Sido, ic. Whilo thcirraoat roruarkablo suecos has bcoa showu ia curiug SICK Jlcadacho, yet Cortcr'a Littlo Livor Pilla aro cqually valuablo in Constipat ion, eutiDA audpro . vontiug thiaannoyinRCOiaplaint, whilo theyalao corrcctalldi3onler30fthOBtomach,8tiraulatotho livor and rogulato tho bowola. Even if thcy only HEAD Aclio Ihey would bo almos t priorlrf s to t lioso who Bufferfrointbisdiatrüssiiincomplaint; brflfortuuatolytbcirgoodRcss does no touUit:ro,aiKlthoso vhooncotry tbem will fine! thesu littlo pills valueblo in bo inany wayathattboy will not bo willing to do without tiieia. But after allsick heaci ACHE Is tho baño of so many livea that hero b whoro vemiko our grcat boast. Our pilla curo it while others do not. CarUVa Littlo Livcr PÍ113 are very small and Tcry easy to t:vko. Ono or two pilla makoa dose. Thcy aro strictly voirotahlo aiui do nt gripo cr pnrp1. butby thoiru:illoacüou ]ilc:isoall who usethei. In 25 oenta ; flvefor$l. Sold by drugí;iata evorywhrro, or pent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL Pili. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE If You Have CONSUMPTION GOÜGKorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA Wasting cf Flesk Or emjf Dtsense tejiere the Threat and Lung arê Xnflamedf Z.acJc of StrcngtH or Aerr# roiocr, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OP PURE COD LI VER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. A sic for Scott't Emulsión, and let no cxplanalion er tolleitatlon induce you to accept a ilmííuíe. . Sold by all Dmggists. SCOTT &. BOWNE.Chemlate, N.Y. To cure Eilionsncss, SIck Headache, Constipation, Malaria, LIvcr Complaints, take the safo and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS ITse he SJIAI.Ï., Size (4O!ittIe Bennsto tho bottlc). IHKY ARE TUE MOST COXVENIENT. Snitnble olí Ages. Prlce of eltlicr wize, 25c. per Itottlc. ■llVVIIIIIüaílolforífti.ícoppsrioritanp]. J.F.SMITH&CO.Miïtteraof-BILEBEANS'ST. LOUIS VO. RnbbíT Shoes nnlces worn -uncomfortably tlglit, (tcnerally slip off the foet. THE "COLCHESTEB" RUBBER CO. mate aU üielr hoes wlth insfde of heel llned wlth rubber. Thls clines to the hou und proveuU tho rubber trom llpplng off. CaU for the "Colchester" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS' -FOR SAI-K BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A. D.SEYLER&SON. AMBT ARBOR. Jftortgage Sale. DBFAULT UAVINO BEEN MADE IN THE condltlone of a certaln mortafít' executed hv Chanccy W. Klic1 to Kownua KJKgs, dated tlte 9th flny of 'Kebrunry, A. D.iüsd, nd reoorded in the office, of the Regfiter of Deédfl for the County oí Wofhtenaw nml State of Michigan, on the Xth day of Uctober, 1880, In Llher 53 of MoHg&ffCS on page W2, aml which sald mortose was duly aby deed of asnljmmcnt, by the sald Rowana KipL', Clara II. Hi'es, jn the ISthdayol' April, 185, which said asslgoment of xald mortRage la rocordsd in the office of the li'-uister of I hrils in eaid County of VTasbteiiftW, and Wtate of Michigan In Líber S of Asi-ignmont of iMorigaRep, on page 472. by which eaid delault the pov huIc contained in eaid mort:'au bae becomc opertiveand noeultor procccdiDL'K, in law or cquity, having bet-n lnstituttd to recover the debt securud by said mortjiage, or any part thereof, and tht; turn of Í275.00, at the date of this notici, liein? cliimed to be due on said mortgage, notlcc is tberefore hereby givcn that said n tgage will be foreclod, by a sale of the mortpnged premiscK therciu dercribed, or eome part thireof, and that tbc premitee are deacribed in eaid mortsraKC as lollows, to-wit: All tha c .-rtain ,ice or parcel of land itmtted in tle To Mfhlp of Sylvan in the County of WashtcnawandStotc of Michigan, atid deecribed as folIowb, to-wit: The Boaueaat quarter (i) of the Kouth -castquiirtcr of eecllon thirty-one In tuwnihlp nnmber two eoutb in range three cast, at public venduc on the ltith day of Muy, 1890, n noon of Baid day, at the north front door of the Court lloare in the City of Ann Arbor. In pald County; That being the place of holding the Circuit Conrt in naitl Counry, Duted Fub. Uth, 189'. CI.ARA II. RIGÖS, A. J.SiwTKR, Anignee rr the uortgacee, Att'y for Aösignec. Kowana Kigiis. The abovn enic wüs adjourned (rom Muy 16th to May Ijlst, at the BStao place and time oí day. Charles Dywkk, Sheriff. Dated, Ann Arbor, May l(i, I Pkar's is the purest aud best Soap ever made. Every Enterprising Threshcrman knows that the threshing machine that wil) work the most rapidly, clean perfectly, and save all the grain will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will Write now to at once investígate our claim that beats anything heretofore made in all these and other points. The wide-awake Farmer will also get our circulars and satisfy himself whether he can afford to have his grain wasted by other threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with the New Vibrator Our pamphlet giving full information about Threshing Machinery and Traction Engines sent on application.


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Ann Arbor Courier