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SAVE TOUR DOLLARS ! CHiiail&MlLLEI WILL PLACE OX SALE TUIS "WIEIEIIS: 10 pieces black and colored Silk warp Henriettas $1.25 qnality for 85c a yard. 5 pieces black Surah Silks at 50c, Cíe, 75c and 85c a yard. 5 pieces wide elegant black Dress Silks at 75c 85c and $1.00 a yd. 10 pieces 48 inch black Lace Drapery and Fisü Kets atSc, 75c, $1 and $2-25 a jd. 4S inch black Cliantllly Lace Floiincinirs at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 a yard. 25 plcccs yard wide Challies at 15c a yard. Oncease Elegsnt styles 12}Lc Drcss Ginghains and Sccrsuckcrs for 8c a yard. 50 pieces best 8c Indigo Blue Prints at (e a yard. 25 pieces wide Indigo Bine Prints at 12 1-üc quality for 9c a yard. 200 tVindow Shadcs, complete iritli Spring Rollers all ready to hang, at 35c cacli. 5O pairs Lace Ciirtainsat $1.00, $1.25 to $3 00 a pair. 200 Curtain Poles, complc'e, at 25c eacli. 10 pieces Fancy Strlpe Flanuels at 8c a yard. 150 lbs. Ihc Geese Feathers at 50c a Ib. 20 pieces slrlpe Bed ïlckings al Se 10c, and 12Jc a jI. Wc are ero lo glve yon some big bargains in MUSUN - UNDERWEAR 15 doz. Ladies' Xfeht Dresscs al 5Oc and 75c cach. 40 doz. Dravers, made of fruit of the loom cotton, only 25c a pair. 10 doz. white MhsIIii .Skirts al 50c and 75c each. Infanls' Robes 50c, 75c and L1.00 eacli. Childrcns' white Dresses at 25c, 50c and 75c. 50 doz. ladies' Ribbcd Tests t for 25c. Jnst received 25 Elegant Embroilered black Cashmere I -'clins at s i.oo, $5.OO, $7.00 to $15.00 cach. Always the Cheapest. SCHAMS MILLE)? "toilet soap Gif EN AWAY FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS Totliose uslug 0UR SOAP and bringrIngr 25 Gold or Silver Mock Wrappers to the factory, Coíiicr Main and Madisou streets, 11 be giveii 25 ets. Worth OF 0UR ELEGANTTOILETSOAP Wilh 1.1 rarietles to select from. on't inistake ns Tor other soap TactorÍes. OUK GOODS are plainly stamped. PENINSULAR SOAP CO., prll 9, '90. Ann Arbor, Mich. J. J. GOODYEAR No. i8. JHKX Hl. O O$ fao e 0. v'é @Ow DRÜGGIST H wltl be to your advantage to cali opon Ili in brliptv ptirCtlIUSlllg QyRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEQ1CIJVES. PRESCRIPTIONS! accurately anl carefully prepared by tlie oost competent PliarmaclsUt. The niiett line or KOOda In all depart'inilMi to be fonnd In a drug store. Valuadle - Real - Estáis I FOR SAÏ.E. The followlng propertv bclonglní! to Lynian D. James: Tlie Franklln Hoiisp. The ''Monitor' propertj. Six Lots on the corner of Fanrlli nntl Washington sts. House mul Luton Liberty st. Al'IT.Y TO EUGENE E. BEAL, AGENT. CHAS. STABLER & CO. I [j INTERIOR H g NEW M o A ti No asi year's bird nests. . _ Everything nao, ntat and lf clean. All out papers are C O tl ds spring styUs. Qj NOOLD STOCK! 0 n ;í Ai' carry afitll htu C - A paints of all tins mixed f. i rcadyfor the brttsh. m H CHAS, F, STABLER & CO, ' No. 6 Huron St., West.


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Ann Arbor Courier