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Epitome Of The Week

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In the Sfiiitti'on tin:;,i rcsointtona were presented from the Louislana Legislatura extending thauks io CongTess and Uie President ior the relief artorded to tho sufferers from the recent Mississipiii Is. The bill for preventing the odulteration of food and drugs was f;irorably reported, A biUwaapassed to próvido for the gxportatlon of fermcntcd liquor in hond without paymelït of internal-reveniie t&X. Tho silvor bill wis dtscussed In the House a bill was passfil authorlzittg the sale oí tiraber on certain lands reserved for the uso of the Monomineo tribe of Indians in Wiseonsin. ThO AiaiiHina oontestcd eleotion oase f McDuflio vs. Turpln was considered but qo actiou was taken. In the Benate on tho 4th the presiüins offlcer announced as the select committee on the bill for the tahlishment of the University of tho United States Mi-ssrs. Kdmunds. Sherman, Ingalls, Blair. Oolph, Harrts, Butler. Uibson and Uarbour. The fortlncatlon bill was passed. A Joint rosolution was oiTered authorizing tho President to form alUanoes forelgn countries for the suppression of the liquor trafttc. A bill was reported providing for the establishment under Federal authority, and at the expense of the public treasury, of an cmployment bureau for tho poor In the House the majorlty report on the Alabuma contcsted election case, seating McDuflly (Rep.), was adopted. A bill reducinj; the piice of all agricultural publio land to au acre was favorahl.y reported. Bills were pa-ised in the Sonate on the 5th grantiug pensions of $50 a month to the widow of Rcar Adminil Edward Donaldson, and to the widow of Oommander Winslow, of tho Kearsargo. A bilí was iutroduced to prohiblt tho exportation of alcoholic liquors to África and the islands of the Pacific ocean. The silver bill was discussod In the Houso tho time was occupied in discussing the silver bill. In the Benate bilis were introduced on the 6th for the relief umi civilization of the Chippewa Indians in Mimiesota. and providing a service pension for those who served sixty days in the war of the rebellton r any Indias war prior to 1S63 of (Hic oeni for tucli day of sorviee. The silver bill was furtner considered In tho House a bilí was Introduced to prohtblt the exportation of intoxiiatin;,' liquors to África and the islands of the Paoitlc ocean. Tlic silver bill was disfusstnl. DOMESTIG. THE statement of the public debb isRued on the 2d showed tho total debt to bo $1,601,803,599; cash in the treasury, $36,901,791; de!)!. !ess casli in treasury, $1+668,858,899. Decrease during May, $6,601,371. Decrease sinee Juno 30. ISSfl, 887.787,728. Tuk Standard Oil Company on the 3d purchased the Forest Oil Company oí Pittsburgh, Pa., tor $1,600,000. NeARLT -!.UUU saloons in üaltimore, Md., that wero doing a Qourlabing business a month ago, were elosod on the 2d, owinof to a heavy Increaseln tholicense. John Cabpenteh and .James Gillespie on the tid discovered by aeoidont the long-lost Mcxican silver mines in Franklin County, Ark. A CYCLONE struck the villano of Bradshaw, Neb., on the Sd, destroying nearly every house in town, killinff five persons and seriously injuring many others. MlCHASL SUMNKB, a merehant and miller at Xew Prague, Mlnn., failcd on the 3d for S110.000. In the United Presbyterian General Assembly at Buffalo, X. Y., on tho 3d a resolution was adopted eondemning all laws relating to diroroe and permitting tbe breakinfr tip of marriage relations on other than Soripturat grounds. A STOBM of wind and rain on tho 3d at Scales Mound, 111.. and vicinity, did damago to the extern ol $150,000. Fon: Farmers were struck by lightning on tin; :J,d near Caro, ích. A cycï.onk on the 8d ar. Llttle Black, Wis., destroycd twelve houses and unroofed many othors. Nú ne was injured. At Waynesburg, Pa., a firo on tho 3d destroycd tho McOnrgan and Minor blocks, the two largost buildings in town. LiGüTNljre struck a powder-house on the outskirts of Mansfield, ().. on the 8d, and in the explosión that followed two residiMires were o implotely wrecked and three persons were killed. A wiNii-srmiM on the Sd at (lenwood, Ia., wrecked tbe State institution for the feeble-mlnded, and two nys wero killed and six other persons wero injured. Severul other buildings wero also ruined. Becaisk she feit, il, was bevond her power to live an ideal lile l'.i-year-old Maudo Fisher, of New Britain, Conn., drowncd herself on the 3d. WestEBH lowa was affuin deluged with heavy rains on tho -Itli, and great damage was infücted upon the towns of Underwood, Neola, Persia and Weston, in Pottawattamie County. At tho former place t.liirty-iivo residenees in the lowland.s wero wrecked by water and as many families made bomeless. In the Boone river valley a cyclone destroyed every thing in its path. killinfr one man, and at Angus a school-house waswrecked and all tho pupila injured. one fatally. Thk internal rev(?nue collections for the month of May amounted to S1C,837,772, showing an increase on every object of taxation except oleomargarino. Tuk Turners of Harían County, Ky. , fought a battlo with a sheriff's posse on tbe 4th in Lee County, Va., and two of the Turners were killed. A raxciiku and bis wife and twochildren living noar Tucson, A. T., wero murderod on tho 4th and their house burned. It was thought to havo been the deed of Indians. A ci.oud-ul'hst on the 4th at Zumbrota, Minn., washed away many houses and barns and drowned much stock. Tho entiro population of the villago abandonod their bouses and fled to high lands. Frank McIi.vaix. oashier of the Sulpbur Ueposit lïank at Sulphur, Ky., disappearod on the 4th with $10, 000 belonging to the bank and tho wifo of John Watkins. At the sixty-fifth anniversary of tho Brooklyn (N. V.) Sunday-aohool Union on the 4th Grj.OüO children took part in the parade. At Fort Scott, Kan., Judgo J. S. West, of the United States District Court, on tho 4th rendered a decisión on an "original packago case," in whloh ho declined to enforco tho Stg'o prohibitory law.


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