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KASORIC DIKKITOKV. ss akhdk ('ommandrry. No. IS uitwis ürst Tuesday of eacli month. B. V. Waf. E. 0.: John It. Mlner, Recorder. #AHÏTIiHAW OlIAPTKR, No. 6, R. A. M - Mhi-Im (Irsi. Mimdny eacli montb. I.. C. Qoodrlch, H. P.: Z. Roath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISKASKS OP TUK BYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFICE AID RESIDEÏCE, 26 SOÜTH DIVISIOI STREET Hours: 1 to4, and:30 to":30P. M. VOO-EL & IKZEIRILsr DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Foultry, Ijürd, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 K. Ann Ht., Alm Arlior. V. W. M IIOI.S, iDBiïT'ris'rBooms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, Opp. Court Uouse Square. VITALIZED Á1B. Adralnlatered. It is agreeable and easy to Ukc, and do prostraling ettect follow. wblle teeth aru eztractod without pain. wii.utn HERZ, House, Bign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Qlazlng, Gilding, and Calctmining, and work of every deacription dono in the beet I etyle, and warranted to give Battafaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. 'DKALER IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC Aad Coramon Cofflng. Calis attented to Day : or Ntght. F.inbalmlDg a speclalty. Btorerooui on K. Washington street. Resideiice Oor. Iilberty nd Klftü. lHSH Tbe only 'WIIiKKS in Ann Arbor. By Ira Wllkes (591Ö), 22%. Sire of Jud Wilkes töyrs.) 3 beata 2::iO, 2 3UÍÍ, 2:2514. the oldest colt tralncd Own brother to Mike Wilkes, 2:15%. and Adrián Wilkes. slre of Box VV'ilkeB, 2 :1ML and Lllian, 2:U%. First dam by Hambletonian George, 2897, slre of Ed. Mack, 2,2C)i, etc. Second dam by Gen. Tavlor, matinee. 237 In 1864. Sou of Black Hawk 5; Thlrd dam by Black Lion. Fourth dam Cauadlan. Black horse, foaled 1886, 18 hands. Hlron all around and well flnlshed. Has Une trottlng actlon. but prefers and Is rapid at the pace and will be tralned at Umi gute aftor July lst. Trotting bred Pacers are uow leadlng the young. Slressidney. 7 yrs. wlth 5in2:30. Hermlt, 0 yrs. one in 2:27. Happy Russell, 5 yrs., lias one In Sr2!% yodogéat ulre knowu; and otbers eau be uamed to show that the pace is necessary to produce fast trotters. Maud 8., 2H&%. Jay-Eye-See, 2:IUM, and Sunol, ülü'í. are all natural pacers. Terms: Insure f25. due Keb. lst. 1891, or $10 down and $16 wben live sound colt is foaled. Hls foals of 1889 are trotters and ttvwry breeder should see them. DK. J. A. lll', Veterinary Inllrinary, 24 W. Hurón st.. Aun Arbor. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BIBST PLAIT8, IBÏÏIT AND ORITAntEITTAL TREES Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! SYRUP8 AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrupa of Raspberry and of Bartlett Pears. Bonenett, Damlellon and Raspberry Wines and Shruba. Sweet Red and white Concord, and MarthaGrape Wlnes.espeelally prepared for Invalida. Order treea and plants early as we get most of tliem from the best Eastern Nurserles. K. UUK. W K. 1 IIIKOV HTBKKT. gj77ö Greatest Blood Purifier KNOWN. # I I Thls Grcat Germán Medicine is the# II IH cheapest and best. 128 doses uf Si: L-j I lllHUKKITTKI{Sfor$1.00,lesstliau# 3 III III one cent a dose. It wlU euro üu-M LI m worst cases of skin dlsease, fronw M CiJa oonunon pimple on the f&ccM f J Uto tnat awful diseue Scrofula. ,5 [IsVLl'in U BITTERS la thc# III best medicino to use in all " Illcases of such stubborn andyo,lr III UI deep seatcd ditjeasua. loWiu.y s ar( nut III UI uut ever take #of order. iselU BLUE PIULS fuJJJ.'JQ H or mercury, thcy are deart , ÜTïjE in IH II ly. Ptaceyour trust mWj''w 'f B II SULPl lUIt UITTE HS, #.","L II Hl the purest and bcst#you Ub0 M medicine ever made. gulplur Bitters ! il B wiihaycllowstlcky#Don't walt until yon Eg Hl inbMance? Iyour#are unable to walk, or IT1 Hlbreath foul and#are Hat on your back, III Illoffensivc? Yoiir#biit get somc at once, lt llstomach Is ont#will cure you. Suliliur Hl of order. UscifBitters Is Ulül'LPlirR #ThA TnvnlMi Pripnd SS ■aimnRiiiiatolyrherouuïr, tbeaged and t' L■■Y■ 1 Ib your l'r-Wteriux ar; soon male well by Ijl Hl ine t!iiii:,#lti use. ]i'ini'llllit:r Whllt y" I II rjpy, rl')-#iv;ul iiere, lt may save your lluüy, or#i,., it has savett buiulruds. I II g. #Dou't wait uutil to-inorrow, I ? Try a Bottle To-day! E3 I f ƒ Are you low-spirited and weak. Ijl II S Mor suffcrinir froni the pxoeues "f II II L#voutn? lf so, 8ULPH0B UITTEKSl I II '#111 cure yuu' Seml 3 '2 cent stampa to A. I". Ordway Co., Boston. Mas., tor best medical work publlshed? The Farmers' & Mschanics' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUSPLUS $7,000. Aöflitional Liatilities of Stockliolflers $50,000. Report ol the conditlon of the FARMERS' AN1J MECHANICS' BANK at Aun Arbor, Michigan, at tbe close of business May 17, 1S90. KK8OUKCES. Loans and discouutó Í 226,490 02 Stocks, bouds, mortgages, etc 57,(i5l 51 Overdrafts UU7 J Due frora banks in rexerve clties.... 59.KW :14 Kuruiture and ilxtures 3,0 0 00 Hllls ia transit 2,&55 20 (,'urrent expenses aud laxes pald... 1,11!) 11 Interest païd 2,062 Ubecks and ensh items 761 i Nickeli and penuies 145 3!t Gold M52 r Sil ver 2.107 ü-r U. S. and National Bank Notes 8,221 UO lotol 370,020 U LIABIL1TIES. Capital stock pald in 50.000 0( Surplus fuud 7500 01 Undlvlded proflts S,4ri O1 Commercialdeposits 265.08Í 0.! Sttvlngs depoalts 8l7 2b Total 8370,920 1 STATK Ol?' MICHIGAN,) County of Washteoaw, ) I, FHKDKRICK H. BULSBR, Casbier, of the above naraed Iiiink, do soleinnly wear that the nbove statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and gfej „„„,„_ Subscribed aud sworn to before me, thls 27111 day of May, lS'JO. C. H. MANIA. Notary Public. Corrkct- Attest: Chas. E. Greene, Amiiroso Kearuey, D. F. Schalrer, Directora. The Farmers' & Mechanlcs' Mt havlng nled thelr certlflcate with the State Banking Department are now authorizcd to do business asa Suvings Bank, aud In pur guanee thereof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savlngs department on all deposita of SI and upwarda. Interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The savlngs department Is open Saturday nlghts from 7 untll 8 o'clook. Mouey to loan In Bums of $25 to f5,000 secured by unencunibered real eslate or approved securlties. lllltKCTOItS Krulirn K.Illpf. rliaH. K. (ïri-enr, F.. Dully, AmbroNe Kriirney, Win. C. Steven, W. V. Hrrnkiy J. K. Heul, Joliu Ku re, D. F. Silinirer. K. KKIII'I', Prs. JE. DtFFY, Vlce-Pre. F. II. BELSBH, Cashlnr TÍÍÍPAPERSs Newspaper Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spruca Ktreet),whcri:iilvi.T. pi ttfinl iSftïïrs?ïs NEW YORK. ScalySkin Diseases PsorlaHis 5 yeara. roverlng Taro, Iicnil. nul en Uro body ivlth wliite hi-uIih skin red, in-h . and blerdlug. llalr all tfou. siii'iit liuiKlrcds ui' UoIIuim. l'roiionnot-u Incurable. un-il by iitlciirii Komedie. My dlnease psoriasis) firfit broke out on my left cheek, ppreuding acrogs my nose, and almoxt covering my face. It rail iuto my eyet, and the phystclan was aíraid I would loe my cyeslght altog ?ther. It epread all over my bead, and my hair all lel] out. until I was entirely bald-bcaded : It tben brokc out on my anus and Fhouldere, until my armj wcre Just one soru. Itcovered my enlire body, my face, head, and ehouldera beinif the worst. The wnltc ecabs feil consUntly from m; bead, Khoulders, and ; tbe ekiu would thicken a?id bu red and very itchy, and wonld crack ani bleed ilucratched. Alter spending miiny hundreds of dollar, I was prononneed incurable. I huiird of the Cuticuka Kemeoies, and after ubIük two bottles C'UTicuKÁ Kesolvent, I could eee achange and after I had taken four bottk-8, I was almoat cured; and when I had used slx bottlce of Cui'icuha Uesolvsnt and one box of Cdticuba, and one oaKe of Cuticitra Soap, I wag cnred of the dreadlul dlsease from whlch 1 had suffored for flve yeare. I Ihought the diüeane would leave a very deep scar, but the Cuticdka UmiEpIiis cured it without any scarg. i caunot exprees with a pen what I suflered beforo using the Cuticüba Remedies, rbey eaved my llfc, and 1 feel It my duly to recommend them. My halrls restored as good as cvitr, and mo is my eyes!:ht. I know of olhers who have recelrcd groat bcneflt from thelr nsc. .Mits. ROSA KKLLY, Kockwell City, Iowa. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin Purlflcr and Diirest and best of H n tpor Remedies, internally.and Ctm cum, the crest bkm Cure, and Cuticuba Soap, an exquislte Skin Beautifler, enernally. have cured tboueanda of canea where the Bheddini; of scules measured a qunrt daily, the uktn cracked bleedliiR. burni nx. and Kching almont beyond human endurncchair ]ifelts or all gone. ufferiue terrible. What other lemedles have made euch cures f SoW everywhere Prlce Cüticura, 60c.; Soap, ffic.; Kksoiaest, 81. Prcpared by the Pottkr Dbuo and CnKaifALCoRroBATioN, Boston. fS' Sí lluw t0 Oure 8iin IMBettses,"' M pngefl. 50 Illusiratlona, and loo testimoniáis. PI MPIiiE9li!ilïrk heaci9-red.fngh,chapped,and f 1 1YI oily gkln prevented by Cuticuba Soap. m Jk ïlïöFs the pain. CLf' "ckachc, kidney pains, weiiknesf, pSJBv rheumatism and muscular pnim. reIJfiT 'ivl In on in In ut, by the I mk "' Olra Axtl-Paln Plaater. killing piaster.1"" " and oul '"taneous


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