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Wlieat is heading out nicely. School closed In Milan last Friday. New potatoes are now being brought to market. The farmers were nevcr more busy In tlieir lives. Over 30 new buildings n Stockbndge this season. Oeorge Stnith is to start a third meat market ia Dexter. And South Lyon wants to let the cagle seream alao, on July 4. On Sunday, June 8th a slight frost was reported at Xorth LaKe. Milan will try to celébrate the 4th this year. Pretty late to start. The Milan high school uine defeated the Dundee nlne 21 to 20. South Lyon has raised almost enougb wind for a ncw flouring mili. Livingston connry treasurer Iim eollected $G,233.34 of liquor taxes. E.lmutid Conde, an old pioneer of York, died Sunday of last week. Ypsitantians will pay $34,350 to run tlieir ci(3' government this year. The Milan Leader office has a new Allen job press, for small work. The Sentinel complains of Saturday night drunkenness In Ann Arbor. Stockbridge has a 50 year old loenst tree 10 ft. and four inches in clrcumference It cost Nelson Durkee, Jr., $5.81 to assault Marshal Gauntlett, of Milan, recently. The editor of the So. Lyon Picket got up early enough to see a frost one mornMj,' recently. Dexter will celébrate the glorlous 4th, and she always celebrates in u way that svakes the eohoe?, too. The Stockbridge Sun protests in einphaiic Isnguage againsc the establishment of a saloon in that place. The Stockbridge races will take place July 30, 31 and August 1, next ut which time $2,(X)0 will be glven in premiums. Chelfea is now talkinr about a grand old fashioned 4th of July celebration. Time is getting precious for that event. P. L. Andrews hns bouglit a half interest in that live paper the Pinckney Dispatch. Here'a to the everlaetlug success of the new lirn1. At Saline 56 scholars were absent from one room recently becausc of the nieasles. For Bincious sake, how niany scholars do thuy have in a ruum tliere? The I. O. O. F. loire of Milán has eVoted the following ofticers : George P. Whaley, N. G. Wm. H. Wkaley, V. G ; Kilgar NV. Mead, sicy.; John Stiedel, trt'a.s. Mrs. Ruth Miuni-s who uves nonk of Chelsea, was thrown from her carriage while out ridiug recently, brenking lier :irm near the sliouldcr. Her age, 73, makes ihe accident serious . A North Lake correspondent says : "Tlie warm weather ís pusliiuj; things. Oorn looks well, potatoesaregrowing rapidly, íind wheat, oats, and jrass iniprovcd greatly the past weck. F. P. Glazler now pulls the ribbons over the li.-indsomest norse in Washtenaw eounty. - Chelsea Herald. Tbere are some very kandsome horses ia Washtenaw coiuity you muit renieinber. From Unadilla comes the followinjr pluint: There seems to be a jfreat deal of Sabbath breaking of late. At all events un8 are heard and nn'n are seen goine across Üelds to lakes witu li.-lnn tackle." The Chëlsea high school commencement exereisea wUl be held on the vening of June 27th at the town hall. Kev. Tlios. Holmes will deliver the Baccalaureate addrefs at the M. E. clmrcli, Sunday June 22d. Luther Palmer killed a six-rnttled ratlle snake neur one of lus strawberry beds last week. Boys who coon this lus clous fralt "of an cvenlng" kad better fíive that patch a wide berth.- Dexter Leader. Tommy McNamara feels veiy proud of lx liandeome steel plate en;r;ivings, all framed, which he recetved prepaid by express one day lust week, the gift of some generous friend who is uukuown to kim. - Chelsea Herald. While so many laborers are coui)laiiiinj; of not having my work to do, a few inight be employed In. repairing or rebuildiiig some of the dilaoidated slde walks a bout town or in cuttinit the wceds and gras In the streets. - Enterprise. It is getting to be quite the fashion to utiliza the great granite boulders that lie around the lields here for tomb stones. Mr. Hutzel of Ann Arbor kas plcked up one weighirg niue tona which he has pluced on liis lot lu tke cemetery. - Ypsilanti Sentiael. A young lady wns out walking with lier best lellow :i few evenings a;o when a little neighbor eirl, who was walking witli her pn rento, ran aliead to speak to tliem, but not being recognlz (], 8a d to her ma "I desstheiu cblldreu don't know me. " - E aterpiise. Cherries are very scattering. Pluma are very plentiful, (ifthey stay.) Peach trees are dyinr with a good supply of fruit. The leaves look scorched and shiiveled. Notice under tliem. Can ny one ive the cause and a remedyf - Ypáilantl Commercial. A man In Pittsburgh accidently killed his wife with a flobert rifle, the otber day, and tbe incident sugircsts the li.iliility to such results front tlie common use of those weapons by boy8, in destroying sprrow8. One of their ballets whizzed past our beád the other day, and we sbould have strongly resented it if it had hit us. - Ypsilantian. Fruit will not be more than lialf a erop, in this sectlen notwltbstending the prolific bloom, the cold, wet wimiIht having caused a large percentage to blaat, in conversation witli several Ann Arbnr growers we learned that pears would be almoet a fallare, peaches a fair erop In soine orchards a ml sinall frulta about half a erop.- Saline Observer. A race track would prove :i most v.iliiable addltion to Dundee. It would créate a greater Dterest n good horses, add valué to eaoh horse to be sold, and would also be the humus of establislring regular fuirs. Cannot soine of our enterprising citizens become interested iu the matter and secure tlie desired improvement.- Dundee Reporter. A couple of Normal school girls did not llke thti quality. of butter furnished by their landlady, and so thev itnmersed that individual with a couple puils of water, right before 50 or so of her boarders. She broughttliemboth before a justice who evlderitly thought tlie butter sufflcient cause for the assault, for he let the girls go without puiiishuient. Whether there will be any competltion in the wool tnarket here this season or not we cannot teil, but we presume tlie ilghest prices will be paid. We learn liat there are to be live firma represented viz., Schmid & Hulbert, Khefus & Ampoker, G. O. Vandegrift, Win. Burtlesp, nnd John Spafard. A few olip9 have een bought and price9 range from 25 to 28 cents.- Manchester Enterprise. Charles Spicer of Carleton, 9ged about 9, pleaded guilty in the circuit court Uonday to a charge of forgery, and fudge Kinne sentenced him to one year at Ionia. Spicer recelved a certificate rom the township clerk of Ash for nlne inglish sparrows, uponwhich thebounty vas twenty-seven cents. Uy adding cyhers he raised it to 900 sparrows and he amount to $27.- Dundee Reporter. A society for the prevention of cruelty o animáis would find missionary work in Hilan quite frequently. It is not unusual or some one to drive into town In the morning and leave their poor beast all day and sometimos long into the night ied to some hitching post without food or water, while the owner guzzles down nasty beer and flghting whisky. The whlpping post is too good for such men. -Leader. Yesterday the Good Samaritans and the Daughters of Samaría, two societies auxliary to the African M. E. church, held heir animal meeting in thls cUy. A large number of deleeates from various places were present, and the colored people of the city made the occasion quite a gala day. The best of order so f ar as we know prevailed, and the meetings were well ittended and successful. - Ypsilantl Comnercial, June 13. One of our sober, steady going citizens was out a few evenings 'ago, visiting a ïeighbor about a mile away. After putting in three or four hours of soeiabllity, md as many glasses of eider, he wished lis host a hearty good-night and ftarted outforhome. After golng about 40 rodi, je saw just in range of hls house what lie upposed to be a tire. He threw his coat uto a fence corner and started on a dead run, yelling fire, help, Ure at oO-lungpower every jump. After running a big, plutnp half mile, hediscovered that which he had taken to be lire was the full moon rising dtrectly behiiul his house. - ííorthville Kecord. Work on the third degree by Saline Lodge No. 133 P. and A. M. was the cause of an unusually large jratliering at Masonic hall last evtíning including over ilfty brethren from Vpsilanti, Ann Arbor, Milán and other neighboring polnts. The writer not bolng able to pass the picket lines, we are unable to describe the antics of the traditional goat, but II is safo to say the event was au enjoynble ene and will long be plensantly remembered by those wlio partioipated. At the conclusión ot the regular lodge work asumptuous luncli wa Burvud, aftcr which tlie fraternal grip was passed around and the assembled brethren turned their faces liomeward. - Saline Observur. The ilrst of the week the one-fourtli o. of silk-worm eggs whlch liad been sent Mr. Benj. Boyee, collector at the National bank, by tho U. S. Agricultural Department, some weeks ano, began to hatcli, having been exposed to the warm aun tor several days. Mr. Boyce lias the worms, whlch lmve already quadrupled in size in one of the vacant room over t'ie bank, and feedstheni regularly with lea ves f rom the mulberry trees, of which there are several about town. In about a mouth these worms, if overtaken by no disease, will spin their cocoons preparatory to becoming motlis. They are then killed, in order tbat tbey may not damage the silk by eating through the cocoon. - Ypsilantl Commercial. Last Friday afternoon Semlnary Hall was thronged, for the public school children of grades two to five inclusive, gave their anriual exhibitlou. Nearly two hundred bright children sang with greatest entlmsiarm and in accurate time and tune. Prof. Foote gets excellent work out of hls pupil8. The inotionsonga were beautlfully rendered. It was a pretty sigbt to see the hundreds of tiny hands gracef ui ly flung up or out in unisón. The flag song, with the bright colors of the flag set off by the white dresses, was the occasion of a pretty picture. There were also recitatlons and 11 vely dialogues which sliowed careful training. The two tiniest little (rlrjg, too young to be frightened, made the' most pronounned succeas. Dainty little Mtss Helen Wlard captüred the auilii-nce by her clever acting of the sketch, "The Bald Headed Man," and little Miss Helle Blue sang the solo of the "Phoebe song," and marched nbout the platform with bewitohing grace and self-possession. Prof. Foote and other teachers deserve tbanks for providing such a pleasant entertainment. - Ypülantian. Jlr. Gage, agent for the Heisler Electric Liglit Co., of St. Louis, Mo., was in town WednescUy to see about locating a plant here. The company manufactures a long distance incandescent system and Mr. öage is figuring on putting in a plant here that will light both this vlllage and Clielsei, and also to run a wire to Arm Arbor. For the first two places a 300 light dynamo would be used but if the tliird wore included a 500 light would be used. Under this system a 32 candle llgirt can be f'urnished for $18 per year at theoutside; the same figures holding good in the case of street llghting. Several Michigan towns no larger than this are using the system and it gives perfect satisfaclion. It is also a rich investment tor.thestockholders. Among these towDS mentioned are Union City and Ludington. Ue lookod over the lower mili water power sud estimated by using it thát a plant could be put in for $12,000. In the course of a few days the matter will be placed before the business men and oflicials of the two villages and some activa taken upon


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Ann Arbor Courier